Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Haha. I feel your pain. My eldest lives on peanutbutter (alone, with jam or with banana) sandwiches or pb on crackers or toast, copious amounts of fruit, crisps (gaaahhh), carrot sticks (no cooked carrots! only raw. lol) celery (raw), edamame, peas, the occasional broccoli "tree" (its a novelty thing, she doesnt really like it i dont think. lol. and also must be raw), spinach (raw...see a theme?) and her absolutely fave thing in the world is chips. I am quite sure she would sell me to the trolls for a bag of hot chips. hahahha. :p We've recently made progress - she will now eat cheesy garlic bread (like on a pizza base). Completely unhealthy...but its cheese (yay, more protein!) and its a different flavour and texture and this is all very positive. Her issues are completely mental/sensory (hates squidgy things) and I know this. Im letting her grow out of it. Either way...she gets plenty of vitamins. So I try not to stress. My youngest loves pasta. Pizza. Cheese sandwiches. Pb sandwiches. Cheese and onion rolls (gaaahhhh. i despair LOL). Chicken nuggets. Chips. Most fruits. Sometimes carrots/celery. Used to love mash and peas and corn with gravy but went off that. She's far easier to please. however she is a complete addict when it comes to chocolate and jaffa cakes. Like. Ridiculous. She's slender though and loves her fruit so I dont worry too much about her either. food and eating was always a major hullabaloo in my house growing of my earliest memories is sitting at the table at breakfast time with my mom...I was about 2 and her shouting at me to clean my plate. She had given me scrambled eggs and ketchup (only way i would eat them is if they were SWIMMING in it) and i remember not feeling hungry and also feeling a bit grossed out by them...and also feeling sad because she was so cross with me. AND SO STARTED MY LIFELONG BATTLE - thanks mom!

So...i dont want that kinda vibe attached to food in my house. I try my best to just let them get on with it. offer healthier stuff but i dont push it.

SW day 1 has gone well so far. breakfast was half a grapefruit (ive taken quite a fancy to them! omg hahah) some scrambled egg white (saves me having to dig out the bloodspots. O M G yarf.) and some tomatoes and a couple of rashers of bacon (quorn! haha - although if i was going to eat meat it would be american bacon, nearly burnt. i do rather love that. but...its something's stomach. like. seriously. ffs. still..... hahaha....) then lunch was a half a bag of salad because i am lazy. and on it i heaped some cottage cheese (had to syn it because its what i had in and is full fat) and some roasted courgette and sprouts (i love sprouts so much - sprouts are for any day, not just for christmas!!) which i roasted with salt, pepper, balsamic, garlic pwder and some sprays of olive oil fry light. it was very nice. although...i keep trying with cottage cheese and go through phases. i can tell this phase of liking it has come to an end. meh. haha. then i had a ww yogurt that i had just kickin about at the back of the fridge. hahaha. and an alpen light bar. I used a bit of butter to fry my egg in (mmmm kerrygold.) and synned that. Tonight Im having a lentil, potato, cauli and petit pois "curry"...except without the weird spices...just garlic and chilli powder. hate curry flavours. bleh! its a receipe that my MIL used to make all the time, which actually came from my FIL (who died before I even met hubby) who was actually from pakistan. lol. he didnt use all the spices etc because in years gone by, they were all far too expensive for most families so curries were very basic things. the addition of all the weird spices is all relatively recent. I digress. Curries = yuck. Except my MILs which i could happily eat day in and day out. its also super cheap and easy to make and very easily adaptable for veggies and meat easters alike. And although she used to cook it in loads of stork, i leave out the fat completely and just kinda dry fry the onions to soften them and then it all cooks down with the addition of tinned tomatoes and water...YUM. FREE!!!! So thats for tea tonight. And then will have another alpen light to complete my HexB and one more coffee with milk to complete my HexA. And that'll be my first day done. :D

how is everyone getting on?!
Lol lots of catching up to do for me! Last time I reported in you had concluded week 1 on the Bee tailor made plan and now you've signed up to slimming world :bunnydance:

What prompted that? I thought 5:5lbs was awesome :)

But I do really like and respect SW with the hideous exception of syn free mugshots vs heavily synned protein powder and avocados! Meaning no offence to anyone :) xx

I'm an absolute savage of a carnivore but I hate those blood spots too - yak.

I'm drinking prosecco in the salon currently - delish
Mugshots vs avocados, agreed!! I certainly take no offfence!

I generally dislike slimming clubs as a rule. Ive always got my beady eye on em, trying to catch them out trying to backhandedly sabbotage peoples weight loss to keep the money rolling in. But im a cynical so-and-so ;P That said, in the main SW is not a bad plan and in this instance I seem to finally have a consultant Who is nice and my gut instinct isnt to tighten my purse strungs and run away. I feel like I can trust her and I like her. I know I come across as super awesome and incredibly gregarious and friendly on here but Im actually SUCH a Bch. Haha ;P (really though, im only half joking). :D

Currently laying on my bed doing the "im gonna be, its ok *deep breaths*" because im just in THAT much pain. Womb begone. I hope they dont ask me to have Zolly injections. Wah!

Agony still. I just keep popping Ibuprofen as its the only thing that takes the edge off.

Tried to make apple and cinnamon breakfast-y quinoa and whereas I do like quinoa, it didnt work for me. Its too earthy tasting, I think. So boo. Ended up tipping that out and made some eggs with some left over roasted veg and quorn sausages.

And the main topic of conversation this morning has been the fact that it is, in fact, honest-to-goodness ACTUALLY snowing. Like frozen rain from the sky. Its the middle of april and the sky is chucking down snow. fml. *whimper* maaaake it stoppppp.

so breakfast today egg whites, quorn sausages, roasted veg, chopped up tomato - lunch will be left over portion of my curry stuff from last night (lentils, potato although very very little as I give hubby the big chunks of taters so i will have maybe a 50g piece. maybe.) and cauliflower cooked in tinned tomato and onion. and then dinner is probably gonna be a portabello mushroom burger. so will split my HexA half milk and half cheese for my burger (also using semi skimmed milk today instead of whole milk so can still have 2 coffees as i dont use much in each one) and HExB will be my wholemeal bun. Will have an aplen light later and syn it. half a melon. half a grape fruit and WW yog are all there, possible and free. So will see how I go. Not going to eat for the sake of it. But good to know Ive got options.

Currently though, am full and watching the snow. No. its turning to hail. jeeeezuz. get me the f outta here! Our jollies arent until sept. lawrd gimme strength!!
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Snow o_O Wrap up warm!! How far up north are you? Hopefully today will be a fairly relaxed day, you need it! I hope the pain goes away soon. =(
I hope your pain goes soon too. I'm Notts/Lincs and at 7am everything was white here as well but it's gone now, I LOVE snow! Your food for today sounds great, I really like quinoa but can't imagine it with apple and cinnamon. Do you mind me asking how much weight you want to lose? x
Thanks Min <3 Im in north tyneside, just outside Newcastle. It seriously cant decide what it wants to do today. Only constant is the cold. brr!

Porsche, not at all! Im currently 258.5 lbs according to SW (18s 6.5lbs i think it was. My american-ness still wont let me work in stones automatically. lol) and I weighed on my scales this morning (forgot to do it just before/after SW group to see the diff between my scales and theirs!) and am 253.0 - i would ideally like to get down to 15st - 210lbs) - I felt pretty groovy when i was at 214 early 2014. I also have a lot of loose skin from my WLS and being so so big before. So although the scales SAID 214, there was probably about a stone in loose skin. I may change that as I get nearer, I may not. I just really want to feel lighter in myself and more comfortable. Lookswise....Im never gonna have a body that I like the look of. sadly, I ruined that long ago! But I would love to not feel like Im squishing all my insides when I bend down to tie my shoelaces, etc. hahaha. :rolleyes:
Went up to tesco this evening with T and it was FREEEZING. omg. :gen125:

Got a bunch of frozen fruit and some of those arla protein pots to try. Not had them before. I think theyre 2 syns a piece but if theyre good, i wouldnt mind using up 2 syns on them as a breakfast option, with 20g protein each! So Im gonna try one tomorrow morning. (just checked...nope.,..just 1 syn! I hope theyre good!) i also got some of their healthy living cereal bars in lieu of alpen lights simply because they were on offer lol. not tried them before but how bad can they be, right? and its the same...2 of them is one HexB.

Im exhausted tonight so heading to bed. Its another crazy saturday night in our house, as you can see. we really know how to partay. haha :pillowfight:
I just think you are amazing beelishy that with all the pain you are suffering with that you are able to focus on your diet...Kudos!
Aww thanks Mini!

You know what, Its been pretty bad (the pain and heavy bleeding) (sorry TMI! lol) for so long, that I just push through it. I guess in some ways I am hoping that maybe if I get some more weight off and also focus on eating healthy(ier) nutrition - maybe that will actually help?! Who knows, but it certainly can't hurt! I just wish the cravings for food and chocolate and more food and chocolate werent so so strong. But Im ignoring them. ;) x

Whether or not this is endometriosis....I am in varying amounts of pain and discomfort ranging from "yikes, im pretty bloated" to "make it stop!!!!" but I am certain that so so many women have it far worse than I do.
Man, you are really quite far up Bee!
How is the pain? Is it reducing a bit? (oops you answered the question while I was typing .. sorry!)

Your food sounds interesting to be honest! I really should buy some frozen fruit again... I used to looove putting them in some Total 0% for a treat. Maybe in the summer months :D It's like ice cream but nowhere near as bad! Mmmm...
You poor thing bee!! I saw this and thought of you :)


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Morning xx

Arla protein pots are a huge hit. Im having the blueberry one with some frozen berry and banana smoothie mix i got at tesco last night. (not intending to use as smoothie though. i dont like to drink my food when i can help it. too much like vlcd for me! haha) I mixed the fruit in still frozen, straight from the freezer and its made the yog/quark go all frozen yogurt-y. Seriously GORGEOUS. Theyre expensive for what they are, but its one of those things that I will make cuts elsewhere to afford them. lol. YUM!

Now, Im freezing-er (haha) than i was when i got up so sitting under the duvet with a coffee.

Food today:

I dont know! haha. Im not sure what we are doing, if anything today.

B: Arla protein pot and fruit (1syn) (yum yum yum!!)

Im guessing - provided we arent going anywhere today - its likely to be some roasted veg and egg salad with a tablespoon of hellmann's caesar (2.5 syns) for lunch and maybe fajitas for dinner - quorn chicken....peppers, onions, courgette, ff fage and either 1/2 a tortilla (4.5 syns) or cauli rice mexicanified with some salad and i might make homemade salsa.

HexA - half milk for coffee and half cheese (15g) for my fajita
HexB - alpen light x 2

and some melon or grapefruit.

kinda fancy a nice sunday lunch tho...hmm. hahaha.
Ok food today:

B: Arla pot with frozen fruit (1 syn)

S: was chopping up a half a canteloupe for the girls lunch and had a few bits and a strawberry and a bit of banana

L: Stir fry with quorn chicken bits

S: an apple (if i get peckish)

D: 1/4 homemade Frittata (1.5 syn) (egg whites, ff cottage cheese, petit pois, roasted sprouts and fake bacon topped with 30g cheddar (6 syns total for cheese but will only count it as 1.5 per portion as it is 4 portions) with cauli rice (I meant to put that IN the frittata but completely spaced it.) or broccoli.

HexA : 250ml semi skimmed milk
HexB: 2 alpen light (the tesco ones are rank, will palm them off the on the children. they'll eat any ol' crap. HA!!!)
Aww thanks Mini!

You know what, Its been pretty bad (the pain and heavy bleeding) (sorry TMI! lol) for so long, that I just push through it. I guess in some ways I am hoping that maybe if I get some more weight off and also focus on eating healthy(ier) nutrition - maybe that will actually help?! Who knows, but it certainly can't hurt! I just wish the cravings for food and chocolate and more food and chocolate werent so so strong. But Im ignoring them. ;) x

Whether or not this is endometriosis....I am in varying amounts of pain and discomfort ranging from "yikes, im pretty bloated" to "make it stop!!!!" but I am certain that so so many women have it far worse than I do.
I was very fortunate that I sailed through life with little if anything to complain about in the ladies department and now those days are long behind me but I have family and friends who have had problems and I know how exhausting and debilitating it can be and I have to admire anyone who suffers but it should not be in silence but demand that you get the best treatment and help available out there.

I do suffer with cravings for chocolate, the last bad attack was last Tuesday and I stuck it out and so glad I did as it passed eventually and thankfully have not got one since. Once I get to this stage I know I will be fine as long as I don't activate those cravings by eating something sweet. Husband is supporting me by going sugar/chocolate free here at home and as he does not have a weight problem, what he does when out is up to him...regarding sweet treats:)
Good evening all!

I know what you mean about not wanting to give in and activate those chocolate cravings, Mini! That's pretty much been the cause of my diet fails since we moved back to the UK at the end of 2014! Ive given in with the intention of having just a little and getting straight back to the diet...and then....I just cant/dont. Ive never been the type to "just have a little bit". I dont know who I was trying to kid! haha.

Just had my dinner. Yum! Tomorrow morning, hubby is going to get a hair cut and then Im going to the bank. Then we're gonna take the girls over to the park provided it isnt raining. Its not forecast to rain but then again, it wasnt forecast to snow yesterday either! So anyway. We're gonna take the flower book and see if i we can spot any :)

I made some restaurant style salsa (minus the honey in the original recipe and used a sweetener tablet instead and a splash of balsamic) and put it into a jar. Im gonna do fajitas tomorrow night instead and will put that on it. YUM.
Another busy day today!

Pain hasnt been as bad the last day and half or so. And far better this month overall, although even my "not so bad" months are pretty excruciating at times. Still. No waking up in so much pain that I'd had a nightmare my womb falling out in bits or that I was in hard labour and freaked out because I hadnt realized I was even pregnant (this happened last month) lol.

So today we went to "the big asda". Thats what the girls call it. lol. We got Z a few pairs of leggings and some Tshirts. They didnt have much really and nothing at all for T (she's going to be 7 in Nov but in size 8/9 or 9/10 because she's SO tall. lol.) in the bigger girls sizes. Bleh. Its all ghastly and/or too old for her. T also took her money and spend £3 on a little plane toy. Like a hot wheels thing...but its a very swish looking stunt plane. Not a bad purchase!

Theres a McDonalds in that asda and I knew we would be venturing that way after I had got some food shopping sorted so while I was picking up a few bits and pieces, I also grabbed one of those salads with the boiled egg and boiled new potato. tbh, I dont care for them - kinda boring! haha. but I grabbed it. And I opened that while they tucked in to Mickey D's. I chucked out the salad cream though because that stuff is absolutely foul. And i got a balsamic dressing from McDs and planned to syn that but I had one bite of the salad (it was the egg) and the dressing was gross and also, I bit into a piece of egg shell which completely put me off. So i chucked the lot and drank my Sprite Z! haha. BLEH! :eek:

Got home and had another wedge of my frittata instead - phew. Then Z and I and the hubs got into bed and I planned to play on my phone and Hubby planned to read on his ipad and Z was going to have a nap. T was in doing some worksheets and playing PS4. Nearly THREE hours later hubby and i wake up to Z singing itsy bitsy spider happily between us - having just woken up herself. Hahaha. So we all had a very long nap.

Got up and made dinner and then it was now! Ive got some dishes to do and then will have a coffee and fill in my food diary for today. :) xx

Food today:

B: Frittata (1 syn) with baby tomatoes and a very small bowl of frozen fruit
L: was nearly a salad but ended up being frittata (1 syn) again! and an Alpen light (half of my HexB)
D: SW quorn fajitas (chopped up quorn pieces, red onion, red pepper, courgette, shredded lettuce, homemade salsa (free!) and ff fage) with 1 mini tortilla (4.5 syns)

Coffee with semi skimmed milk (HexA), water, sprite Z, dilutey juice

Will have another alpen light and a WW yog later (as it goes off today! LOL)

Not too long til WI.

Alls well. been sticking to plan no problem. yesterday i thought i would (sorta) batch cook a few different things so i had some stuff ready to grab in the fridge - already portioned out. i made soup from one of the asda soup mixes (fresh ones) and i made a frittata with caulirice that needed to be used as was best before yesterday (oops) and was a bit pong-y when i opened it - should have listened to my gut on that one (more later) and then i also made some stir fry type stuff with a pot of the fresh "cous cous" veg....tesco sells it. its beetroot, carrot broccoli and red onion all chopped/grated finely (think cauli rice) and meant to be a sub for cous cous. Looked colourful and interesting so i got it but it also was best before yesterday (and also smelled a little funny when i opened it. haha) and stir fried that with some chopped up quorn cocktail sausages.

it was all YUCKY! haha. i didnt care for the soup. nothing particularly wrong with it but it managed to taste like a tinned soup (not a huge fan of tinned soups) even though it was all fresh. and it was too herby for me. bleh. i did have a portion for lunch but chucked the other portion.

The frittata didnt work. It BOOO. So I chucked that too.

And the stir fry stuff...the beetroot killed it for me. it was lovely and then you get this tangy/sweet-but-sour and slightly off tasting after-taste. NOPE.

So massive fail on the "being prepared" front. hahaha. Ive decided i will keep it simple in the week ahead. arla pot and frozen fruit or egg whites with any left over veg or some chpped tomatoes for brekkie, Quorn frankfurter (i can only manage one anyway!) with a slice of wholemeal small bread as a "bun" or a chopped up portabello mushroom cooked in garlic and a spoon of philly light on toast for lunch, and dinner can be an egg scramble with various veg in...or vegetarian chilli, Quorn peppered steak and veg, quorn fajitas...etc. simple. i was trying to be too varied. hahaha. then snacks will just be an apple, a ww yog, an alpen light....that sorta thing. Although im finding tht i dont really need snacks so much. usually just in the afternoon around 3ish and then i LIKE to have a little snack/treat in the evenings and have been having an alpen light and coffee which is working well.

So...WI tomorrow. Yay. No clue what the scales will say. I kinda feel like Im cheating becaus TOTM started friday so i was almost definitely weighing heavy on the thursday. i will take the result tomorrow with a grain of salt and look forward to a more accurate WI result for next week. Fingers crossed! (watch me not have lost anything at all..or worse - PUT ON - this wweek. hahah)

Food today:

B: arla and fruit (1 syn)
S: going to costa with a friend. will have a fruity tea i think.
L: quorn frankfurter (1.5 syn), 1 slice wholemeal bread (half my HexB), 1tbspn heinz light mayo, (2syns) pickles (gherkins?!) and tomato
S: apple (if i need it)
D: quorn fajitas (quorn chkn bits, onion, peppers, courgette, chilli, shredded lettuce, half a full sized wrap(4.5 syns) , ff fage and home made salsa. )
S: alpen light (HexB other half)

Syns: 9

Have already sorted food for tomorrow (in my head) as well. I had started to fret "I wont eat before..." blah blah. Nope. Im not going down that road again. Neurosis is NOT MY FRIEND. :D haha. So Im just going to *gasp* BE NORMAL! Breakfast will be my beloved arla and fruit and lunch will be a hot dog or mushroom on toast. Dinner will be after i get home from group. Sorted.