-Prologue: The World on Our Plates
4a. On page 13, author Geneen Roth writes about her many diets and her weight history. Take a moment to consider your own food and weight history. What has it been like? Did the ups and downs of it correspond with particular events in your life? As you begin to read Women, Food
and God, notice the feelings you have about what has and hasn’t happened in your relationship
with food.
4(b) As you enter a brand new process and start a new journey, do you feel discouraged? Hopeless? Excited? Does a part of you believe that nothing will work? It’s good to name those feelings so that you don’t sabotage yourself with them.
4a. Take a moment to consider your own food and weight history.
I do not know if I can just take that moment. When I thought of it just now I felt a pulling back and assumption that it will be painful. Too painful to go down that memory lane, those memory lanes
What has it been like?
It’s been perplexing, frustrating, grey, repetitive, mind numbingly boring and painful in a heavy dull fashion.
Did the ups and downs of it correspond with particular events in your life?
They might have once, but over the last few years, the ‘trance’ has been all pervasive, more intense in places and less in others… the highs and lows of my life have been muted somewhat by the trance..a type of flatlining.
what feelings you have about what has and hasn’t happened in your relationship
with food.
I have not allowed food to be food. I have never known the space in which food is food. Food is not food. Food is love, comfort, anaesthesia; food is soothing, escape, solace. But food is not food.
Food being food would be nourishment, would be tasty, and would be a way to delight my body, keep my body vibrant and radiant. I would eat and be done with eating. I would enjoy it, but that would be it. I would not make magic of food, nor would I be open to food being made out to have any magical properties. I would not get tied up in the whole world of food and cooking that is supposed to be the lot of being a woman.
The kitchen would not be my home. The kitchen would be part of my home. Food cooking and eating would just take its rightful place in the scheme of things.
Even dieting is still part of this obsession with food. Food become like a God, like magic and diets do the same thing.
I feel as if a great psychic charge has been captured and conditioned to be focussed into food, body and eating and I feel that is part of the condition of being female. I do not know of any female who escapes this toured relationship with food from which she has to extract herself.
The diet and beauty industry just perpetuate the ’net’. The net, which captures the life force, energies and creativities. Until one see it and
I see it.