Ugh. Food needs to go away. The girls have gotten SO MUCH CHOCOLATE. I just want it OUT. lol.
We've done loads of package holidays.....portugal and malta...ibiza...and others. So we know what theyre like. And theyre not really our sorta thing...but made muuuch better if there is (malta was particularly good for this) lots of local history and landmarks to explore. And we are NOT AT ALL the camping types. lol. It doesnt appeal to me or the hubby at all. Love nature walks and that sorta thing...But actual camping out...tents...bleh. hahaha. Anyway...we will have to see how it goes. Im thinking that he is probably right though and we will have to content ourselves with day trips and weekends away.
As for the HE....I really dont want to get into it in too much depth because no matter how I try to explain it, as you are a teacher and have a vested interest (so to speak) there is always the chance you will feel offended. And I would rather not go there. Its not my intention, nor something I would ever want to inadvertently do!

Suffice to say that we just arent happy with the school system, the curriculum, the way it is delivered/taught and what goes on in schools. It is something we have been talking about off and on since she was 3 and she went, briefly, to nursery (until we removed her).
So, Last year at Christmas...I took T to her first film at the cinema. We saw Frozen. It was an interesting experience for us both. She loved the big screen and the popcorn (lol) but it was a bit overwhelming for her, i think. The bigness of it all. And a bit long. lol. So we havent been back to the cinema since. She's 5 now...and we decided to have another go. So (probably) tomorrow she and I are going to see Paddington.

In Feb, there is a Peppa Pig movie coming out. We are all going to make our first trip to the cinema together and see that one....WITH Z. lol. Super excited.
Anyway. Flicked the TV on this morning and of course it was...THE BIGGEST LOSER. Pfft. The universe is speaking. haha.
Ive also had a quick peek and Exante seem to have brought in their 4 pack-a-day option. I still cant imagine I would like their savoury I hated alllll the of them the first (and only) time I tried them last year. But the pancake packs are less cals and carbs on the 4 pack plan and that seems perfect....because it will then fit in with SnS savoury packs perfectly. Im not going to bother with bars. And of course...all of this is just planning for when I finally CAN order some stuff and get going again. Clin, youre so right...we are SO AWESOME when we are actually on it. And Im sure once everything settles down and the festivities are done-with..we can reassess and get back to it properly.
I just feel so warn out. Cooking, cleaning/washing up, looking after the kiddos, assembling all of the gifts that require it, laundry (heaps of got so so backed up due to no tumble dryer and limited drying space! lol) and Zoe not sleeping terribly well. I feel like I need to lock myself away for a few weeks and just sleep. LOL.
Im off to put aforementioned laundry in the dryer now, actually....but first....get rid of the siggie. Its ridiculous and depressing! haha *waaaah*