Was filming in a lady's home this morning, hence the chocolate digestives - they're 4.5 syns each so not as bad as I'd feared. Not sure how I managed a loss this week but praise be.., I did - next week will be better (despite me taking my first break away in years this week - we're going to Birr to see the bog man and the giant observatory).
BREAKFAST: coffee, banana, f/f greek yoghurt, 1 crumbled weetabix (half HExB)
Snack: Coffee and two chocolate digestives (9 syns)
LATE LUNCH: Date wrecking asian beef leftover dish with cous cous
DINNER: chips and chicken nuggets home made (xxxsyns)
PICKINS: 1 slice toast with xxl triangle (finishing HexA and HexB)
* * * * * Today's COUNT so far * * * * *
HExA: 180/250ml ss milk and a laughing cow x light triangle
HExB: weetabix and toast
Syns: 99
Body Magic: 4750 steps