Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Oh and Ive gone off my pill as well. I think Im having really bad side effects from it. Like..Im pretty sure the migraines are because of it and Im so spotty. Im 34!! I wasnt really spotty when i was younger, and this is very obviously brought on by the pills because thats when it started. So Im going to try to give my body a few months and see how it is. Ive had 2 babies the (and many years) since the last time I went without pills for any decent length of time. Who knows, it may have changed? lol. We'll see.
Today went fine. I had my porridge for breakfast. I wasnt sure if it was the oatmeal or porridge from SnS so i took a chance and ordered a weeks worth to have in the mornings. Unfortunately its the oatmeal, which i didnt/dont like. but I got it down and went on with the day. we went out and i had my grilled chicken salad, it was really refreshing after having so much crap lately. then when we got home I had veg soup and a boiled egg. dont care for that either so wont get it again next week. then for dinner i had my chilli and cauliflower. i still need to have a shake later, if i can manage it. Mals getting ready to go. meh.
Day 2.

Water started. Not hungry at all. Not feeling the need to weigh myself yet either. YET. lol

Breakfast - oatmeal (i gotta choke it down)

Snack - Shake

Lunch - veg soup (if i can manage it, otherwise, boiled egg or quorn and some salad)

Dinner - Chili and cauliflower

Snack - shake

Seems like loads but its not. I have to remind myself of this.

Going to sit and have a coffee while I feed Zoe.

Have a great day everyone :)
Today went fine. I had my porridge for breakfast. I wasnt sure if it was the oatmeal or porridge from SnS so i took a chance and ordered a weeks worth to have in the mornings. Unfortunately its the oatmeal, which i didnt/dont like. but I got it down and went on with the day. we went out and i had my grilled chicken salad, it was really refreshing after having so much crap lately. then when we got home I had veg soup and a boiled egg. dont care for that either so wont get it again next week. then for dinner i had my chilli and cauliflower. i still need to have a shake later, if i can manage it. Mals getting ready to go. meh.

Can't stand the oatmeal either! It tastes like its made with a gone off milk!
Well done for jumping back on the wagon though. It takes a lot of balls to be able to do that and I am not sure if I'm strong enough to do that!
I just stand in front of the mirror, completely nekkid. Motivation....instant! haha. Ugh.

See, its not actually the taste i dont like...its the texture. It seems a bit chalky for me. I liked SnS's sweet porridge....much nicer. But the oatmeal ....has a nicer flavour but a weird (and unsettling lol) texture!

Thank you for your sweet words anyway. Im just going to plod on. Im going to stick to plan....just tweak it a bit to suit me so I dont get all starvy-sick like last time. Everyone's body is different. And mine things 650ish cals is NOT ENOUGH. Easily sorted. x
i got the recipe for the oatmeal pancakes from Im going to go in and try them now. its nearly 10:30 already and although Im fine ...not hungry..i should probably get something in my belleh. Ive lots of packs/meals to get through today. dont really want to have anything later than like 7pm. Verdict soon. :D
i may have put too much water, but it worked and although its not amazingly delish..muuuuch better and easier to eat than the oatmeal itself! the egg texture is overpowering though and its almost like sweet scrambled egg. almost. but i will be doing this often because its way better than the alternative! lolol yay!
Had a Quorn salad, despite not being hungry because Im taking the girls in and we are all having a nap now, so I wouldnt have time for everything. Try to get over these colds be sleeeeping lol. Plus, its sleeting outside. So depressing. Right, nearly 2 litres of water so far. My little pancakes and my salad. When i get up i will have a shake. Today is going really well. I wonder if I will have any symptoms over the next few days. I didnt the first time. So we shall see. Right, nap time. Ugh. Stuffed.
I hope you had a nice nap ;)

Seems like you're going strong with the re-start! I know you can do it! Remember, the first week is always the hardest!!

I hope you had a nice nap ;)

Seems like you're going strong with the re-start! I know you can do it! Remember, the first week is always the hardest!!


Thanks honey. We had a nap but we're still sick! boo! haha. I was hoping to wake up and none of us have a cold anymore. Not so. lol. :p

Yeah, Ive been fine yesterday and today. I think maybe because I know this time what to expect, pretty much. Today is even easier than yesterday. I had cravings and urges yesterday but today...nothing. I have been fine. I may hop on the scales in the morning to see whats going on in that respect. Im not expecting a huge loss like I initially had when I started SnS. Nothing even close to that. But something would be good. LOL.
Ive stayed on plan today. Quite easily. The only change I made to my plan for today was that insread of my last shake I had one of the 2 free bars they sent me. One is lemon and one is dark choc truffle. I had the truffle. Its the smaller bar as well. Which is good as Im not particularly hungry. The next few days will be the real test, I think. One minute, hour, day at a time, though. :)
Ive stayed on plan today. Quite easily. The only change I made to my plan for today was that insread of my last shake I had one of the 2 free bars they sent me. One is lemon and one is dark choc truffle. I had the truffle. Its the smaller bar as well. Which is good as Im not particularly hungry. The next few days will be the real test, I think. One minute, hour, day at a time, though. :)

You can do it!!!
You can do it!!!

Thanks honey. As I was when I first started, Im completely motivated. Its just a case of making sure I do it right and dont get obsessed and start trying to cut back further, like last time.
So I think Im going to order again tomorrow to allow for the few days delivery time. I just want to try the vanilla shake in the morning, before I order. just to be sure I like it. Im only going to do a week (again) and Im going to do 4 packs and a quorn or egg or cottage cheese salad instead of 5 packs. The salad was really filling and is completely fine, plan-wise.

Going to hop on the scales tomorrow morning.

Hope everyone had a good day!
Hope your hop on scales will be a nice boost tomorrow morning! :D

Your plan sounds nice, take it one day at a time, don't be afraid of a tiny bit of "head-fog", it happens to everyone. Dizzy spells are also normal (usually when you get up from sitting/crouching). Take rests and keep busy. :) I know you'll get there

Morning! Day 3

We have glorious sunshine!! Its still far too cold, but at least it looks nice (from inside my warm and cozy flat! lol) Im sad I cant take the girls out today. But theyre still ill. I think Tabby is getting over hers but Zoe is snotty as she's a few days behind Tabs. Im not 100% but Im ok. Just have a cough and a bit of sinus bleh. lol

So, I weighed myself this morning, hoping for a 1lb loss. Nope. in 2 days Ive had a 3lb loss! Yep..its water still, but It means Ive reclaimed the full stone I lost on SnS and am 1lb away from my lowest weight om SnS. Very happy. 3lbs was my goal for the week.

Im going to put another order in this morning but ive gotta have my vanilla shake first this morning to make sure I like it. The packs arent exactly the same as SnS, Ive found. So Id rather check, just to be safe :)

Im really hoping hubby doesnt end up going to the hospital again tonight. Ugh :/

Have a great day!!