Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Morning :)

WI results are in - 251.0 which = 5.6lbs off this week. Can't really be unhappy with that, can I? :D

Onward and downward!

Ive gotta check my plan for today's menu and sort that....start getting breakfast sorted and make sure the livingroom is still or re - tidy(ied). And then get myself ready and head to docs around 10:

Its going to be a busy and most likely at least slightly emotional day for me. Im trying to ready myself. This is why it is so important that I am fully prepared, food/meals-wise today. I will not turn to stuffing my face if I get upset. That solves/helps nothing, whatsoever.
No dramas !! It's pretty dull anyways!

Massive congrats on the loss - I'd be thrilled!
That's a fantastic loss, big well done. Day 4 & 5 done here. I also had an old diary on here and should start a new one really rather than post in yours all the time. The F, was it food fighters? x
Well done on your first week's loss! I'd say keep going with what you're doing if it's comfortable, switch to the next phase when you're a bit bored with this one. It's good to make changes, but why tweak something that is making you feel good, satisfied and still see losses? :) You've altered the plan enough not to be restricted by its 1-week per time rule. I've learned that water can fluctuate as much as 3lb when it's mostly gone, yesterday morning I weighed 12st 10 and on this morning it was 12st 7? And this is after the big water weight drop of the first week. Especially with TOTM week it's gonna be all over the place!

Did T buy a toy in the end? It's adorable that she offered the money to you, I remember when I was living in Latvia with my grandparents I saved up a bunch of money (we didn't have much) from running errands... When I left for England at the age of 10, I left it all to them, it wasn't a small amount either, it was in the region of £100 (which goes a lot further in rural Latvia...) and that was all my savings through the years I lived there.

As for Caz.. your comments made me laugh a little bit, because I thought I was the only one who felt she was a bit of a ... *insert B word*. I didn't have an outright argument with her - and I didn't see the one you had... but she was always so ... cold and judgemental in every single post I saw from her. She put down some things I said too, for no reason, and I was like ... what did I do to you?!? I was really disappointed when MM closed, and I sometimes wonder how many people it affected badly - because so many do rely on forums for encouragement and inspiration to keep going with getting healthy. I wonder if Lou will be back some day too... Still I did sign up for Foodfighters - it's a tiny bit more active over there and thankfully Caz isn't active atm, I can hide away from her beady eye of doom :p

How did your doctor's appointment go?
Hiya :)

Today hasnt been as great as it shouldve. Had a couple of crispbreads and a mint club which DEEEFINITELY werent on the menu. But Im not gonna dwell...just moving on. Ive got cramps quite bad and started spotting today (not due til friday though).

Appointment yesterday went really well. GP seems to think I may actually have endometriosis. A consultant gynae I saw years ago suggested the same, and then did a scan and found a fibroid so figured that was probably the cause of my issues. Put me on the combi pill and discharged me. I took that for years and although it did help to keep me from bleeding between periods....the pain was still bad and every other month was still very very heavy. After I had Z in 2012 and went to the doc to be put back on the combi pill, they told me WHO guidelines had changed - combi pill was no longer offered to woman who's BMI was over 30 (mine was) nor to women who were 35 or older (I was 34). So they gave me the mini pill. It made me feel awful. I came out in loads of spots. Gained more weight (yay!). Pain was just as bad. Periods were crazy irregular and heavy and incredibly painful. Not so good. So after a few months i came off that and never bothered to try anything else.

Then it was now and Ive just become fed up. I have pain and sometimes bleeding between my periods which are heavy and sometimes so painful that it is actually as bad as the labour pains I suffered with my kids. Probably why I was able to manage to have both of them with no pain relief - ITS NORMAL FOR ME. ffs. lol. So. Anyhoo. I saw a gp late feb who referred me for a scan to check my fibroids and to see if there was anything sinister lurking. Saw a different gp yesterday (He's brill!!) and he was so sympathetic and listened and was just very good. I told him that I am phobic about implants so the Mirena is a no-go. Then we discussed ablation. Turns out there may be 2 other chemical treatments that we can/may be asked to try. He also suggested that he thinks it is likely that I have endometriosis. Ive personally ALWAYS thought this but its always been dismissed or treated kinda like "yeah, maybe." and glossed over. So basically this gp is actually working with me and for me to try to get me out of this misery. YAY!

And then we also had the HV around yesterday to talk about Zoe and getting her elvaluated. HV said she saw a definite improvement in her speech although she is still very delayed. Z also is doing much better with making eye contact and acknowledging/engaging other people.....which is also progress as she didnt do much of that until recently. So although she is progressing (slowly), she almost certainly is autistic and we all agreed to the referral to have her evaluated.

So the wheels are in motion for both of those things.

Im having a quorn peppered steak tonight and have decided that Ive kinda gone off them. lol. So I will probably freeze the ones I have left and have to switch up my protein source at night. Will probably be eggs or quorn chicken pieces. Maybe cottage cheese.

And lastly, tomorrow I am going to meet up with a friend of mine. She's another expat and lives about 5 mins walk from me. She's more like family than a friend, tbh. But I havent seen her in a few weeks because she was back home for a visit over easter hols. So we are going to lunch tomorrow at Five Guys. Yikes. lol. Ive decided that rather than stress - just accept and be ok with the fact that this is what normal life is. Im going to lunch, so I will EAT LUNCH. I will, however, probably skip breakfast and just have a coffee and half a grapefruit. And then dinner will be a salad with homemade guac and quorn pieces done as fajitas. Back onto normal plan again on Thursday and food will be half a grapefruit, eggs/bacon for breakfast - cottage cheese on a slice of wholemeal toast with cucumber slices and baby tomatoes for lunch and then maybe a hot dog and salad for dinner.
Awww, Min - that is so so sweet!!! <3 <3 I can only imagine how much that meant to them and how much it helped.

LOL. Yes. Caz was a complete B to me early on. If you go to page 1 or two of this will see where she launches into this big lecture about how SnS is great and how dare I have asked for free delivery as theyre trying to make money...etc etc. Total turdweasel.

Lou - never say never but she's away with the fairies atm. She's been doing W30 off and on for a while now and just kinda living her life. (*Shouts this quite loud so as maybe she will hear it*) hahaha. Love her to bits. Will tell her you said hello and asked after her. Yes, minimins is a shadow of its former self, sadly. it is nowhere near as good or busy as it was. Really sad but very understandable!

Porsche, yes - start a new diary! And also....YEP! Food fighters (what a ridic name. Food is just something we need to survive. It isnt the reason we're overweight per se! derp.) hahaha. I couldnt remember. And well done you - youre steaaaaming through this. I sometimes wish that I could get back on vlcd and see it through until I lose a couple of stone. But it just doesnt agree with me - sends my body (and my head) mental now. The results, however, are rather fantastic. lol.

Oh and also. I meant to say. I dread to think how many people suffered badly with the closure of minimins. It was probably the ONLY source of support and comfort that a lot of people got. Lots of people are very secretive about their weight struggles and attempts at diets etc - have no one to talk to or lean on..and I just feel horrible for them having lost this. I was fortunate in that I had Lou and Clin - we have kept in touch and talk all the time. They are both so amazing. We 3 have bonded and gotten quite close and I know that they fully understand me and my struggles and I theirs too. I'd have really struggled without them tbh.
Quick reply:

- amazing about GP and not being fobbed off
- great about baby girl progress and I'd say a positive step on referral
- I loved Lou - thought she was bloody hilaire! Please tell her I said hi too. I would love to know how her degree is going. And clin was like the wisest of owls
- well done on food. The Mint club police won't lock you up for one little bar :)
- bacon... Is that veggie bacon bee or have you joined the dark side?

You ok bee ?

Ive had the busiest last few days. Seriously. Im exhausted.

Monday I had my doc/nurse appointment and meeting with the HV. Then Tuesday I had to go run some errands. Then yesterday, we (the girls and I) went out with my friend M. We went to the metrocentre for lunch, ikea and also Costco. My plan has mostly all gone out the window (typical me!) and in my frustration yesterday (and after perusing the SW section on here and various other SW blogs and bits of info tucked around the net in various locations) I messaged a local SW consultant and I told her straight up that Ive joined SW twice before and both times never lasted more than a few weeks because 1. as a vegetarian I just get shoved into "green" plan and that is far too carb heavy for me, so i ended up gaining weight (!!!! hello UNLIMITED PASTA! who's brain child was that idea? hello?! yes, lets give fatties UNLIMITED PASTA AND POTATOESSSSS AND RIIIICE and no guidance on portion control or sensible eating) and 2. in all honesty, the 2 previous consultants ive had in the past have been a bit unapproachable and basically made it seem as though they really didnt care much. I went on to ask her if, without divulging what she cannot as I am not a paying member, there is actually a plan now that is suitable for vegetarians but also carb controlled. I was thinking in terms of EESP as ive read quite a bit of that and it seems perfect, but also seems like perhaps is only intended to be done for a few days/a week at a time. Unsure. So. I apologized for messaging her out of the blue with a massive novel and thanked her for her time. She actually came back to me within an hour or so with a novel of her own....very apologetic about my bad consultant experiences and very adamant that she would be very active and actually WANTS to help me. Bless. She told me that the red/green have gone now (although if you know the plans you are free to do them within your week. they just arent supported in group anymore) and that its all EE (no mention of EESP but will probe further) now but that she would be happy for me to come along (tonight) and have a detailed chat about the plan at the end of group (as I cant make it early) and then decide if I want to join or not. Sweet, right? Anyway, Im gonna go along tonight and see what the craic is. I was meant to be going to Zumba right after that, at 7pm but TOTM is sorta spotting, stoppy-starty atm so probably starting properly today or tonight. And I am in agony. I woke up and had ibuprofen already. Even before coffee. Its just THAT bad. lol. ;/

So im gonna give this a shot and hope she is true to her word about helping me make this plan work for me. We'll see.

Did I mention that I am absolutely exhausted? And its been grey and wet and FREEZING up here for 2 days? *crrryyy* I WANT SPRINGTIME MUMMY!!!

*low snarly growl* this. sucks.

how is everyone getting on?
Hello :)

Here to sub.

Good luck for tonight I'm sure you will enjoy it!
EE is ace, EESP is more geared for when you're getting towards goal or when you want a few more pounds off for a specific event (Christmas, wedding dress etc)- that's how it was explained to me anyway and it's quite hard!
Hope you're feeling a bit better with totm. Sounds very busy! Love the metrocentre though it's ace!

Let us know how tonight goes!

Haha Bee, you're so nutty. It sucks that your TOTM is giving you so much trouble!! Argh. Forget Zumba for today - you really shouldn't be jumping about if you are in pain. But SW sounds positive! The consultant sounds like a sweetheart, you get some bad ones (but it's the same with any plan, be it Cambridge, or LL), but there's always good ones too! I hope you get what you want out of the meeting, because at the end of the day, it's good to have support while dieting and back-up options in case your original plan isn't working for you that day.

I really hope some sunshine comes along for you soon!! I wish I could share this sunny weather from down here in London - yesterday was gorgeous. I'll pack it up in a box and send it to you!

Don't over stress and remember to take a breather every once in a while!! It's an order :p

Oh yeah, and pass on a Hi to Lou! I miss her too! She was always such a little ray of sunshine on these boards :D
I'd love to know how you get on at SW Bee. Like you I've tried it a couple of times and gained weight. Until a couple of years ago I was veggie and had been for over 30 years, I did the green plan and thought I'd died and gone to heaven with all those gorgeous carbs, who needs to cheat when you can eat limitless potatoes, rice and pasta.... I put 6lb on that week.
I'm still doing 4 packs a day and quietly plodding on, I have one outfit that fits me comfortably but I hate it. I have a closet bursting with loveliness that I can't fit into, I have to stick to this x
You know friend said to me "well...why dont you just use cauli rice and courgetti instead of pasta/rice, despite what the plan says". What a concept eh? hahaha. So that's my plan for that aspect. And also, if i like the EESP plan and can follow it and its working and I feel healthy, I may break rank, yet again and just do that with normal EE at the weekend. hahaha. Lookit me. Im already planning how Im gonna NOT FOLLOW THEIR PLAN and tweaking it before ive ever joined. Bwahaha. What am I like?!

Can I ask you why you were veggie and also how you became NON veggie? Im veggie on ethical grounds but also, I simply struggle with the realism of what eating meat is. And the texture quite often is a huge YUCK for me. The flavour is fine. But man alive...I cant get past the fact that a beautiful creature that was alive, heart beating and blood pumping....just like i am and my kids are and my cat is....and we all are.....was murdered so that I could have whatever it is on my plate. And that Im ingesting something's BODY. *shuddder* And I simply cannot enjoy it nor live with myself and halfway through my stomach turns and i usually picked the meat out or stopped eating whatever it was. That said, protein is pretty awesome. hahaha. And i would love to be able to GET OVER IT, in a sense. I know this is likely to never happen, though. So...onward. ha!
Wow! Now that's a guilt trip for me. I can't honestly put my finger on why I now eat meat. I can tell you that my reasons were the same as yours, I'd never eat anything with a face, that's what I used to say to everyone. I stopped eating lamb at 7 and everything else at 14. I've brought up my older 3 children to be veggie but not my baby, she's really picky so to be honest if she'll eat it she can have it. The older ones have in the
past year or so started eating some meat when out and about at friends I think there's some peer pressure going on maybe but tbh meat is so alien to them that they have very little as they just don't hve a taste for it. I sort of started craving chicken and I suppose it's just escalated from there really. I have very little as there's lots of stuff I'd never touch and nothing can have even the tiniest bit of fat on but any type of lean meat I'll give a go. As a family Quorn is what we mainly eat, my Quorn spag bol is everyone's favourite dinner.
What do all the letters for the SW plans stand for? You sound like me, always coming up the plan that will be the one that I stick to to lose the weight! I totally get the head messing VLCDs
cause but I need the boundaries they give me
and the speed the scales move at x
Awww, Porsche, that was in NO WAY meant to be a guilt trip for you (nor any of the other ominvores! lol) Seriously. I do not judge. <3

I didnt become an actual veggie until I hot adulthood. I have always struggled with meat-eating though...ever since I was young. I never liked the texture of it. And then when I was 8, we had read Charlotte's Web in school and i came in one day and my mom was cooking pork chops in a pan and they were bleeding a they sometimes do, right? except i said "Mom, whats that?" and she said "pork chops" and I said "what animal was that?" and she said "it was a pig" and i completely lost the plot. Sobbing. etc. HAHA. "ITS WILBURRRRRRR". Anyway. I was beside myself and my mother promised me she would never by pork chops again (and she never did!) but that was kinda how i felt about all of it. Still, I liked (to a point) McDonalds and hot dogs and my dad's carne asada and so kinda limped along as a very fussy omni for ages. Then it was actually when the bernard matthews workers were secretly filmed hitting the turkeys (alive!!!) around with cricket bats that I completely LOST M Y **** over it. I was depressed for days. And decided then that I couldnt support an industry like that. And that goes on across the board. So, i cant.

My eldest is a veggie as well, but that is more to do with the fact that she's a fussy little madam when it comes to food. Seriously. Fussy. She will eat pretty much any fruit. Quite a few veg. But no meat, eggs, cheese, beans, pasta, rice, get the picture. lol. And my littlest is an omni. It can be her choice to be a veggie or not when she grows up. Hubby is an omnivore although he rarely eats meat at home because we cant really afford the decent stuff and he knows i hate to cook it (although I will, for him) so he doesnt request it ever.

I did have some meat when I was pregnant with my kids because I was worried that theyd miss out on nutrients or that i would be lacking in protein (i was sooo sick in the beginning, i lost weight! lol) ...and after i had them I went back off meat.

I also love the boundaries and the quick results of VLCD but the last few times ive tried, Ive been getting sick within a week. And not just normal carb withdrawl. Like terribly dizzy, light-headed and feeling like i may faint. heart racing. sweats and shivers. just really really scary. if i could do it to knock these few stone off i so would. trust me. lol xx

SW tonight was a hoot! Turns out the leader is American. HA! We. Are. EVERYWHERE. Mwahahaha. She's lovely. The plan is EE (extra easy) and the EESP (extra easy sp - s is for speed foods and p is for protein rich.) wasnt really discussed but it tells you how to do it in the book. And its basically the normal plan but you try to stick mainly to speed foods (mostly all the free veg and fruit, minus a few starchy/carby ones) and protein (meat, cottage cheese, quark and quorn). it is a low carb plan without calling itself that. I may have a few days doing that while I work out the normal ee just to be on the safe side. weighed at 258.5 today. YIKES. Their scales always weigh a bit heavier than mine and i forgot to weigh myself when i got in to check the difference but that's fine. i will just go by theirs anyway. Ive decided to actually read the books this time, too :p hahaha.

In other news, lower back KNACKS. Cramps are also KNACKING. Womb - free to a good home. Slightly worn out and used twice. Ha! I shouldnt say that....there are plenty of women who cant conceive for various reasons and although its abnormal and causes me more grief and pain than anything else, I do realize how beyond blessed I am that my silly little (agonizing) womb enabled me to carry and birth 2 gorgeous, completely nutty, amazing small humans. (Still, Im done with it now and so over this pain). If i DO have SUCKS. lol. ;/

off to plan my food for tomorrow. Obvs I totally DIDNT start when i got in tonight. I had a quorn hot dog with a big ol' squirt of mayo on a slice of best of both and some salad. Not too bad right? And then there were biscuits. HAWHAW HAWWWWW. :| Now coffee, (yes. at 9pm. lol. insanity!) and then bed shortly. Im gonna finish reading this book and see if i can work out what to have tomorrow.
I didn't take offence but seeing 'heart beating, blood pumping'... And then you add Wilbur into the mix! it's awful I know but even though I felt like you I'm able to block all that out now. I do remember the Bernard Matthews employees hitting the turkeys, I've never bought anything from that brand again - just awful seeing that footage.
That's a tricky menu for your little veggie, I can sympathise, my little one is such a pain with food yet the others were so easy. At the moment it has to have breadcrumbs on if it's fish or chicken, the only veg she'll eat is baby corn and it's either puréed fruit or banana. It's draining try to feed her.
I'd kill for a Quorn hotdog now & again for the bread and mayo x