Just a quickie.
We have less than 3 weeks to go. We leave here the 25th, stay in a hotel on the strip that night and fly out early early on the 26th. We arrive back in the UK early on the 27th (flying into Mancs)....which happens to be Thanksgiving day here in the USA. So we are going to a mini, low-key one with my sister the weekend before we leave.
We have pretty much packed our boxes. One left and we will probably look to book our shipment next week.
My closest friend in the UK, M (who is also an expat but she's lived in the uk for 14 or 15 years now) has offered to help out. And so far she has asked her hubby/hubby's friend about letting us one of his rental flats. And turns out he is closing on a flat EXACTLY in a perfect area (not far from where we were before, and not far from my friend M and in one of my hubby's fave streets in our town) this week. And will be looking to let it once its all updated (it was a granny flat. lol...but seemingly well maintained from the pics ive seen of it) in early dec. So they are going to talk to him this weekend when he is back in town. FINGERS CROSSED everyone. lol.
Still no progress with my cat. The rescue who were so keen to help originally have decided to just completely ignore me and not reply to my emails. fkrs. But my friend S has said she will send an email around at work (she works for the school district) and see if anyone would be interested in taking him. Failing that she SAID she will take him but, as much as I love her, In not going to count chicken before they hatch. And hubby and I have pretty much both decided/agreed that he needs to be rehomed by Nov 15th or we are going to have to put him down. *sigh*
Lastly, Monday is Tabby's 5th birthday. !!!!! I nearly have a 5 year old. OMG. lol. We are completely absolutely pathetically skint. Seriously. We will come back to the UK with about £1k. thats IT. but. We have cobbled together a few pressies for her (she LOVES my little pony at the moment) and ordered her a cake (my little pony!) from walmart's bakery (asda) and on Sunday we are taking her to a place called Chuck E Cheese. Its a pizza place with an arcade type thing...loads of games and things for kids to do and play. We took them last year when we were here and she loved it. Its just gonna be us 4 and my sister and her roommate R.

And then home for cake. Ive got streamers and lots of decs and im going to the dollar store....they have helium balloons for a dollar each! So. we are gonna try to make it as special as we can.
Oh. And tabby's roadrash has healed. she has scarring but there was no getting round that. but more than that, the emotional and mental trauma of the accident is pretty bad. she's basically terrified of going outside at all. shes ok if we are getting straight into my sister's car, for example. but as soon as she has to walk around outdoors....she gets hysterical. That said...we went out the other day and she was really upset at first...but through the course of the day she got better and was actually almost like her pre-accident self by the time we got home. Im hoping it continues to get better.
Im fat. That is all. lol. No clue what I weigh. No clue about any of it. But. I kinda decided Im going to finally start to seriously be more mindful and try to get some weight off starting monday, after tabby's birthday party. the problem is also that we are so broke and of course all the carby pastas and processed foods are so much cheaper than fresh stuff. even moreso here than in the UK. meat is out of the question. cannot even remotely afford that. its basically corndogs, frozen pizzas, spaghetti, frozen burritos. that kinda stuff. utter rubbish. but affordable for us right now. and things are going to be so tight when we first get back, for a while, too. im looking forward (desperately) to being able to get some packs and getting back on plan, although realistically, we wont be able to afford it until the new year, i wouldnt have thought. So if i can make it through a few more months without gaining loads....i'll have to be happy with that.