Awww, Porsche, that was in NO WAY meant to be a guilt trip for you (nor any of the other ominvores! lol) Seriously. I do not judge. <3
I didnt become an actual veggie until I hot adulthood. I have always struggled with meat-eating though...ever since I was young. I never liked the texture of it. And then when I was 8, we had read Charlotte's Web in school and i came in one day and my mom was cooking pork chops in a pan and they were bleeding a they sometimes do, right? except i said "Mom, whats that?" and she said "pork chops" and I said "what animal was that?" and she said "it was a pig" and i completely lost the plot. Sobbing. etc. HAHA. "ITS WILBURRRRRRR". Anyway. I was beside myself and my mother promised me she would never by pork chops again (and she never did!) but that was kinda how i felt about all of it. Still, I liked (to a point) McDonalds and hot dogs and my dad's carne asada and so kinda limped along as a very fussy omni for ages. Then it was actually when the bernard matthews workers were secretly filmed hitting the turkeys (alive!!!) around with cricket bats that I completely LOST M Y **** over it. I was depressed for days. And decided then that I couldnt support an industry like that. And that goes on across the board. So, i cant.
My eldest is a veggie as well, but that is more to do with the fact that she's a fussy little madam when it comes to food. Seriously. Fussy. She will eat pretty much any fruit. Quite a few veg. But no meat, eggs, cheese, beans, pasta, rice, get the picture. lol. And my littlest is an omni. It can be her choice to be a veggie or not when she grows up. Hubby is an omnivore although he rarely eats meat at home because we cant really afford the decent stuff and he knows i hate to cook it (although I will, for him) so he doesnt request it ever.
I did have some meat when I was pregnant with my kids because I was worried that theyd miss out on nutrients or that i would be lacking in protein (i was sooo sick in the beginning, i lost weight! lol) ...and after i had them I went back off meat.
I also love the boundaries and the quick results of VLCD but the last few times ive tried, Ive been getting sick within a week. And not just normal carb withdrawl. Like terribly dizzy, light-headed and feeling like i may faint. heart racing. sweats and shivers. just really really scary. if i could do it to knock these few stone off i so would. trust me. lol xx
SW tonight was a hoot! Turns out the leader is American. HA! We. Are. EVERYWHERE. Mwahahaha. She's lovely. The plan is EE (extra easy) and the EESP (extra easy sp - s is for speed foods and p is for protein rich.) wasnt really discussed but it tells you how to do it in the book. And its basically the normal plan but you try to stick mainly to speed foods (mostly all the free veg and fruit, minus a few starchy/carby ones) and protein (meat, cottage cheese, quark and quorn). it is a low carb plan without calling itself that. I may have a few days doing that while I work out the normal ee just to be on the safe side. weighed at 258.5 today. YIKES. Their scales always weigh a bit heavier than mine and i forgot to weigh myself when i got in to check the difference but that's fine. i will just go by theirs anyway. Ive decided to actually read the books this time, too

In other news, lower back KNACKS. Cramps are also KNACKING. Womb - free to a good home. Slightly worn out and used twice. Ha! I shouldnt say that....there are plenty of women who cant conceive for various reasons and although its abnormal and causes me more grief and pain than anything else, I do realize how beyond blessed I am that my silly little (agonizing) womb enabled me to carry and birth 2 gorgeous, completely nutty, amazing small humans. (Still, Im done with it now and so over this pain). If i DO have SUCKS. lol. ;/
off to plan my food for tomorrow. Obvs I totally DIDNT start when i got in tonight. I had a quorn hot dog with a big ol' squirt of mayo on a slice of best of both and some salad. Not too bad right? And then there were biscuits. HAWHAW HAWWWWW. :| Now coffee, (yes. at 9pm. lol. insanity!) and then bed shortly. Im gonna finish reading this book and see if i can work out what to have tomorrow.