Review and week ahead
Women food and God workbook questions for week 21-
4. The fact that 75 percent of Americans are overweight is an often-discussed topic in the media. How has your physical size actually affected your life?

4-In some ways being over weight has become the main thing in my life every day for years and yet its not being overweight that is the issue though that has been front and centre stage, it’s the sheer amount of mind space that has been devoted to it.
When I think on the reasoning behind using CD, apart from rapid weight loss, the main reason was liberating my mind and my thinking in the everyday. However this has not happened as I wished.

- Which is something to think about and become honest about.
It’s the thoughts of food and eating or not eating and dieting. It’s the thoughts that are the crazy makers... giving in or nibbling are only way to negotiate or pause the merry go round of thoughts. To try to give myself some peace ., for s hort while because those thoughts , they never stop.
Its not being overweight that has really stood in the way of anything I have wanted to do, it’s the crazy making thoughts…which have to satisfied, placated, reasoned with, negotiated with in the end given I can get some respite . I can gain some ground but ultimately they back off only to return and sometimes I am too exhausted to do battle.
Being on a great nutritional programme with exercise and green juice and Cd at the core does some good but even that is not dealing with the core issue of the crazy making thinking.
It’s the thinking that is like the hungry ghost; the thinking is the merry go round. The hungry ghost can never be satisfied. Feed it, don’t feed it, it makes no different, it’s hunger is the force of its nature. It is my supreme‘ignorance’ and to think anything will satisfy it. I think I see it, I really think I do.
So what is the solution? Because I simply refuse to accept the cards I have been dealt in this regard . I refuse to accept that this merry go round of thinking is my fare. I refuse.
I looked at a few sites on obsessive or addictive thinking and while some have a lengthy analytical workbook or solution with involved logistical analysis, the most potent to me was from
"So, how do we stop addictive thinking? "......
Addictive thinking is unconscious thinking. Thinking is going on without any awareness that thinking is going on. Most people spend their entire lives like this. Addictive thinking is slavery to the mind. The solution is simple. We don't need to change anything. We just need to be aware. Each time we become aware that we are thinking, thinking is interrupted. Each time the chain of thought is broken, peace is there. Awareness is the key.
So to come back to Geneen Roths question my physical size has affected me because it has become a distraction to the main issue.Dieting and even healthy eating has been a solution to the distraction but tnot a solution to the issue. My physical size has become a huge red herring and dealing with my physical size and dealing with the thinking has meant I have spent years going round in circles, missing the point and missing the exist again and again.
Be aware. Be Not being deceived, the thoughts are real enough, but at their heart they are empty, just like the hungry ghost.
I can chose what I want. I am the Captain of my ship,Mistress of my destiny..
The Boss.
p.s as big thanks to 'girlygirl' in her post
cos for me what she wrote about the folly of trying to reason with addictive thoughts was a hugemonster light bulb moment