Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

70 carbs is spot on! Don't stress about that :)

I think you'll feel like you're treading water moving wise until quite near the time then all your hard work will come together :)

Who cares what the sales say when you're fitting into smaller clothes that is all the evidence you need :)

I'm in the car on way to airport got air con blasting on my feet its lovely:)
Been ok today. Not perfect. I decided to make an entire 300g bag of quorn chkn pieces with fajita seasonings and loads of fresh coriander. but then i ate the lot throughout the day! so i didnt have my chili at lunch. I also had about 8 pinapple chunks as i found a tin in the cupboard and figured it was either give it to the girls now and see if they liked it..or just chuck it out. so i tried it with them...they werent keen. most of it went in the bin but i did have about 6-8 chunks myself. and i also had a run-in with 1 ritz breaks thing. theres 5 in the pack. the girls each had 2 and i had the last one. not the worst thing in the world...apparently only 4g carbs. but still. naughty! so today i actually had 2 boiled eggs....1x pancake.....1 ENTIRE bag of quorn (picked at through the day! oh the shame :( ).....1x chili with an egg for the pineapple and the ritz. and im going to have my bar in a minute.

I must be better tomorrow. stick to plan and thats that.

Sunday, however. Hmm. My friend M has graciously suggested that we trial my cat at hers for an hour or so on Sunday and see how he gets on. If he's ok...then try again in a few days...and work up to him just living there. bless her. Well, today she sent me a text and said "Whatcha doing Sunday? Do you want to bring Lyra over for a visit and stay for a bbq?" uh...yeah!!! So we are going to hers for a bbq. and im going to enjoy it because i wont see her for a very long time...if ever....once we leave. Sunday is also day 1 of hubby's week off work. yay! All the more reason I NEED to stick to play every other day.

I wish i didnt feel so ravenous all the time! Still. No excuse. Must get with it!

Will definitely weigh tomorrow. Might keep me on track a bit better today, if I know that I have the scales to answer to tomorrow. lol. :p

Im fine though. I have my food planned for today and I managed 3L of water yesterday..FINALLY. So Im going to do that again today, too.

I sold hubby's keyboard to another expat lady and her hubby so theyre coming to collect it today. And im going to get some laundry done (actually..its ready to do into the dryer i think!) I also decided Im going to GO to Morrisons (its our local supermarket) this Sunday to do our shopping, as opposed to having asda deliver. Im getting tired of yucky produce and short dates. So I need to make an actual list. And ive told hubby that he MUST NOT put things in the trolley, willy-nilly. He's terrible for that!

Im trying to think of something productive I can do today in the flat, but I cant really think of much. I kinda need hubby to help me sort through the boxes and black bags of stuff that arent obviously to be binned. I want to start actually packing up boxes to be shipped and try to see how much we are going to have to ship. Oh...and i wanted to have a go at packing all of my clothes into one of the cases to see how much space I have in there. Then i can start to decide what else (if anything fits!) I want to pack in with my stuff. ideally, i would prefer us to pack as much as we can get away with and take it on the plane with us. but theres obviously going to be a limit to what we can manage.

anyhoo. secretly, i would love to be 220 (FINALLY) by the time Sunday rolls around and in time for the BBQ at M's. And ive decided Im going to have a boiled egg in the morning and another at lunch time...and then eat a BIT of whatever I want. Then straight back on Monday.....for a bit of redemption when it comes to Tuedays WI. lol I hope! :/ lol

Chips and chilli sauce from the chippy!!! But, I figure, we dont do it often (I CANNOT do it anymore!) and I wont be able to get proper chips in america. so. meh.

I may change my plan for the bbq and NOT have anything. lol. Or just have some meat (not sure what they bbqing) .....

ive been granted a bit of grace i think.... 222.4 HUZZUH! so no messing about! i was seriously expecting 225 or higher. So i mustve gotten down to nearer 220 before my chip-fest. Im weighing daily now. :)

spag bol
choc orange sns bar
2 eggs

889/70 MIGHT just have half the bar....which would make it 806/61

OMG LOU!!!! How is it?!?!?!
been spot on. went to M's house so they girls could play in their HUGE garden and paddling pool. i resisted a magnum (GO ME!) and we had a nice time.

got home and started dinner and ive just had my salad (admittedly, I had half a bag of salad with it, that i bought yesterday!) so....yeah. ive been completely on plan today. finally lol. ive got an orange truffa for later. i might only have half.


very pleased.

gonna have my 3rd and last litre of water now..and then some coke zero with my bar later.
Will be back soon. Just being laxy with my updating but i am tracking my calories since ive not been keeping up with my diary. Xxx

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222.6 but...I had a banana last night. i got into bed with the girls at 7:30 (!!! I a proper granny!) and couldnt sleep. and by about 9 i started to feel light headed and I was about to have a funny turn again. No bueno and after the last time, I decided that it is NEVER worth feeling as bad as I do sometimes. Yes...getting into ketosis is pretty awful. But...the symptoms I get sometimes are horrendous. So. I had a banana. because it was either that or bread as we've got nearly nothing in the house (food shopping today! huzzuh! haha) and i thought that, although high in carbs...theyre natural ones and not refined so extra angelic points for that. hahahaha. I mean..its FRUIT for crap's sake! lol. so yeah. i felt muuuch better after and drifted straight off to sleep. going to have a few boiled eggs through the day and see what I can do tonight. she said she DID get ribs...which i just cannot eat....(nothing with a bone in...absolutely no, not ever ever ever. gaaag) and wouldnt give anything else away. but she did say she went to costco. and i know she loves the hot dogs she gets from there, so im praying she'll made a few of them for the kids and i will have her pop one of those on for me. its not brilliant...but its better than potato salad and cakes (which im almost certain she will also have!!). She did ask me to make salsa so there will be tortilla chips and salsa and although not ideal...i will have a handful of chips with salsa to tide me over til i get home, if need be. at least the salad is fresh veg. :D then i will make sure i get a bag of salad in case i need a quick meal tonight when we get in...i can chop a boiled egg or two...or cook a bit of quorn quickly and have food that is diet appropriate.

so..ive boiled eggs...and im just kinda relaxing a bit with my coffee and water. I have a lady coming at 11am to collect the dining table and chairs....then off to do the food shop...then home and the girls some lunch and a nap. and over to M's at 5ish. Another lady is coming for the drawers but im not sure when yet. thats all the big stuff sold for now...except for the sofa. Which I doubt anyone is going to buy. Shame because although it is used...its incredibly comfy and has LOADS of life in it. And it was 1300 at furniture village!!! lol. Im only asking 225. But people really want owt for nowt these days. Shocking! So rather than sell it for 70 quid...I will just keep it here and use it til we leave. We have a few other sets of drawers but theyre all mostly knackered so Im not going to bother trying to sell those. And then 2 TVs but we NEED those. lol. So we shall see.
Hi guys. Not hiding...just enjoying life! lol. Hubby is off this we went to the bbq on sunday which was ok. there were sausages, burgers and ribs...none of which i could even remotely bring myself to eat, so i had about a cup of salad and a few tortilla chips with salsa...and then i had about 4 bites of her homemade chocolate-oreo icecream. came home and had salad with quorn. :D but then yesterday i ate for england. hahha. we went to Beamish and I had a blt earlyish because i was starving (probably from not eating enough the previous day) stopped at marksies after we got into newcastle because i had forgotten tio eat brakfast and it hit me that i was famished and getting shaky. so had about 2/3 of a blt (trying to get protein in!) and then lunch time came while at beamish and they nothing my kids would eat (the old style chippy was closed!) so we had a cake each and a drink. i had a mint shortbread type thing. but it was horrid so only had half. and some water. then went to lunch back in newcastle at TGI friday and i just went hell for leather and hate a chicken quesadilla with chips....but did give most of my chips away and didnt finish the rest. probably only had about 6...was stuffed. but it was SO GOOD. lol. and then came home and was stuffed for ages. But at 9:30 had a yorkie cookie FOR SHAME!

up this morning and running short on time....we are heading out to the metro centre to see if we can bag some summer clothes for the girls before it all gets completely changed over to the autum ranges. theyve not got much in the way of REALLY cool summer things (lightweight dresses/shorts) because i only buy them a few pieces ever year. the first summer after tabby was born we spent a fortune on summer clothes for ehr and the weather was so appalling she didnt even ever wear half of it. still had the tags on when we donated to charity! (that was before we started saving clothes becayse we were considering having another baby!) so...yeah. i onoy buy a couple of bits. but we realised the other day that we are going in UNDER 8 weeeks now...and it will still be very hot in vegas...and they are going to need immediate access to stuff as we dont want to have to try to dash around to the shops while we are trying to work out more pressing things like...getting a bank aparment..etc etc. lol. so yeah. we are going to get them some things....if we can find any. thing is..i dont want to spend a forune. so probably going to try primark first...then asda. fingers crossed! we had a look in next in NCL yesterday but..didnt find much. got a 3 pack of cute vest tops and matching shorts for zoe. would like a few more bits for her. and need lots for tabby.

anyway. so im off to get ready and get the girls ready. lots of errands to run today too. meh!

I will be hit and miss...and sorta here and not here this week. but after today we plan to have a few days pottering about trying to sort the flat and getting some boxes ready to ship. so dont panic. even if/when im not on not hiding! lol. im just busy! i WILL be back :)
sounds like you've been having a lovely time :) Primark do some lovely kiddie summer stuff :) L got the CUTEST yellow playsuit with little birdies on it I want one!!

Hope you enjoy your time off with he plucking up the courage to hand his notice in next week or is he trying not to think about it! xxxxxx