......gettin' it done.
Thanks Cat <3 I am finding it a little bit easier now with regards my mental approach to good carbs. But its still really really an issue for me. My head is just so so messed up. Thats kinda why I had the weigh in after day 1. I had toast in the morning and a big bowl of fruit salad for lunch and was convinced i would gain at least 4lbs (in water, if nothing else) and, nope. 3.6lbs off after day 1. So, that was reassuring. Scales have been hidden from me now so I have to stick the plan and trust it. Regardless of what happens, I am eating actual food and its all healthy stuff and small portions, so if nothing else it is helping me to have a healthier mental outlook. I just couldnt do the starving anymore. It served its purpose in 2013/2014 but my body just freaks out now. And it really ISNT healthy. It screws up your head and your metabolism something awful. Im glad I had my stint...but thats it. I have to move onto learning how to be as normal as I can be with food. Scary stuff. But so necessary. Do you have a diary currently?
Min, thanks!! I worked on it for hours trying to find faddy things that DO result in weight loss (albeit temporary, quick-fix type stuff) and work it into a plan that is repeatable so that i dont get the "its all come straight back on at the end of the diet" syndrome... and it all ends with Fiona Kirks plan which is a brilliantly sustainable plan in itself and also a great gateway into "not being on a diet, just eating well" kinda living. I expect i will probably have to repeat the 3 phase cycle at least twice. possibly 3 or 4 times...or more...until I get the weight off. But Im focusing on 1 day at a time. It dont feel deprived though or sad or anything negative. Which is odd for me and welcome. lol.
Day 3 today - feels SO weird to not have weighed this morning. But a bit liberating too. I just have to keep to plan and all will be fine. (She says....)
Min, thanks!! I worked on it for hours trying to find faddy things that DO result in weight loss (albeit temporary, quick-fix type stuff) and work it into a plan that is repeatable so that i dont get the "its all come straight back on at the end of the diet" syndrome... and it all ends with Fiona Kirks plan which is a brilliantly sustainable plan in itself and also a great gateway into "not being on a diet, just eating well" kinda living. I expect i will probably have to repeat the 3 phase cycle at least twice. possibly 3 or 4 times...or more...until I get the weight off. But Im focusing on 1 day at a time. It dont feel deprived though or sad or anything negative. Which is odd for me and welcome. lol.
Day 3 today - feels SO weird to not have weighed this morning. But a bit liberating too. I just have to keep to plan and all will be fine. (She says....)