Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Ha! Of course Zoe had a HUGE, MASSIVE, HORRENDOUS blowout in her nappy (teething SUCKS lol) and Im half way through changing her and getting her cleaned up when the door goes. Argh! LOL. I knew that it had to be my packs. So I moved her and her mat onto the floor so she couldnt roll off the bed and hurt herself and I ran to the door. I quickly signed for my parcel and then ran back to Zoe. i was expecting to see a worse mess than I left her in, but no! She was laying, calmly and Tabby was sitting beside her singing a song. Awww! Reason # 548574541567454 to have more than one baby, and relatively close together!! She's such a great helper. Phew!

So disaster(s) averted....Zoe is nice and clean with minimal horribleness. lol. Packs look very similar to SnS ones ....but their white ones that are barely printed on (if you know what I mean). Im so excited to start again. Hubby told me he got me an Easter treat so Im just going to have a nice weekend (I hope....depends on MIL!) and I will be back to it on Monday! Im going to possibly get weighed Saturday to see the damage thus far so Im not completely shocked (and gutted lol) on Monday morning.
Morning lovely :)

Sorry for my VERY late reply! :( Mad here - trying to get out and about as much as poss with Max so haven't been on here much - been playing catchup when I get in!

I am SO pleased to hear your hubby let you know his Mum is going in to hospital. What a relief! At least in there, she SHOULD be getting the care she obviously needs :)

Awww, please let me know how she's getting on - those symptoms don't sound good! :( I've yet to read the rest of the posts, so if you've already posted, just ignore that question. Sorry, lot of catching up to do!

I'm just going to read rest of your thread now :)

Have a great day lovely :) xxx

So, today. Hmm. We should find out a bit more about his mam....whats causing her problem, and what they plan to do and what ward is will be (or is. if she was moved through the night) on. Hubby will be going up again after work at some point. He's off tomorrow, which is good. He will go up to the hospital but will be home quite a lot too. Poor Tabby didnt really understand why daddy left again last night. She kept crying and saying "daddy doesnt go to work again! its dark time!" Bless her. So we will have more of that tonight, but hopefully I can distract her with stuff to do as Im more prepared today! lol

Im food. I had an apple for breakfast and I feel so full. Im having some water now. I was awful yesterday. I had stupid amounts of chocolate....just because it was there and I was bored/stressed/upset. Ive gone off it all now though. Bleh. I may have a slimfast shake later for lunch if i cant face the salad I had planned.

The girls got a gift bag each with a bunch of easter stuff in it from my BIL and his wife. I appreciate it but I cant help but feel like its just so hypocritical. They have no actual interest in my kids. They dont know them, dont spend any time with them....I dunno. I just feel awkward accepting stuff when I know its like in lieu of them actually caring about my kids. If that makes sense. Maybe because where SIL is incredibly materialistic, Im the complete opposite. Anyway..the girls will enjoy it. :)

How is everyone doing? What plans do you all have for Easter? :D

My heart goes out to ALL of you! Poor you, poor hubby, poor Tabby (bless!), and poor MIL :(

I hope you get some answers today, all this not knowing must be as hard, if not harder than before she went in to hospital. I just hope that it's something that can be treated. I have my fingers crossed for you all.

I know what you mean about accepting gifts from people who don't seem to give a hoot - I'm not comfortable with it either. Strange, how they can give gifts, but not really care! I'll never understand the human race!

I hope you have a lovely Easter, and I hope that the news is good re hubby's mum. Are you doing anything nice?
We've got a few nice days planned, and Max's cousins' 1st birthday party on Saturday, so am looking forward to getting OUT! One day will be housework, but it's just a quick flick over so shouldn't take me long.

Here's hoping you get some good news today re MIL, and that you have a lovely day, because you deserve it :) xxx
Thanks for all that, Nat, honey! xx Its hard going at the minute but Im trying to stay focused on things I can actually control -- spending happy time with the girls, comforting hubby, restarting the diet soon.....

we have nothing planned but its just as well as his brother is off to london for the easter weekend (what kind of morally void, vacant-of-soul- type person fks off to london when his mother is severely ill in hospital, but this is the sort we are dealing with!) so hubby will have to take over the visits on his own all weekend. bless. I will do a little easter egg hunt in the house easter morning for tabby and they will have their easter treats. :)

he's just texted to say theyre moving her to a different hospital today, but thats all we know, thus far.
Aww you're welcome lovely :)

Yes, trying to stay focused on the positive is always a good idea. Your girls will help you with that I'm sure :)

I don't understand how someone can do that, but as they say, 'There's nowt as queer as folk!' - Seriously, I don't get it either, if my Mum was seriously ill in hospital I'd be glued to her side, and would be cancelling my trip.
I know there are families who don't bother, but I'm very close to my family so I don't get it! No matter what, she brought him in to this world, the very least he can do is be there for her when she needs him! He can't have a conscience, or a soul. That's all I can say!

I feel sorry for your hubby, because it sounds like all of this is going to be hanging on his shoulders. It was pretty much the same for me when my dad was ill - sis didn't really bother, and I know it upset dad. We didn't speak for 13 months, all because I had the nerve to ASK her POLITELY if she could try a little more! She went ballistic, turned very nasty, so I lost it and told her exactly what I thought of her. We talk now and do get on well again, but I'll never forget. I can't.

Aww, she'll love that! I'll do that when Max is old enough - IF I don't eat them all in the meantime, ha!

Well, I have my fingers crossed that she's going to be okay. It's awful, so I do hope you at least get some good news today.

Hubby came home from work, had his dinner and a sit for 10 mins, then went off out to the hospital. Tabby wasnt as bothered tonight, thankfully. So he should be there soon and we'll know a bit more then. So glad he is off work tomorrow so he can spend the day home with the girls (and me!) ...we've not seen much of him the last 2 days!
Hope he gets some good news tonight. And hope you all have a nice family day tomo! :) xxx

MIL has been transferred to a different hospital and has been put on a ward. Apparently...what the general thought is, is that she has been taking her medication completely wrong and randomly. Theyve been changing dosage and tablets every other week, it seems, through her GP and she has just completely got it wrong. At one point, she told my hubby that her doctor told her to just "take however many you want" of her steroids. Uhm. What?! Theres some other stuff that has come to light, with regards her GP and I am going to seriously try to sort it out. Anyway. I dont know what exactly is going on just yet, but thats what they think. The hospital she was at originally had said she needed to have her leg amputated!! And when she was transferred they said absolutely not. :O How can such a variation in opinion be possible? Obviously NOT having her leg off is preferable, so Im glad she is where she is now. Anyway, its a mess and she is a mess. Its still early days and I dare say she will be in for quite a long time. And we arent out of the woods yet. Hubby is having a day off from visiting today as his brother, sister and niece are all going to go up through today/this evening. Tomorrow he will go up after work again. Sunday he will have off again as transport will be very difficult and his niece said she will go up and his sister is going to try to get a lift, as well. So theyre getting it together, finally...and working it out amongst themselves. Now we just take it a a day at a time and see how she goes.

As for me, diet-wise. Ive just been awful the past few days. I really want to get Easter over with. lol. I am looking forward to the family time over this weekend, and all the little treats we've gotten for one another....but I just want to get going again on plan. lol. 46 days til my hols.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :) x
Amazing isn't it how much medical decisions can vary and quite scary!! Hope u have a fab wkend lovely xxx

I have a migraine. And TOTM has FINALLY arrived. Randomly. Nice. And Tabby has a cold, again.

Our shopping is due this morning between NOW and 10am. I really just want to go back to bed after it comes but that wont happen. Not for a while anyway.

Is it really the 30th of MARCH? Its freeezing out and snow flurries?????!!! Come on. This is stupid now. Really beyond stupid. Awful. :(

Diet-wise. LOL. That is all, just LOLOL. Pizza, chocolate, biscuits. Just stupid. I feel sick today, actually. Yuuuck.

Hubby is getting ready for work now. He will finish an hour early and then come home to have some dinner before heading off to the hospital again. Hopefully we will know more after his visit tonight. We had a discussion, sorta, last night about how this all will/does affect our holidays to the states. We didnt really get anywhere with all of our talking. lol. I dunno....I guess we will have to wait and see what happens over the next few weeks.

Right...Im off to sort my kiddos out some breakfast. Have a great day/weekend, everyone! :) xx
Head is a little better....i did have a little doze while the eldest watched cartoons in bed with me and the youngest slept. surprised i managed it and that eldest allowed it. shes now snoozing herself, but Zoes wide awake. only 2 hours til hubby finishes work. yay! hes going to the hospital later but will be home for dinner first.
Happy Easter everyone. Just remember, whether or not you manage or plan to stick to your diet....its just a day. If you go without, it wont kill you. If you indulge, it wont kill you. Just enjoy yourself, either way!

Back on plan tomorrow for me! :)
Happy Easter darling. No food temptations whatsoever because I'm home alone and haven't prepared a single thing Easter related this year. Normally I'm home for Easter and because this year I can't go there is no point celebrating on my own.
Hope everyone has a hood one xxxx
Happy Easter hun! I hope the day will be a nice tranquil one for you :) enjoy it, and hopefully tomorrows transition into new phase of the diet won't be too painful. Have the extra protein where needed, it should not do any harm, so long as its below 1200 cals :)

Oh and lucky for me on Easter that I'm not a fan of chocolate and am stuck at uni writing an essay today! So diets easy to stick to... Blergh :rolleyes:

I weighed myself....fully expecting to have gained around 5 lbs....putting me at 268lbs - 270lbs. Ive been THAT bad. The past few days, especially.

Nope. STS. Seriously. 263lbs. HOW? But Im NOT complaining.

So. Day 1. I dont feel bad saying that. I still know that I have accomplished a hell of a lot seeing as I was 298lbs the day after I had Zoe. And 275lbs when I did SnS the first time. Im still down 12lbs from that! So lets do this! But of course, on my own terms. Im going to avoid starvation mode. I know that if I get a bout of that which Minerva refers to fog-brain....I need to up my cals. have a couple of extra boiled eggs or something. Anyway. We are off out today to return (or exchange if they have the right sizes) the adorable-but-far-too-big outfits my SIL got for the girls for Easter. Im sure we will be stopping at Nandos. I will have a chicken breast and salad and not worry about it in the slightest. :D This time around, Im going to LIVE and not worry about this diet and "am i doing it right? should i cut out more?" blah blah. When you thin youre not losing weight because youre having your veg allowance, you know its gotten ahold of you in a bad way. I cant let that happen this time.

Anyway. I am so excited to do this. Im not really expecting a huge loss this time. I lost 11lbs the first week, last time. And because ive just been on it a few weeks ago....I will be happy with 3lbs or so this week. Anything long as its going downward.

Enjoy your monday. Look out for pranksters! lol xx