223.8 today. yay!
Ive had a coffee so far this morning. Boiled my eggs. And ive got my water here to start on. Today will more of the same - 3 packs and bar. I got another bag of mixed greens again. Very low carb (I think its only 3 or 4g in the whole bag)...and it seems to make me feel full (how?!) and like Im having semi-normal food
So...yesterday was INSANE. Most days are hectic and lots going on....but yesterday..we decided to look into taking our cat, for the final time. Neither of us was really happy to leave him with M. Not because she wasnt going to look after him. But..its just felt...wrong. I cant really explain it here...but yeah. So. I just decided to try, one last time, to get quotes and try to figure out a way for us to do it. I emailed the pet relocation guy and also rang (and then emailed, at their request) Thomas Cook airlines for a quote to put him on our flight (and do it ourselves). This ended up being the 2 options:
Option 1: We have the pet relocation company do pretty much everything. £945. They come and collect him (and provide the kennel) the morning of the 23rd. They board him for 2 nights and he flies out on the 25th (the day after us). They sort everything except his "fit to fly cert" which we have to get from our vet. I called the vet and the girl on the desk said £40.50 but then put me through to one of the vets who was patronizing and sh!tty to me about "doing my research" blah blah...and quoted me £200 for that, plus the other things that she was "pretty sure was required". Erm. Ok. Also, his flight would be on the 25th (the day after us) and would be from mancs to Newark, NJ. and then connect to Las Vegas. So its 2 flights.
Option 2: We abandon the coach idea and instead of taking 4 suitcases we take 2. We book Lyra (cat) on our flight (£450 quid). We get the train down to York. Then connect about 50 mins later to Mancs airport. I called the hotel and the girl on the desk said they have a no pets policy and then she whispered "but you could easily smuggle him in. no one will look at your "luggage". have your husband wait outside while you get checked in and then drape a hoodie or coat over and go straight to your room -- but i didnt tell you that..." AWESOME, right? I wanted to do that initially but, coming from me, hubby scoffed. Coming from the girl on the desk, however, he seemed to go along with the idea a bit more. So. We would just sneak him into our room for the night. Get up super early and get him checked in for his flight. We would check in for ours (and hand over our bags) the night before because we get priorty/early check in. So that's handy. And that's pretty much it, done. We then just collect him on the other end. but he stays pretty much with us the whole time. he does have to fly in the hold. But really, its preferrable than on a flight with a connection...the DAY after us.
We are, obviously, going for option 2. Although option 1 is easier for US....its way more stress and fear for him than is really necessary. And its more expensive, to boot. So. We looked into getting the kennel ordered last night but the size we thought we needed (and were quote his ticket price on) was out of stock! Argh! But then, looking at it further we realised that it was quoting EXTERNAL measurements. So we decided to ask Thomas Cook what the price would be for the next size up kennel (which is in stock!)...just waiting on their reply now. it shouldnt be much more. Regardless....we're just paying it. So I will sort his ticket out today. I will order his kennel today. I will rder some feliway spray (my sister, the vet tech, asked the cat specialist vet at her work for advice..) to spray the inside of the kennel with. We've booked him in for a rabies jab on the 18th. although it isnt explicitly necessary by the CDC ....each state has their own rules...and just in case...we're gonna get it done. Then we get his fit to fly check/cert sorted on the monday before we go.

So its all very exciting and hectic.
Needless to say, we didnt pack any boxes yesterday! lol. We are going to try to just get the DVDS out of their cases and into the DVD wallets we bought, tonight. Thats a more realistic project for a weekday night. lol. The boxes will wait until this weekend.
Hubby has also sold a snooker cue on ebay which is getting collected today..and his last guitar finally has a bid as well. Phew!
Have a lovely day all!