day 2 done

220.6 this morning. I should just about manage to scrape back under 220 by WI next Sunday. Ive had an extra day this week (started on Saturday!) so that will help too. I dont expect to see much more of a loss at all for a few days though. Ive just dropped the best part of 7lbs in 2 days. Very pleased with that.
Im going to try to make the pancake packs with an egg white and less water....the same as the porridge packs...and see if that makes them more dense and thereby, more filling. In my seems like it should. But we shall see. it could be TOTAL FAIL. lol But may as well try it!
Food today:
2x pancake
2x chili (with a cheese slice melted through and a yolky egg on top - sounds gross but is so yum lol)
Im really craving broccoli though. Weird I know. But I struggle with having to tell myself off and/or feeling bad/guilty for wanting (or having) VEG!! So I dunno. I might get some. I might not. I really want to keep to as close to 100% as possible, for as long as possible.
already had a pint on water and working on my 2nd and having a coffee. it majorly helps that i wasnt up at 5:30am today! Zoe let me sleep til 7! Ive also decided I want to tryyyy to not drink anything past 6:30 or 7pm. I hate getting up a billion times to wee...and theres always a chance i will wake the kids. Anyway. thats the plan!
Im off out later to get some errands run - paying bills, getting some fruit for the kiddos..etc.
I would so so love to be back to my lowest weight by edinburgh on the 2nd. so i need to stay in this zone. and stay focused.
have a nice monday, all!