Still not weighing *fingers in ears saying "la la lala laaaa"*
So...yesterday was fine. I abandoned the spag bol for another pancake...but it was fine. I just couldnt face another savoury pack after yet another pack of chili for lunch. bleh. lol.
TOTM is rather unpleasant. I keep having these bouts of cramps ....and then it goes and im like..."hey...this isnt too bad..." and then within a few hours theyre back and im like "OMG IM DYINGGGG" lol
So....this morning is lovely, albeit a bit chilly. But its blue sky and sunny. The last couple of days have been pretty grey and gloomy. So this is very welcome...even if its not hot...(or even warm!) only 7:24am. Theres still time for it warm up (or go grey and gloomy again...lets face it..this is the NE of England...anything goes weatherwise!) lol.
We are possibly going into newcastle again today to return these blasted sandals...and i really want a sunday lunch *sulk* but nowhere that we can actually get to does a good one (that we know of). Its probably better supposed to be on plan and all that... lol. but...*sniff* I just want a giant yorkshire filled with mash, and veg and gravy on. Is that so hard? hahaha I could make one..but I wont.
just had a coffee and half a dark choc truffa. I kinda dont like the orange ones. I looked back on my diary and saw that I wrote that I really loved them. But...they dont seem to taste as nice as I remember. Bleh. :/ lol. Oh well. I will leave those til Im out of all the other ones I have and either use then as last resort or flog em.
My daughter has just asked me if we can go to CBeebies land. I would love to take them..but its not happening. So I said "no very sorry but we cant" she says "ok...we can go to disneyland instead, cant we?" lol. yes...but not anytime in the near future.....but i didnt say that. I just said "well..we will see!" what a crappy parental answer that is. I used to hate it when my mom said that. it usually hahah
anyway. food probably going to stick to packs. I dont know what exactly we are doing. hubby is still in bed (must be nice!) and i dont know if any of us can be bothered to deal with sunday buses and sunday opening hours....we'll see. if we go out....i will try to be very good. if we dont...i will just stick to pancake a few times and the rest of my bar later...i think. or maybe a savoury pack for lunch instead of pancake. not sure. but regardless....3 packs and the rest of my bar.
im having one of those days kids. omg. i adore them...BUT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR 5 minutes PLEASE?! for the love of GAWD!!! I have one on each side, grabbing each arm....talking in each ear...its like my body isnt my own (it isnt....of course...) and right at this moment im having an inner tantrum because i just want some personal space and the use of my limbs as and when i feel the need. regardless of what any mother ever says...this is normal...and its also fleeting. lol. itll pass. and tbh, i wouldnt trade it for anything. but there are little mini-bites of time when im like "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" lol.

Its probabloy because of TOTM that my fuse is shorter, anyway.

Still..theyre friggin adorable like jam-toast-faced monkeys and i adore them.

Even when i feel like theyre slowly suffocating me

hahha <3
Anyway..hope youre all having a lovely day/weekend! I cant believe hubby's holiday week is nearly over

but that also means that when he goes back into work he's going to BIL and we have no idea how that will go but at the very least it will be all out in the open and we can just breathe and not have to hide anything anymore..or be careful what we say..etc. So im kinda like

Happy Sunday! xx