Before and during - so far so good.

Hi guys, I did notice this the other day, but I was taking some new pics today and wanted to include them and not have to make two posts within days of each other. The pics I have added here are my old 'fat' clothes (posted pics of me in them before) was funny putting them on again and seeing them fall to the ground as they used to be tight on me.

So, firstly, thanks spanx, I finally realised that weight is different for everyone, depends on your height, muscle, everyone's different so it's easier just to get to a comfy size you are happy with. but I do still want to weigh less. but being healthy is more important to me now.

I am diddling great pommette, how's you diddling :)

ok, an update on what's been happening to me over the last few months, and the simple answer is.. not much, work is ticking over nicely and i'm still going the gym. I am still in a bit of a funk after the whole 'cancer' scare, even though I know it is just a cyst, at the time I was really petrified and I realised all the time I have wasted in my life. But I now know that it's all changing and one of the best things is me losing this weight first.

it's been around two and a half years on this journey now, and I wouldn't change a thing. I feel amazing, no ill health, joint pains, problems breathing etc. I can run, lift weights, it's amazing. if I could go back in time and grab myself and scream 'look at me, do something' I would. I wish, I would have realised this 5 or 10 years ago. but I guess you have to be ready to do his, it's not something you can do if your heads not in the right place and if it's not that's the way you slowly put it all back on.

so, my weight.. at the moment I have lost about 11 stone 6 lbs. that's in around 2 1/2 years. I have gained and lost and gained again, pounds here and there. so, it's not all loss, loss, loss. People will gain and lose, that's a given, it's all about not giving up and being consistent and persistent. I have never set myself a final goal, I'm concentrating on year by year.

this year my goals are:

· Wear medium t-shirts by xmas - As of today, DONE .. bought a medium and it fits perfect.
· Wear size 32/34 jeans by xmas - 2 Weeks ago, bought 34" jean shorts, tiny bit tight here or there but fits - NEARLY DONE - few more months.
· Lose 1 ½ stones by xmas - WORKING ON IT - i'm losing weight but gaining muscle- but looking better for it.
· 100 push ups by xmas - I have managed 90 in one go - NEARLY DONE
· And to run a marathon on a cross trainer by xmas - DONE - managed it in April, will do another one soon, I want a better time.

and even if I don't manage all these by xmas, there's always next year or the year after that.

this is for the rest of my life, I know that. so it's a day by day thing, not 6 months of being perfect, gain weight, another 6 months of being 100%, it's about taking each day as it comes and slowly just chip away. I know I won't be 100%, 100% of the time. i'm going to have days off or nights at a party/meal and eat way too much. that's fine, I know it'll happen I can plan for it, and work it off afterwards.

I'm still doing my exercises, my 5 card challenge nearly everyday, gym 2-3 times a week. long runs once a month. hand grips, power balls. even just sat there watching youtube (some amazing channels on there for motivation and tips), I'm always doing something, even something just really light and you don't notice it.

2 1/2 years has flown over. I have changed a lot, my family have all been amazing and supportive, and really glad I did it as well. even thought sometimes they don't understand how I can eat so much and still be losing weight lol. .

so, i'm getting there, not there yet but nearly. this time next year we will see how close I am. but right now I am happy with my weight, not so much the lose skin, but working on that lol.

inspire and motivate yourselves, see how great you have done and imagine how much more you can do. it's amazing.

one of my favourite songs that motivates me is a little known song called 'this year' by Meghan tonjes, youtube it and listen to the words, it's amazing and it used to make me sad but now it pushes me through the hard times, this chorus sums it all up for me..

This year is gonna be better and you're gonna see
This Year I'm gonna be stronger and a braver me
This Year and im gonna make it 'cause I said I would
Do all the things you said I never could

I remember that part every time, I am doing this for me, my life, make me feel good, my health.. not doing this for anyone else.

and right now, this exact moment in my life, I am actually happy, first time in forever. genuinely happy.

This is my year, and I am going to make it :)


As always good luck with your weight loss, you are doing amazing :D x


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Wow Malc, that photo of you in your old jeans is incredible. You must feel so proud when you look at that! Great update, I can agree/empathise with so much of it, especially the part about wishing you could go back and motivate your old self to get the weight off sooner. Still, what's done is done - we can only move forwards from here!
Wow - great post Malc.

. . . I have gained and lost and gained again, pounds here and there. so, it's not all loss, loss, loss. People will gain and lose, that's a given, it's all about not giving up and being consistent and persistent. I have never set myself a final goal, I'm concentrating on year by year . . .

I know I won't be 100%, 100% of the time. i'm going to have days off or nights at a party/meal and eat way too much. that's fine, I know it'll happen I can plan for it, and work it off afterwards.
Your attitude is great! I just wish more people would see it like this. Too many people get so stressed at a small gain or even a sts.
This SW lark is for life - so in the grand scheme of things the odd gain ain't a disaster.
BUT . . . you do have to plan for the odd day off plan but get straight back on again afrerwards.
You seem to managing this beautifully.

I remember that part every time, I am doing this for me, my life, make me feel good, my health.. not doing this for anyone else.
and right now, this exact moment in my life, I am actually happy, first time in forever. genuinely happy.
This is my year, and I am going to make it :)
Go you! You've almost achieved your 2013 targets. What can we expect for 2014?
Thanks ladies, such great hearing your kind words.

I do feel incredibly proud spanx, I don't notice my weight loss, maybe it's because I see myself everyday so I don't see it. so when I do see old pics or try on old clothes it does shock me, and then I feel fantastic :D

I think too many people see s.w as weight loss... got to be thin for, wedding, holiday and not many think about the being healthy 'for life'. I know this is forever now, maybe not counting syns or weighing stuff.. but eating as healthy as I can and the correct portion sizes, and have the odd treat here or there. life gives you up's and downs, trust me I've had a few lately. but for every down there is an up.. you just have to go with the flow and eventually it will al work out ok.

you just have to be realistic with everything and not expect miracles ;)

I've not really thought about goals for 2014 yet, I'll carry any over to next year I don't manage to do this year, and just tweak the list.

I can see me, doing more push ups, maybe 150 at once. get into size 30-32 jeans (don't want to go any less then that ever) and all mediums including designer stuff. train for outdoor 5k, 10k half marathon.. can't see me doing a real full marathon next year, maybe year after. but this is all off the top of my head, I normally make definite decisions around xmas time.

I know out of everything my only goal I will commit to now, is not giving up. like I've said before, I'll have off days, but will get right back onto it.

will keep you up to date in another couple of months, or unless you ask me for one :p

chat soon, good luck with your journeys too.. you are doing fantastic :D xx
. . .

I think too many people see s.w as weight loss... got to be thin for, wedding, holiday and not many think about the being healthy 'for life'. I know this is forever now, maybe not counting syns or weighing stuff.. but eating as healthy as I can and the correct portion sizes, and have the odd treat here or there. life gives you up's and downs, trust me I've had a few lately. but for every down there is an up.. you just have to go with the flow and eventually it will al work out ok.
SW long term in a nutshell!
So it's been a while, not as long as I thought it would be, but thought I should right this down.

I've had a pretty sh!t week, my healthy eating has gone out the window thanks to all this hot weather, did I go out to lots of family bbq's and gorge on burgers or hot-dogs.. lot's of ice creams and cold fizzy drinks.. nope

I collapsed coming out of the gym due to extreme heat exhaustion, spent the night in hospital and spend nearly a week trying to get my energy back up.

bit of back story.. at the moment in work I am having a reaction to something I work with, it gives me a bit of a rash on my forearms where it touches, they supplied these plastic sleeves to protect me, but all they do is trap sweat and heat and they gave me a sweat rash.. so I had to start wearing my works fleece.. now at first it wasn't too bad, but the last few weeks the weather has warmed up and I started getting hotter and hotter, now the health and safety officer has gone out of his way to order me some long sleeve t-shirts to wear for the job, I couldn't find any myself to wear as everything out at the moment or online is summer stuff, so all short sleeves.

so the last week and a bit when the weather has been at the highest, I have been struggling in work with the heat.. don't think for a second that the bosses don't know this, and that I won't be going in, full guns blazing tomorrow morning.

so on Tuesday night, me, my sister meet up with her boyfriend at the gym, not quiet a full session as it is warm.. the air condition is flowing and I've drank a big bottle of water. I feel ok.. talking to a friend, m vision starts to go funny (black and white with static around the edges), I take a sit down for a sec and then feel fine, coming out of the gym I tell people i'm not feeling ok and have to sit down again, and again after walking outside .. I start to feel great again and walk to the car, where everything just switches off, the next thing I remember i'm in the back of an ambulance just pulling into the hospital.

nearly 5 and a bit hours later, 3 blood tests, 10 blood pressure tests and lots of questions about my family history with heart problems, they come back and say that it wasn't heat stroke.. due to what I had eaten and drank throughout the day, but extreme heat exhaustion that had built up over days and not a single day.
I took a day off and then went back in, a few people had asked how I was, but not my section manager.. I went into the office with the factory manager who told me I still didn't look well and maybe I should take the rest of the week off.. which I did.

for the last 4 days or so, I have done nothing but nap and eat.. I have been out twice and it drained me. feeling a lot better now and back in work tomorrow and if you listen carefully, you will hear world war 3 kick off by me.
I've had enough with that job I am on and I want things to change. it's amazing how many people have reactions to certain things and are moved, but not me.

I've always been quiet and just went with the flow never really complained about anything. mouth shut, head down.

so a pretty crappy week for me, back on the healthy eating from tomorrow, and a new me in work.. I've had enough and am going to speak my mind

sorry to rant and rave, and I bet half of this doesn't make any sense lol..

chat again soon :) x
Oh Malc - that definitely sounds like a sh!tty week.
Take it easy when you go back tomorrow as it can take a while to really get all the fluids etc back in normal balance.
If you've been napping a lot then I suspect you still aren't 100%.
Deffo stand up for your rights. Do you work in a factory? If so then if you are reacting to something then they need to work out what it is and move you away from it rather than just tell you to cover up! Madness.
Afternoon Malc - how are you after your trials and tribulations? Are you ok now?
Hi all,

well it's been nearly three weeks since I passed out. just had the last week off work for a holiday, (just stayed home, didn't go anywhere) I'm feeling great now, no longer tired and my headaches have all gone. so I think I am back to normal.

I go back in work tomorrow, no idea what's going on, I did hear rumours about me being moved, but who knows, have to wait and see.

because of the heat exhaustion I had to take some time off from the gym, and I've just been sat at home drinking lots of water and eating. so when I went the gym on Tuesday night, and weighed myself I had put on 6Lbs, which I'm not really bothered about because I was sick and didn't do anything.. kind of expected it to be honest, weighed myself again on Thursday and I was back to normal, so I'm guessing it was just some water weight..

I've not lost anything in months, mostly because I am losing waste and gaining muscle at the same time, so staying roughly the same. which is fine.
I'm back in the gym Tuesday night, and have decided to change my plan, I don't want my body getting used to the exercises, so I am going to see if changing it will 'shock' my system a little.

going to hospital put a dint in my motivation a little, so I need to build that back up. I know I'll get back to it, but I just feel I need to take a step back and have a little rest, just so I don't burn myself out and snap and then go on a big bender and gorge myself on sh!te.

this is a marathon and not a sprint after all.

hope everyone is doing well on their journey.. you can do it.. keep it up :D

good luck and congratulations on our weight loss too :D x
Hi ladies

Sorry it's taken nearly a week to reply to this, a few things going on at the moment but it should be ok soon.

Things are going great here, still keeping to my healthy eating (as much as I can, whoops slips lol) even though as I type this an ice cream van has just pulled up outside 'damn you!!!!'

things are good, still going the gym a few times a week, I've changed things up a little as I didn't want to get used to what I was doing. I've been trying to get my motivation back the last few months, well to be really honest it's about a year now. I don't know what it is, but I just haven't shifted any weight, but I have lost waste.. it's strange and it has been messing with my head, plus all the problems I had last year with the cancer scare, and then a few months back when I collapsed with extreme heat exhaustion. this hasn't been the healthiest year of my life. I do sit at home some nights and think ' I was never this ill when I was bigger'.. even talking to a guy in work that lost loads of weight, he told me he felt the same.

so, I don't know where my head is at the moment. is my new body changing 'me' who I am, no longer have to be the guy making fun of himself. putting himself down before others do ?

it's strange.

I was walking in my local shopping centre a week or two ago, and they have a ramp that goes to the lower level and on the wall is a 20ft tall mirror, I saw myself in it and wondered who that was, It wasn't the me I remembered. I looked so different it was strange, I was actually confused, I never look at myself in the mirror and hardly ever take photos. (only for tracking weight loss, now) and, no matter how hard I try I'm finding it hard to get my head around being / looking healthy.. I guess when you spend your whole life being 'bigger' and having to deal with the jokes and comment behind your back, you get used to them. and when they stop, you miss them (even though you hated them)

crazy, I know !

it's something I have to work on, I guess it's true when people say that weight loss starts in the head, maybe it's always there.. your demons aren't the junk food and fizzy drinks, it's your inner voice that makes you eat them, or doesn't stop you from eating them, and then the voice that works away whispering at you with insecurities. a kind of schizophrenic echo that you can't quiet keep quiet, you just have to learn to ignore it as best you can.

Never mind: ...

My new years resolutions have stopped due to my lack of motivation. the ones I have left to complete are:

wear medium t-shirt by xmas ... I am (right now) wearing a medium p.j (t-shirt & short) set, a real medium t-shirt is a little bit tight on me still .. still time till xmas though.

lose 1 1/2 stones by xmas ... not going to happen, the weight I gained at xmas and after my collapse I haven't shifted, plus building muscles just means no weight loss this year, but that's not a gain.

100 push ups .. I've managed 90, and then I stopped for a while, I've been trying again to get up to that, but it will take me a bit of time yet. but I plan on doing it.

even if I don't get there this year, I plan to do them by next year, plus some new ones. have to decide what my resolutions are for next year. one that I never wrote before was no microwave meals, and I've done that, not a single one. so that's pretty cool. Guess it proves I still have some self control left lol.

Work is still stressing me out. I know I shouldn't let it, but I can't help it.. off my own back I helped set up things that mad it running smoothly and over the last months, new people on my section and working styles have chipped away what took me so long to make. it was almost like it was my little baby, and as a reward I ge moved onto another section, messed about, and the last month I have been back on my regular job and it has turned to sh!t. The worst thing is management don't care... why should I? huh!

sorry for dumping all of this crap on you, if your still awake to read it all lol.

Like always, good luck with your weight loss, you are all doing amazing and your a true inspiration.

you can do it, your worth it. good luck

:D xx
malc we are having a liverpool meet26 th oct at 12 ay lime st then down to the pump house, it would be lovely if you can join us and be an honoury girl for thr day ;) xx

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Hope you've had a good festive holiday. How's tricks?
Hi all, sorry it's been such a long time since any posts. no excuses, just not been on here in ages.

I think we all get to that point were we need to take a step back and get your head in the right place, so for the last few months that's what I have been doing. I haven't gone off the rails, not put weight on ( not sure about over x-mas though :( ) I'm lucky enough to have stayed pretty constant with my weight, which is great. no weight loss still, but I have been having 'waste' loss, which is better. I feel like I have put on some muscle so my fat loss is probably the same as my muscle gain.

On the run up and over x-mas I have had a blow out. didn't care what I was eating but not gone crazy, I think I needed it. my meals were starting to become boring and I was on the edge of going back to my old ways, so having a few naughty meals and snacks over x-mas hopefully will get it out of my system. I have noticed a change in my tastes, eating some of my old faves just wasn't the same, they tasted 'wrong' and I never enjoyed them, which is good. the reason I put on so much weight growing up is I enjoyed all the good tasting food, the bad kind of food. All the food that tastes amazing is bad for you lol.

My taste buds have changed, and I am now enjoying vegetables more, eating x-mas dinners every year I have always left the dollop of carrot and turnip, but this year I ate the whole thing...first :p . I still believe that weight loss starts in the head first, then the kitchen and then exercise.

I am still going the gym, not as often as I would like, but every little bit is better then non I guess. one of my x-mas presents this year was the 'insanity' dvd box set. so I want to do that after new years, 60 days of sweating my bum off. wish me luck lol. I'm hoping to complete my second marathon on the cross trainer this year, probably about easter again.

my new year goals for this year are:
* Continue healthy eating and gym
* Wear all medium clothes by x-mas
* Wear size 34" jeans by x-mas
* Marathon number 2, on a cross trainer
* 100 Push ups

same goals as last year, as I never completed them. and that's fine, this year I will. nothing is a failure as long as you don't stop trying.

Not much has been happening in my life really, just chilling at home. work has been really busy on the run up to x-mas and I just hope things settle down when I go back in the new year. I'm hoping it will be less stressful, but I know deep down that that won't happen. I will be seeing someone in the first week to see if things can get improved as the way it has been over the last year has been the worst.

I am hoping to keep up to date on here, but I have had nothing really to add or say, so just kept my mouth shut so to speak. I'm hoping you all have had a great x-mas and got spoiled :)

Here is to a new year, may all our hopes and dreams come true, with health, wealth and happiness to all

Malc x

congratulations on your weight loss, keep up the amazing work :D x
Good to hear from you Malc - and good to know that you're still manfully marching on.
Great that you have been putting on muscle and losing the flab still. You have to be if you are exercising!
I frequently have a "time-out" for a few days. As you say food gets boring as you slide into a rut and the occasional splurge meal seems to re0invigorate me.
Mind you, I have gained about 10 lbs this year. Lots of stress and mum problems leading to comfort eating and too many carbs!
2014 plan is to get rid of the gain and get back to target!

Keep in keeping on and you'll achieve your 2014 goals