Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

I'm the same with the scales. I'm a serial scale avoider off plan and daily weigher on plan. I have recently noticed though that I'm much more vested in how I look in the mirror and how my clothes feel. That has to be more important ? I mean I'm sure we all know our bodies to tell when we've gained.

Awesome to hear you going to Zumba. It's so good for your mindset IMHO. I'm feeling q but picky today! Need that to pass!!

Our menus are so similar except I have non- veggie meat. I'm a total carnivore - think lou_g styley!

You doing anything exciting this weekend? X
Well. No matter what the scales actually tell me on Monday, I put on a pair of PJ bottoms tonight that had been ill-fitting due to my massive bum. So the waistband kinda didnt sit at my waist. Theyre still snug of course but I got them on just fine and the waistband is where it is meant to be without pulling or fighting with it. So ive lost weight/inches even if the scales decide to tell me otherwise. My clothes are simply fitting a little better. Which is brilliant because most of my stuff didnt fit well at all. Bleurgh. lol.

Am very excited to restart Zumba. It really does perk up the mindset and invigorates, I think too. :D :D I cant wait!

Absolutely zero plans for the weekend. Mal (my hubby) works saturdays so our weekends are Sun/Mon and I think he is taking Tabby to the cinema on Sunday morning. Monday I have an appointment with the doctor and the nurse. Ive had an ongoing problem with my periods/cycle (which Ive talked about before...ok...not so much talked but whinged :p ) and I have fibroids etc. Anyway. I had a scan last monday and am due to get the results on Monday (am hoping to have an ablation) - and then the nurse appointment is to get my B12 jab. Then we also have the HV coming round. This is something that has developed in the time that minis was down and I was not here. In short, Zoe is autistic. Or rather, we are pretty certain she is and we are starting the process of having her officially evaluated and diagnosed. its been a rollercoaster and we always leaned towards not ever bothering with a diagnosis because - why? Whats the point? Theres no "cure", no "fix". And she's incredibly happy. And functions quite well (although her speech is delayed and a bit disjointed) - anyway. So we have that happening on Monday. Im equal parts nervous and anxious. I never wanted to get her embroiled in "the system" but we've decided its actually (hopefully) more useful and beneficial for people that she will deal with and come into contact with in later life if she does have an official label that they can understand. That's the theory anyway.

You have any plans Cat?

So. Back to today.

Alls well and Im heading to bed shortly after my delicious square of super dark choc and a glass of iced tea. :)

Have a lovely weekend all! xxxx
You're all doing so well.
Day 2 done for me. I'm packs only, I just don't have the discipline to have any food on this plan as I totally fall off the wagon. Weekends are always my weakness but I'm feeling positive.
I haven't been through anything like that in terms of little Zoe but totally get your thought process around what's the point no cure etc. But one of my closest friends has two autistic kids, one severely so the other mild. And you have to push but she gets extra help at school, help working out plans if they struggle with particular stuff and also state financial help once officially diagnosed.

Not trying to say it's a breeze but I think if I asked bestie she would have said it was worth the hassle. I hope it's not all too stressful and lovely to hear she's a happy little girl.

Great news on the pjs! I have a bit of carb bloat today - urgh.

This is my last weekend free until August so staying in London home and it's basically all about exercise, sleep, tv catch up and trying to have my first weekend on plan since January. Need to get lose some weight!! STS since January. So masterchef tonight and 6 hour Hyde park bootcamp tomo and 10k race on sunday.

Have a fab weekend with the fam and let's hope it's on plan for all of us!! :angel:
Morning all :)

We've been trying to fix up the back yard (god I wish we had a proper garden!!!! :/ ) and we invested in a power washer as it was scruffy beyond belief and desperately needed a deep clean. So we did that a few weeks ago when we had a rare spell of a few nice (enough) days. And now we want to get it set up so we can actually use it. Its shared with the flat above us so we want to divide it off so the girls know their boundary. And then we need somewhere to sit and a table for arts and crafts or a cheeky dinner eaten al fresco (hahah). But what we would LIKE to do with the back and what we can AFFORD to do and what we can LOGISTICALLY do with the back are two completely different things. *sigh* 6 today. Its grey and yuck and cold today up here in the GLORIOUS Northeast. Ive had a look at my menu for today and Im ready to go! Weigh in is only a couple of days away - so excited!
Evening! :)

So nailed today. Food was

b: egg whites, a few baby tomatoes chopped up and 4 rashers bacon.
L: half a tin of heinz tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich (well...half. used one slice of hovis wholemeal from a small loaf and about 30g asda shredded cheddar)
D: 2 quorn hot dogs, 1 slice of hovis wholemeal (small) and some salad, a tblspn mayo and a tblspn dressing for the salad.
s: half a grapefruit (completely spaced it - was supposed to have with breakfast but was stuffed and completely had it around 3pm)

2 coffees, copious amounts of iced tea

Oh! And i did 28 mins (2 miles, "boosted" with a big of a jog at the end lol) of a leslie sansone walk (on youtube)

Have my square of dark choc to have later on and then bedtime!

Tomorrow is day 7 and then WI will be bright and early Monday morning.

M (hubby) is taking T (eldest daughter, 6yrs old) to the cinema tomorrow to see Zootropolis or whatever its called. Z (youngest daughter, will be 4yrs old on 4th may, is autistic) cant cope with the cinema...dark and too loud and just overwhelms her to no end. She completely breaks down in tears, bless her. So we cant all go, really. We've tried to take her to a few kiddie films - the last one being around christmas to see that disney one with the dinosaur in and she was noticeably LESS frazzled and freaked out but still did not enjoy it and was terribly upset upon arriving (and settled down after we got seated etc) but i figure, why push her if its just too much for her, right? So while theyre at the cinema, Z and I will go for a metro ride (she loves the metro and constantly talks about the train and going on the train...constantly. lol) into newcastle and have a look in J Lewis for some new pillows, which we need desperately. We got everything on the mega-cheap when we moved back from vegas, and these current ones are like wafer thin and i often wake up with a sore neck or a headache. after some GOOD pillows that wont die in a week but are also affordable (ha!). Will take Z for lunch at McDs as well tomorrow (or get her some and she can have on the train back so i dont have to sit in mcd's for an hour while she eats. she takes aaaages. probs why she's slender) before heading back. its really only the train ride she's interested in. hahaha. First though, I have asda coming tomorrow morning between 9-11 so we probably wont even leave the house until 11:30 as they usually come at the very end of the time slot. And i will eat before we leave, if that's the case.

Also ordered some books off schofield and sims for T (discounted for Home Edders) and theyre fab!! So will probably do a bit of those tomorrow evening too.

Hope youre all having a fantastic weekend! :) xx
Evening! :)

So nailed today. Food was

b: egg whites, a few baby tomatoes chopped up and 4 rashers bacon.
L: half a tin of heinz tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich (well...half. used one slice of hovis wholemeal from a small loaf and about 30g asda shredded cheddar)
D: 2 quorn hot dogs, 1 slice of hovis wholemeal (small) and some salad, a tblspn mayo and a tblspn dressing for the salad.
s: half a grapefruit (completely spaced it - was supposed to have with breakfast but was stuffed and completely had it around 3pm)

2 coffees, copious amounts of iced tea

Oh! And i did 28 mins (2 miles, "boosted" with a big of a jog at the end lol) of a leslie sansone walk (on youtube)

Have my square of dark choc to have later on and then bedtime!

Tomorrow is day 7 and then WI will be bright and early Monday morning.

M (hubby) is taking T (eldest daughter, 6yrs old) to the cinema tomorrow to see Zootropolis or whatever its called. Z (youngest daughter, will be 4yrs old on 4th may, is autistic) cant cope with the cinema...dark and too loud and just overwhelms her to no end. She completely breaks down in tears, bless her. So we cant all go, really. We've tried to take her to a few kiddie films - the last one being around christmas to see that disney one with the dinosaur in and she was noticeably LESS frazzled and freaked out but still did not enjoy it and was terribly upset upon arriving (and settled down after we got seated etc) but i figure, why push her if its just too much for her, right? So while theyre at the cinema, Z and I will go for a metro ride (she loves the metro and constantly talks about the train and going on the train...constantly. lol) into newcastle and have a look in J Lewis for some new pillows, which we need desperately. We got everything on the mega-cheap when we moved back from vegas, and these current ones are like wafer thin and i often wake up with a sore neck or a headache. after some GOOD pillows that wont die in a week but are also affordable (ha!). Will take Z for lunch at McDs as well tomorrow (or get her some and she can have on the train back so i dont have to sit in mcd's for an hour while she eats. she takes aaaages. probs why she's slender) before heading back. its really only the train ride she's interested in. hahaha. First though, I have asda coming tomorrow morning between 9-11 so we probably wont even leave the house until 11:30 as they usually come at the very end of the time slot. And i will eat before we leave, if that's the case.

Also ordered some books off schofield and sims for T (discounted for Home Edders) and theyre fab!! So will probably do a bit of those tomorrow evening too.

Hope youre all having a fantastic weekend! :) xx

Just a quick post & not food related. There are several children at my older daughters school with Austism & as Blondcat says assessment is definitely worth the hassle. Also lots of cinemas do special screenings for kids with autism x
Day 3 done & feeling great.
It won't bee - this is genuinely a brand new you :)

I'm so pleased for you nearly nailing a first perfect week. One more day til weigh in. So want it to be good result for you. I haven't been quite so good. Not a binge but unnecessary food. But I did do 6 hour bootcamp!

You've inspired me to go to cinema tomo but maybe a different movie choice :)
My girls are Home Educated so school is not an issue (thankfully) and Im still nervous and anxious about it but keep feeling like, as you say, itll be worth the hassle and is the better option for her.

We dont have many autism friendly screenings at our local cinemas, as disgraceful as that is! There really should be far more esp considering how common ASD issues are!!

Well done on another successful day!!
Way to go, Cat!!! 6 hours?!? Crickey. I did my little 28 minutes of walking/marching around the livingroom and was bored/exhausted by the end. I couldnt imagine 6 hours of actually busting my azz! Haha.

Have a lovely time at the cinema! Just saw the forecast up here for tomorrow is sunshine (ha!, we'll see) so may take Z to the park tomorrow at some point!!

Its Day 7! Weigh in tomorrow morning :)

I had a terrible night's sleep last night. Uggghh. Woke up around 4:30 and needed a wee and had terrible cramps (again!!) - am not even due to start TOTM for another week. So annoying. Im sitting with a coffee right now and gonna take some ibuprofen with my breakfast (dont like taking them on an empty stomach!).

Food plan today is pretty similar to yesterday....

B: egg whites, tomatoes, bacon, half a grapefruit
L: half a tin of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich on small wholemeal bread.
D: quorn peppered steak, salad, roasted sprouts
coffee....iced tea...square of dark chocolate although ive run out so need to get another bar today. I can honestly say that a 100g bar of chocolate has never in my ENTIRE life lasted me this long. Never. Ever ever. And its not that I dont like or that Im "making do" or anything like that. Its gorgeous. I just dont get that possessed sugar-fueled crackheadedly desperate need to EAT IT ALL IN ONE GO. lol. its a very odd and very nice feeling. To know that a square is plenty and delicious and satisfies my sweet tooth/love of chocolates and nice treats (esp in the evening). I need to harness this feeling and apply it to everything!! A little bit is sufficient!

Anyway, off to get breakfast sorted for the various humans, big and small, who reside here and are all currently jam-packed into my bed all snuggly and warm. Few things are sweeter than little feet repeatedly rubbing against your thigh as a form of affection and self-soothing for the little person in question. Awww. I love my little beans.

The plan for today is breakfast, wash my hair, get Z dressed, inevitable help T with her ridiculously tight ankled jeggings which even *I* struggle to wrangle over her feet/heels (what gives, man?!) and then packing my backpack (much easier to travel with little ones with a backpack. the 2 arms ive got are never enough, so best not waste any arm-ness with handbags etc) and off we go. T is excited about the cinema and Z is RIDICulously excited about "goin' onna train".

Then I have to tidy up a bit after dinner tonight as HV will be here at 11;30 tomorrow and I have dr and nurse appmt before that so no time in the morning.

Have a groovy Sunday, folks! xxxx
Change in plan! T has just discovered that my SIL sent the girls a tenner each for Easter and T has been saving up her pocket money for a few weeks now. So upon counting her money she has totted up a massive 23 quid. This is epic when youre 6. To the tune of "mom!! Im actually RICH!!". After asking us if we wanted any of her pound coins (awww!!! Bless) She has asked if she can come into town with me instead (to buy a toy) of going to the cinema! Lol So, family trip into town it seems!!


Breakfast done. Zoe is dressed. A bit of iced tea now and then I will get dressed!
Day 7 has been spot on. I am, however, very crampy and feeling a tad bit bloated and pre-TOTMy. So Im not holding out much hope for results on the scales themselves - however...and this is a big knickers fit well again and my BRAS FIT AGAIN! They have been painfully uncomfortable and digging into me for a year. Seriously. I felt like they were sawing me in half, everso slowly. lol. But I put one on this morning and my jaw dropped open because O M doesnt bunch up or ride up and Im not in agony. ahahha. Also, my jeans are fitting just that tiny bit better. Not so much that theyre big, not by any stretch...but enough that its finally noticeable. PRAISE BE. lolol.

Im tempted to just keep on going the way I have been and not really change it up...kinda just integrate all the phases into "this is just what i do now" and then after I get to where i want to be, i can add another 500 cals or so a day.....slowly...until I find that sweet spot where I can maintain pretty easily. because honestly...Im not starving on this diet. Not at all. Ive not even really had to snack between meals. Holy bologna, batman!! This is awesome.

hahahaha. watch the scales tell me Ive gained half a stone tomorrow. ;P
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If you've gained weight tomo I'm going to take those scales down!!

I read your whole diary back in the day when I first started commenting and I swear it's like reading a different persons diary from before. Loving it and think it's funny that on exactly the same day we both decided to stop starving ourselves and actually eat food properly!

I hope I've lost too.

I never restarted my diary on here as I set one up somewhere else. I have thought about coming back - as more of my old buddies are here but I've never got over it just closing down with no notice! I was really upset. But I think we can intergrate with IG now as before was one of the many rules imposed! If so I think I'll be allowed to do this as lots of my food and exercise stuff on here

Well done on nailing 7 days. Truly awesome xx


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I know a lot of people went over to the forum that Caz started - F-something i think. I never had any interest in that because, frankly she was a jerkoff to me in the beginning. It put her back up, for some ridiculous reason, that I stated that SnS customer service was crap. And I wouldnt back down or apologize or retract it. So she went off me. Tbh, if youre gonna get butthurt because I post my honest opinion of something then you either have a vested interest which is a bit shady OR you just have issues and either way...I have zero time or patience for that. This is a support group. SUPPORT. We are all different and individuals and our lives are all very different. You can either be welcoming, supportive and nice. Or you can be a snotty brat and only be kind/friendly to people who have the exact same opinions as you do. And how boring would that be? lol. cliquey - GOODNESS. It was like High School all over again. Ain't nobody got time for that.

So I never bothered to even look it up.

I was really sad when Minis just vanished too. I had posted an update and within an hour or so went back on to check and it was GONE! Like POOF. No warning. No chance to connect with our friends outside of the forum. No nada. Totally unfair. So I completely get the hesitation. Plus, lots of people have simply moved on. Either to F-whatever forum (is it F or did I totally just imagine that? lol) or just went into forced "gotta wing it on my own" and have stayed away. I didnt really have any intention of resurrecting my diary(ies) or coming back tbh. I was like PFFT - YOU HURT ME. P!SS OFF. But. Here I am. :p

Our "this is dumb, I need actual food" blind synchronicity is rather impressive, no?! hahaha.

These cramps....seriously though. (See, this what I was talking about). hahaha. Im seeing the doc tomorrow for my scan results and hoping that my fibroids havent gotten too big so that I can hopefully have an ablation. because Im sure they have zero intention of offering me a hysterectomy. even though im totally done with babies and pregnancies and im nearly 40 and my husband is nearly 50 and and and....*eyeroll*. Anyway. We shall see. I will weigh in bright and early (and post the results. Seriously, if I show even a 2lb loss this week, I will be thrilled. Because this TOTM-y crap is no joke. Feel bloated tonight. BOOO.) and then im off to the gp.

Confession: Im drooling over the mere though of my lunch tomorrow. Tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. (but im not actually hungry! LOL). And this is hilarious because there are about 4 bars of various % of dark choc in the cupboard (1 is mine, the rest are hubby's), a pack of 2 finger kitkats, a pack of mint clubs, cadbury mini rolls, choc ices and mint choc ice cream and a few boxes of girl scout cookies all in the freezer....and aint even bovverd. hahaha.

I am, however, desp for bed now. 4:30 am wake up calls are no bueno.

Night all! xxxxx
Don't think that post worked. If you're not allowed to say your IG name then I apologise in advance but it's citygirlcat if you're on there.

Starting a new post in case this one gets deleted!
I Remember that post / exchange and didn't realise it was the same person! I though it was all a bit odd actually! Like you had a bad experience, how can anyone argue that?!! Lol. Well weird.

I had never heard of ablation funnily enough until 2 weeks ago, and my BFF had it done. She was working boozing etc within a week so seemed nice and low key op. You suffer from yours so badly feels like a really good option.

I'm not doing quite as well in the resisting stakes as you but defo getting better with it all. I have up take comfort in that.

Massive good luck for tomo WI X