Thought I would update this with what's going on with me lately.
Just to keep myself motivated I thought I would update this every other month, regardless if anyone reads it or not. My own personal motivational diary
I've had a few changes happen over the last few months, my gym workout has changed. I am now concentrating on toning and am putting muscle on, so my weight loss has slowed down a lot but I am still losing fat and waste even if my weight is staying pretty much the same. (which is confusing to me lol)
I'm feeling a lot more positive about myself then I was towards the end of last year, I have my motivation and inspiration back. Just a shame it took nearly 6 months to get my head back into a good place.
As for my new years resolutions:
· Wear medium t-shirts by xmas - I can get into mediums, but tight, fingers crossed by xmas

· Wear size 32/34 jeans by xmas - I am now wearing all 36" jeans from the shops I buy from, a few of them have room and a couple are snug. still on track for xmas.
· Lose 1 ½ stones by xmas - Still a long way to go because of putting muscle on, probably about a third of the way there.
· 100 push ups by xmas - Every Saturday night I get in the hall and try my best, I've managed 85 at once, fallen off the wagon a little here or there, but will start again tonight

· And to run a marathon on a cross trainer by xmas. - oh that, ermmm DONE
The cross trainer only lets you run for about 3 hours and 20 mins, so had to split it into two parts. 37.5 + 5k = 42.5K or 26.4 miles (0.2 of a mile over a marathon

works out around 3 hours and 55 mins and I burned 2332 calories, I am still knackered now over a day later. but it's a huge achievement for me.
I remember the first time at the gym I ran 2K on the cross trainer it took me over ten mins and I was in pain for a week, 2 1/2 years later I've ran a marathon on it.
I'm thinking that maybe I could do a real one for next year, I have to think about what training I would have to put in for it, and if I could physically cope with running on the actual roads. I still have a bit of a way to go with my weight loss, i'm guessing about 1 1/2 stone even though by the 'doctors scale' it's more like 3. but I am going till I am happy with my loss, not what some expert that has never met me has said.
Guess I have to think of something to add to my list now this is done.. Think I need something else to get done by xmas lol
You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it, never give up
Good luck and congratulations with your weight loss, you can do it