So nailed today. Food was
b: egg whites, a few baby tomatoes chopped up and 4 rashers bacon.
L: half a tin of heinz tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich (well...half. used one slice of hovis wholemeal from a small loaf and about 30g asda shredded cheddar)
D: 2 quorn hot dogs, 1 slice of hovis wholemeal (small) and some salad, a tblspn mayo and a tblspn dressing for the salad.
s: half a grapefruit (completely spaced it - was supposed to have with breakfast but was stuffed and completely forgot...so had it around 3pm)
2 coffees, copious amounts of iced tea
Oh! And i did 28 mins (2 miles, "boosted" with a big of a jog at the end lol) of a leslie sansone walk (on youtube)
Have my square of dark choc to have later on and then bedtime!
Tomorrow is day 7 and then WI will be bright and early Monday morning.
M (hubby) is taking T (eldest daughter, 6yrs old) to the cinema tomorrow to see Zootropolis or whatever its called. Z (youngest daughter, will be 4yrs old on 4th may, is autistic) cant cope with the cinema...dark and too loud and just overwhelms her to no end. She completely breaks down in tears, bless her. So we cant all go, really. We've tried to take her to a few kiddie films - the last one being around christmas to see that disney one with the dinosaur in and she was noticeably LESS frazzled and freaked out but still did not enjoy it and was terribly upset upon arriving (and settled down after we got seated etc) but i figure, why push her if its just too much for her, right? So while theyre at the cinema, Z and I will go for a metro ride (she loves the metro and constantly talks about the train and going on the train...constantly. lol) into newcastle and have a look in J Lewis for some new pillows, which we need desperately. We got everything on the mega-cheap when we moved back from vegas, and these current ones are like wafer thin and i often wake up with a sore neck or a headache. So...im after some GOOD pillows that wont die in a week but are also affordable (ha!). Will take Z for lunch at McDs as well tomorrow (or get her some and she can have on the train back so i dont have to sit in mcd's for an hour while she eats. she takes aaaages. probs why she's slender) before heading back. its really only the train ride she's interested in. hahaha. First though, I have asda coming tomorrow morning between 9-11 so we probably wont even leave the house until 11:30 as they usually come at the very end of the time slot. And i will eat before we leave, if that's the case.
Also ordered some books off schofield and sims for T (discounted for Home Edders) and theyre fab!! So will probably do a bit of those tomorrow evening too.
Hope youre all having a fantastic weekend!
