Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Thanks Cat <3 I am finding it a little bit easier now with regards my mental approach to good carbs. But its still really really an issue for me. My head is just so so messed up. Thats kinda why I had the weigh in after day 1. I had toast in the morning and a big bowl of fruit salad for lunch and was convinced i would gain at least 4lbs (in water, if nothing else) and, nope. 3.6lbs off after day 1. So, that was reassuring. Scales have been hidden from me now so I have to stick the plan and trust it. Regardless of what happens, I am eating actual food and its all healthy stuff and small portions, so if nothing else it is helping me to have a healthier mental outlook. I just couldnt do the starving anymore. It served its purpose in 2013/2014 but my body just freaks out now. And it really ISNT healthy. It screws up your head and your metabolism something awful. Im glad I had my stint...but thats it. I have to move onto learning how to be as normal as I can be with food. Scary stuff. But so necessary. Do you have a diary currently?

Min, thanks!! I worked on it for hours trying to find faddy things that DO result in weight loss (albeit temporary, quick-fix type stuff) and work it into a plan that is repeatable so that i dont get the "its all come straight back on at the end of the diet" syndrome... and it all ends with Fiona Kirks plan which is a brilliantly sustainable plan in itself and also a great gateway into "not being on a diet, just eating well" kinda living. I expect i will probably have to repeat the 3 phase cycle at least twice. possibly 3 or 4 times...or more...until I get the weight off. But Im focusing on 1 day at a time. It dont feel deprived though or sad or anything negative. Which is odd for me and welcome. lol.

Day 3 today - feels SO weird to not have weighed this morning. But a bit liberating too. I just have to keep to plan and all will be fine. (She says....) ;) xxx
It's so important to get the balance right between weight loss and not feeling deprived, so I'm really happy to see a really positive and sustainable approach. Well done Bee! And it's good the scales are far away! The body will fluctuate as it settles, daily weighing always discouraged and threw me off track.
Acting 'normal' around food takes a lot of time and practicing mindful eating - even when NOT on a diet... Making a mental note of what works and what doesn't. I did it throughout and eventually I began to sense of when too much is too much. I was eating unhealthily and actually more than I should have from about October 2015 until I started this diet at the end of March, but, if I was still eating the way I did long ago, I'd have gained A LOT more than I actually did. Food isn't scary, it's all good - in the right quantities. :)

Will you be returning to Phase 1 at the end ? Or will you repeat phase 3 for a while? :)
I totally get what you mean. Its all a learning process now and a work in progress. And the need to be mindful will never end, per se. Thats the whole point. But it will (hopefully) become more instinctual - healthy choices and portion sizes that are sufficient and not fueled by greed/addiction - and more like second nature. That's the aim, anyway! lol

I will be returning to phase 1, yes. I think its important to keep variation as well. Otherwise the body gets complacent and doesnt get enough of the various things it needs and perhaps too much of the stuff youre giving it over and over. lol. Plus, it keeps boredom at bay. haha.

What is your plan?
It will become more instinctual! There will still obviously be days when we'll say... "Screw it, give me ALL the cake!!", but, the rest of the time, normal everyday will become easier and you'll begin to question whether you need to have an extra portion for hunger or just wanting to eat, or a snack with a big meal time not too far away. That sort of thinking. Not counting calories or even really tracking portions, but just an awareness of whether you need it or just want it. :)

Variation definitely helps! That's why a blip on a strict diet regime sometimes pushes the body along. It's much like exercise, if you do the same cardio workout over and over, the body will get used to it and it won't work anymore!

As for me.. I don't really have a plan. I'm just counting calories, avoiding overly sugary things. Nothing complicated or special. I do have those meal boxes from Hello Fresh - for 3 meals that are more normal and higher calorie per week so that I don't feel deprived - I account for them, but it's so nice to have a variation and a really tasty meal to look forward to!
Had to nip out to run some errands and then got in and had a massive and delicious salad (featuring roasted of my face things!) and now i am content and ready for a nap. My hubby has had shingles for over a week now and its been hard. Ive also had a head cold and chest congestion and those two things combined mean that i havent been sleeping well! So im gonna take Z and crawl into bed and snooze for an hour or so.

Dinner tonight is 2 quorn frankfurters (not had them before and praying theyre not horrid. lol) and a couple of slices of wholemeal bread from a small hovis loaf to act as buns. a little mayo and some tomato.

i have been tracking everything on MFP just to see what the numbers are. and today will be ending around 1000 cals and about 85g carbs. It is irrelevant as Im just following the plan, regardless of the numbers...but the plan is set up so that the numbers will always be pretty low. So win, win. lol. Im just so curious that I track it every day.
Great sounding menu! I always remember you saying in earlier posts how much you loved the fresh veggies and fruit. And were stuck with space food. So cool you have a great plan with these fab healthy foods.

You know it's not until you come on these forums you realise how many people are affected by destructive relationships with food. I'm never pleased to find other people who have the same battles as me, but in some ways it's comforting that you're not alone.

How are the girls btw? Still keeping you on your toes?
Great sounding menu! I always remember you saying in earlier posts how much you loved the fresh veggies and fruit. And were stuck with space food. So cool you have a great plan with these fab healthy foods.

You know it's not until you come on these forums you realise how many people are affected by destructive relationships with food. I'm never pleased to find other people who have the same battles as me, but in some ways it's comforting that you're not alone.

How are the girls btw? Still keeping you on your toes?
Can I gatecrash? I too have just seen that minimins is up and running again and I recognize all of your names! I lost most of my weight through S&S and then fell pregnant. I've piled it on since my daughter was born in 2014 and am planning on starting again tomorrow, we'll it was Monday, then Tuesday, then there was something I'd forgotten to eat in the fridge and half a bottle of wine today so it's tomorrow I need accountability, I'm hopeless doing it on my own x
Hiya :) Welcome! And congrats on the baby! I think pregnancy definitely an "acceptable excuse" for gaining weight ;) hahaha.

Cat, I do so so love fresh fruit and veg. Im loving the fact that I can have fruit again. Yet, like we were saying before, I keep having little minor freak-outs in the back of my mind "omg...the carbs" - but Im working on shutting that down as soon as I realize it is happening.

Had my 2 quorn frankfurters tonight and i think on their own theyd be vile - the texture being the problem. However, with a slice of bread/bun and some fresh tomato to offset was actually rather nice. and i was very full afterwards. havent been craving anything at all. yay!
I had my bagel thin after workout yesterday morning and nearly had a meltdown. My first thought was might as well have cake. And had to mentally shake myself !!

I wonder how long it takes to fix our busted metabolism. The body coach says a month.

Awesome on the no cravings. Here's to day 4 :)
Morning all :)

I had the same freakout when I started having the odd slice of bread or bagel thin too, Cat. Its mental - literally and figuratively. lol

So far Im actually finding this a bit too easy and of course and starting to panic "omg, im not feeling despressed and deprived and starving constantly. im doing it wrong and probably wont lose any weight. in fact, will probably gain weight. omg omg".

Still....trying to explain to myself that regardless of the outcome on the scales, I am re-learning to eat fresh, healthy food. Normal meals. And not to worry about it. I will get there in the end! :D
Good to hear you're finding this a breeze! That's the way to be, though I understand the concerns :p Not every diet has to feel *hard*. Learning how to eat in a balanced, measured way is the first step to success, no matter what! :D
Day 1 done! That feels so good to say. I really don't know why I never drink water unless I'm VLCDing it always makes me feel so good.
Nail day 4 bee? I nailed my day 4 *grins*

Breakfast sandwhich post work out day today too as did a fast yesterday. Excited :)

I need to have a proper read through of the different phases you are following later on. It's Fri-yay whoop!!!
Morning :) Yep - day 4 done and dusted. Day 5 today :)

Well done all! I think its a brilliant success just showing up here for yourself. Its so easy for us to put ourselves down, neglect ourselves and leave out the self care.... and to not fully understand our worth and individual greatness, but it is really hard to stand up and try to change our bodies/health and our mentalities and change the negative to a positive. So, yay! :) xxx

Just had my's was half of a 227g tub of (full fat) cottage cheese on a slice of wholemeal toast from a small loaf with some veggies - cucumber slices, baby tomatoes, a stick of celery and some yellow pepper that I shoved *shove* in the oven to roast for a bit. Im stuffed now and very satisified.... and that should easily keep me content until dinner time. *burrrp* hahahaha.

Keep freaking out that Ive not lost and in fact probably gained. But I wont crack and try to dig out the scales. LOLOL. This is a lesson that I NEED to learn. Note to self: Calm the eff down, buttercup.

Also, my friend (another expat) just got back from her trip home and brought me back Girl Scout cookies which she dropped off yesterday. *gasp* THREE WHOLE BOXES. Theyre in the freezer. And Im ok with that for right now.
YES! CALM DOWN! :p Nothing happens in just a few days, everything takes time... time that will pass regardless, so you are making the best of it!

Well done for resisting the Girl Scout cookies... they'll be there when you are ready for them, they ain't going anywhere! ...but, you know I've heard about them for years, but never had one. Are they good?
Yep! But definitely one of those thing I cant stop eating once Ive opened the box!

Just had my dinner, It was so delicious! Quorn peppered steak grill a few bits of roasted courgette and yellow pepper, half a bag of salad and some baby tomatoes and cucumber slices. Filling and fresh and yum.

Ive also decided to start back at Zumba. I started at a local class in like...January....and then I stopped going when I tried to go back on packs. And Ive been off and on packs all this time and never went back. I only did a few classes the its a mother/daughter team that run it and theyre fab. Really lovely and fun and good at what they do. So Im gonna go back to that. Its not the kind of music that I would normally listen to but suits the activity, obvs. LOL So that will be Monday evenings at 6:30 and Thursday evenings at 7:00. yay. :)