Brownies happened yesterday. Oops. But I didnt the WHOLE PAN. I didnt even half. Ok..maybe half. (probably not). But aside from that I had 3 eggs, 1 porridge pack (pancakes) and 2 spag bol packs with some salad. So. not insane. I didnt weigh this morning as I completely forgot. My lovely eldest woke up bright-eyed and adorably asked me "mammy, can we get some donuts for breakfast as a special treat, please?" HOW CAN ANYONE SAY NO TO THAT? I couldnt. lol. So we went on an early morning adventure to the little express co-op. they didnt have any donuts but they had blueberry muffins (cupcakes, according to T) and she was happy with those. And hey, at least its got fruit in, right? lol. So she had a bit of banana, a blueberry muffin and half a clem for breakfast. And she's pretty happy.

I had...a bagel. lol. I have a pedicure today at 1. In fact, my schedule for this week is busy, but nicely so.
Today: pedicure
Friday: out with friend M for our last girl's outting. *sniff* not sure where or what, but possibly a posh afternoon tea somewhere.
saturday: our local weekend market
Sunday: the Quayside market in newcastle
Monday: lyra (cat) is at the vet at 1 and possibly dinner with M to say goodbye. *sniff*
then tuesday we get up and get organized and go!
our stuff was collected on monday, late. and it arrived in vegas, fully cleared through customs and no duty charged etc. my friend (i had it sent to her house as my sister would have missed the delivery but struggled to collect it in her little car) arranged for UPS to keep it until saturday at which point she will go to their depot and collect it with her (awesome) dad...who has a truck and is now retired and loves to do this kinda stuff.

i love her dad. he's brilliant. lol
so...yay! our stuff is there! strangely...that already makes me feel a tiny bit more settled there (even though we;ve not left yet) ...the fact that our stuff is already there and just ready to be unpacked in its new home.
anyway. nails are growing and strong. love them! hahah. i have real nails!
and. thats pretty much it. very busy from here on out. but its good