......gettin' it done.
Haha. I feel your pain. My eldest lives on peanutbutter (alone, with jam or with banana) sandwiches or pb on crackers or toast, copious amounts of fruit, crisps (gaaahhh), carrot sticks (no cooked carrots! only raw. lol) celery (raw), edamame, peas, the occasional broccoli "tree" (its a novelty thing, she doesnt really like it i dont think. lol. and also must be raw), spinach (raw...see a theme?) and her absolutely fave thing in the world is chips. I am quite sure she would sell me to the trolls for a bag of hot chips. hahahha.
We've recently made progress - she will now eat cheesy garlic bread (like on a pizza base). Completely unhealthy...but its cheese (yay, more protein!) and its a different flavour and texture and this is all very positive. Her issues are completely mental/sensory (hates squidgy things) and I know this. Im letting her grow out of it. Either way...she gets plenty of vitamins. So I try not to stress. My youngest loves pasta. Pizza. Cheese sandwiches. Pb sandwiches. Cheese and onion rolls (gaaahhhh. i despair LOL). Chicken nuggets. Chips. Most fruits. Sometimes carrots/celery. Used to love mash and peas and corn with gravy but went off that. She's far easier to please. however she is a complete addict when it comes to chocolate and jaffa cakes. Like. Ridiculous. She's slender though and loves her fruit so I dont worry too much about her either. food and eating was always a major hullabaloo in my house growing of my earliest memories is sitting at the table at breakfast time with my mom...I was about 2 and her shouting at me to clean my plate. She had given me scrambled eggs and ketchup (only way i would eat them is if they were SWIMMING in it) and i remember not feeling hungry and also feeling a bit grossed out by them...and also feeling sad because she was so cross with me. AND SO STARTED MY LIFELONG BATTLE - thanks mom!
So...i dont want that kinda vibe attached to food in my house. I try my best to just let them get on with it. offer healthier stuff but i dont push it.
SW day 1 has gone well so far. breakfast was half a grapefruit (ive taken quite a fancy to them! omg hahah) some scrambled egg white (saves me having to dig out the bloodspots. O M G yarf.) and some tomatoes and a couple of rashers of bacon (quorn! haha - although if i was going to eat meat it would be american bacon, nearly burnt. i do rather love that. but...its something's stomach. like. seriously. ffs. still..... hahaha....) then lunch was a half a bag of salad because i am lazy. and on it i heaped some cottage cheese (had to syn it because its what i had in and is full fat) and some roasted courgette and sprouts (i love sprouts so much - sprouts are for any day, not just for christmas!!) which i roasted with salt, pepper, balsamic, garlic pwder and some sprays of olive oil fry light. it was very nice. although...i keep trying with cottage cheese and go through phases. i can tell this phase of liking it has come to an end. meh. haha. then i had a ww yogurt that i had just kickin about at the back of the fridge. hahaha. and an alpen light bar. I used a bit of butter to fry my egg in (mmmm kerrygold.) and synned that. Tonight Im having a lentil, potato, cauli and petit pois "curry"...except without the weird spices...just garlic and chilli powder. hate curry flavours. bleh! its a receipe that my MIL used to make all the time, which actually came from my FIL (who died before I even met hubby) who was actually from pakistan. lol. he didnt use all the spices etc because in years gone by, they were all far too expensive for most families so curries were very basic things. the addition of all the weird spices is all relatively recent. I digress. Curries = yuck. Except my MILs which i could happily eat day in and day out. its also super cheap and easy to make and very easily adaptable for veggies and meat easters alike. And although she used to cook it in loads of stork, i leave out the fat completely and just kinda dry fry the onions to soften them and then it all cooks down with the addition of tinned tomatoes and water...YUM. FREE!!!! So thats for tea tonight. And then will have another alpen light to complete my HexB and one more coffee with milk to complete my HexA. And that'll be my first day done.
how is everyone getting on?!
So...i dont want that kinda vibe attached to food in my house. I try my best to just let them get on with it. offer healthier stuff but i dont push it.
SW day 1 has gone well so far. breakfast was half a grapefruit (ive taken quite a fancy to them! omg hahah) some scrambled egg white (saves me having to dig out the bloodspots. O M G yarf.) and some tomatoes and a couple of rashers of bacon (quorn! haha - although if i was going to eat meat it would be american bacon, nearly burnt. i do rather love that. but...its something's stomach. like. seriously. ffs. still..... hahaha....) then lunch was a half a bag of salad because i am lazy. and on it i heaped some cottage cheese (had to syn it because its what i had in and is full fat) and some roasted courgette and sprouts (i love sprouts so much - sprouts are for any day, not just for christmas!!) which i roasted with salt, pepper, balsamic, garlic pwder and some sprays of olive oil fry light. it was very nice. although...i keep trying with cottage cheese and go through phases. i can tell this phase of liking it has come to an end. meh. haha. then i had a ww yogurt that i had just kickin about at the back of the fridge. hahaha. and an alpen light bar. I used a bit of butter to fry my egg in (mmmm kerrygold.) and synned that. Tonight Im having a lentil, potato, cauli and petit pois "curry"...except without the weird spices...just garlic and chilli powder. hate curry flavours. bleh! its a receipe that my MIL used to make all the time, which actually came from my FIL (who died before I even met hubby) who was actually from pakistan. lol. he didnt use all the spices etc because in years gone by, they were all far too expensive for most families so curries were very basic things. the addition of all the weird spices is all relatively recent. I digress. Curries = yuck. Except my MILs which i could happily eat day in and day out. its also super cheap and easy to make and very easily adaptable for veggies and meat easters alike. And although she used to cook it in loads of stork, i leave out the fat completely and just kinda dry fry the onions to soften them and then it all cooks down with the addition of tinned tomatoes and water...YUM. FREE!!!! So thats for tea tonight. And then will have another alpen light to complete my HexB and one more coffee with milk to complete my HexA. And that'll be my first day done.
how is everyone getting on?!