Hi! If anyone is still around, I'm back.
Not doing VLCD but also not going to move my diary EVER again. The exact day i finally decided to start a new diary (over in the Exante section) Minimins closed down. Baaaad luck, man.
So. Ive been basically maintain for the last however-long. Not by choice. Ive been trying. Off and on packs every few days because I cant stick to it, or it makes me sick or something else yummy is on offer or its christmas/birthdays/easter etc etc etc. So. Decided to just back away from the entire concept of dieting and trying to lose weight. That was a few days ago. I had just had enough. I was mentally drained. And emotional broken. And bored of it all. It was making me feel down and bad about myself and thats never good or fun. So I decided to step awayyyy.
And then a couple of nights later I had a terrible night's sleep because my brand new 3 week old knickers (which fit ok when i bought them) WERE TOO TIGHT.
That was it. Ive been avoiding buying any clothes etc for over a year because "Im gonna lose weight..." and then I FINALLY break down and buy some new knicks and the bastards stop fitting less than a month after I buy them?! Oh hell no.
So. The next day (Sunday I think) I spent HOURS and HOURS trawling the internet and reading about different diets and approaches and such. I ended up putting together a 3 phase plan for myself which both involves REAL food and also is veggie friendly. So I started yesterday. I weighed to get my starting weight (256.6 !!!!) and set off about my day. Stuck to plan perfectly fine. Then this morning I did a weigh to test the waters and make sure that I didnt randomly gain another trillion pounds - you know me Queen Paranoia - and 253.0 - so it is working. And i can pretty much continue on through phase 1 and expect that at the very least i shouldnt weigh any more at the end of it than i did on day 1!! I then had my husband hide the scales and I will only weight at the end/beginning of each phase. They will all be done back to back, except phases 1 and 2. Im gonna give myself a day off after the first phase to celebrate my littlest girl's 4th birthday. But I wont go mental. And I dont think I will feel the need to as Im actually eating real food. lol.
So that's me in a nutshell. Like I said, not gonna start a new diary or request to move this one because I simply feel like its bad luck (lol!!) and also have no idea where I would even fit in. It isnt calorie counting per se (although it is low-ish cal), nor is it strictly low carb (lunch on day one was a massive fruit salad!) - so. Here I am.