Bethiee's Diary

Stomach still dodgy but coping with lots of water!

Carbonara is good! Well... as good as I could hope for. Added some garlic powder + black pepper to bring the taste out. Not bad!
Added extra 40ml of water to it and came out great. Boyfriend added correct amount according to the package and his came out like a paste and not as nice.

Our fourth pack is gonna be chocolate or vanilla blended with some chilled coffee and ice for a weekend "treat".

This diet isn't hard so far in the sense of wanting to give up. Like I have said before giving up isn't an option so we haven't considered that this just isn't how our life is now.

Biggest issue is Wednesday as Alex works in London Bridge and goes out for lunch every week. Usually has sushi but this is way too many carbs. He wants to forfeit breakfast + lunch shakes for 400 calories and less than 20grams carb lunch. Anyone else think this is a bad idea? haha
Hmm... A part of me, the part of me remembering doing a VLCD for the first time and observing my partner on his various diet attempts after it - would say that a cheat day can warp the mind and it can become more indulgent and more frequent over time. If this is an every Wednesday thing, then does that mean, he'll be breaking the rules every week? Could he live for a couple of months eating a bar instead at those lunches? Once he starts eating 'real' food on those lunches, will he be able to keep track of how much he has?

On the other hand, the other part of me which has been through diets knows that technically it's all about calories in - calories out and a sensible lunch isn't going to make too much difference. Having said that, since this is a ketogenic diet, it will make him feel worse. Every Thursday and Friday he'll he kicked out of ketosis and will be finding all this harder and harder. Men do lose faster on these diets, my partner is 6'2 and he lost 3-5lbs per week when he was being good, and even with a cheeky beer every once in a while, he was still losing. But. How would that make you feel? It seems you're ok with doing this for a while. You're not feeling the pressure, I like how you put it .. sort of this is just how it is at the moment and it won't be like this forever. But knowing he's "allowed" and you're not, would that have any effect? Is it fair for him to do it? Is it fair for him not to?

Things to think about never the less. :)

What do you both do for work out of curiosity?
He'd be going for this: which should be okay without kicking him out of ketosis?

On Wednesday his work pays for Lunch as it isn't his usual office so they give him £10 food allowance and he feels like spending it regardless haha

Alex is my height at 5ft8 so luckily for me I'm never tempted into wearing heels cos they ruin my feet but they look so pretty sometimes... anyway I'm also worried about him losing faster than me with less to lose so our body differences are going to be way more noticeable and it's a little awkward at present given he's my height so I compare more.

I'm not sure if him eating would upset me as I don't feel the burn yet from being on the diet. Maybe in a couple of weeks when I'm missing real food I might get more envious.

He's a civil engineer and I work as a financial intermediary but Iv done all sorts. He only finished his masters 2 years ago so this is his first proper job.
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Stomach is empty and rumbling hard.
Gonna have half a bar more than my allowance today. Feeling so empty from sickness. Gonna speak to my GP 100% in the morning to see what they say.
Sorry you're not feeling so good :( I hope the GP will give some constructive advice tomorrow as well.

The food choice, from my cursory glance doesn't look all that bad. I think it does look ketosis friendly. He should be ok :)
As for losing faster .. slower.. hmm.. it's a tough one. Men technically do lose faster, but at the same time, you are the same height and slightly heavier and as it does take more energy to move around, in some way you may lose at the same rate given those factors. I don't know though. Each body is different and so many things come into the rate one loses. Whatever the case may be, don't measure up against each other, because at the end of the day you are both losing the inches for yourselves, for fitness and health. :) It will take as long as it takes and you will get there soon.
I just wanna be healthy.
He's never had a six pack even when he played rugby semi professionally.
We just wanna be relatively fit.

Reasons for motivation:

I want to visit Hong Kong and see his extended family that don't visit the UK. I want to go to Machu Picchu. I want kids I the future. I want to stop the effects of my bone disease being so angry.

He wants to wear nice clothes. He wants to play Rugby again. He wants to feel comfortable being top less on holiday. He doesn't want any more stretch marks.

Here are two recent pics of us:
Alex in Crete 2 weeks ago.


Me hiding my tummy by wearing waist fitted things. Size 24 around a month ago. I don't take many full body pics. I'm 8 inches bigger than him.

I got this! I can do this! We all deserve to be the best version of ourselves we can be!
Really love the motivations, those are the things that keep us going!

You are gorgeous, you really, truly are. You both look like a really cute couple :) I wish I had your height, I looked like a blob at size 24 while you just look outright stunning. *envy* :p I would post a picture, but I think I'm too embarrassed.
Everyone is jealous of something else someone has. I'd like to be taller or shorter. Taller I'd be a "hot tall girl" or shorter I'd be able to be "cute short girl". At present height I just feel abit in the way sometimes. Haha hopefully that might change when the bulk goes!

That is my biggest concern....iv been slimmer. I wasn't happy then. Maybe il appreciate it more coming down from the biggest size I have ever been.

First worry is shift the weight! Acceptance can come later :)

Hope you had a great weekend. One game of league of legends before bed time for me
Hi Bethiee, just popped over from your intro post. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Looking at your photo, I would never have guessed you were a size 24!
Loz my optical illusion of clothing has worked yay! haha
In my slimmer side of around 16 I think I look great and size 16 is a lot of people's starting size...oops... I think I also dress okay ish (thanks asos and simply be!) and know my shape and try to flatter it instead of squeeze it into things or put a tent over it.
Good side of that is feeling attractive still even at a size 24.
Bad side is buying clothes that basically tell myself being this large is ok when it isn't.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Onwards for tomorrow!
I'm either dying or in ketosis.
All of yesterday huge hunger pain. Rumbly tummy constantly.
Woke up at 1.30am thinking I was having a fit/heart attack. Super cold sweaty (I don't sweat like ever!) Shaking so bad and couldn't get warm. Drank 1 teaspoon salt in water. Felt fine 3 mins later.
Went back to sleep.
Wake up in discomfort from stomach.
Body lurches like I'm going to be sick.
All symptoms gone.
Super energetic. No stomach pain. No chills. Dehydration, hunger or shaking.
Now it's 4.28 am and here I am needing a hip replacement wanting to go out jogging haha...

Body is tired. Brain wants us to do everything.

I just want to sleep...
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No hunger today at all...

Wondering if I should try for 3 packs today..
You do need the nutrients in the packs as they are balanced to give you everything you need for the day. :) Cutting a pack isn't going to speed up the weight loss, it'll just make your body starve and hold on to things as it's not getting everything it needs. I'm glad you're feeling better today... did you get back to sleep after being super awake at 4:30am?
Well 3 packs give everything, 4 packs was just cos of my height + BMI.

I didn't think ketosis would feel so traumatic! I really liked rice... I ate ALOT of rice usually before I started this... not so much bread or pasta just a white rice addict.
Plus that and my medication I think just made the whole experience abit too much. Iv read about keto flu but not keto fever!

I usually have shake for breakfast, bar for lunch, hot meal dinner and shake/pudding on the sofa with the boyfriend. However I'm unsure if I need the last shake of the day. Will just see how the day goes.

My body doesn't seem to like water today either, just isn't thirsty and water is making me feel bloated and stuff.

So sleepy yet energetic. Messing my emotions up a little!
Couldn't get a Dr's appointment until next week so messaged Exante on their customer service online chat thing,

They said all my symptoms were normal and I should only stop the diet and seek medical advice when I vomit and have a rash.

Not drank enough water today. Had banana shake and caramel crunch bar. Not feeling hungry or thirsty. Need to start downing this bottle of water!

Feeling okay today, have this weird sensation almost like when you eat wasabi (that hot fume thing instead of spicey) but from my stomach though it is holding up.

Onwards and upwards! Luckily this new prescription from my GP requires weekly overhaul bloodtests so I can see if the diet is having a negative or positive effect for my internal organs/hormones/thyroid!

Next test is Friday with results for Monday :)

Spoke to my stepmum about this diet for the first time, she says people from her workplace have tried it with great success and wishes me the best of luck but to monitor myself carefully whilst doing it.

Anyone else had my weird symptoms?
Hi Loz, yeah I think methotrexate has been kicking my arse too aswell as the diet! I'l adjust eventually just need time..

Had a crafty little measure to satisfy myself...
Alex has 1 inch gone.
I'm at 49 inches... meaning 4 inches in 4 days... I'm so confused!
Bethiee Ive had a terribly upset tummy today too. Mine might be a reaction to the weekend I'm not sure, perhaps I went out and in of Ketosis. But you aren't suffering alone! I hope you feel better soon - and wow wow wow 4 inches ! Go you! Are things feeling looser?

Nadia x
Iv not noticed much, maybe because there is so much to lose...

Get some water in you maybe with a teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon of salt mixed in to give your body some salts again! Perked me up when I felt at my worst.

I bought some ketostix off of amazon, due to come tomorrow. I'm nosey and want to check if I am actually there yet :)
Hi there - I've just caught up on your diary, I don't get online as often as I'd like. Feeling quite old reading this I used to play computer games but this was pre online gaming. Last game I played was Baldurs Gate and that was over 10 years ago, probably more like 15.

Sorry to hear about the stomach issues, some of that does come with territory, I always get quite excessive gas (which is why I'm grateful I have an office to myself!), hope it sorts itself out for you. Also hope you get into ketosis easily. It took me a week this time to do it and I have just had a break from the shakes and am trying again this week now to get back into it. Feeling quite weak and shaky today as my body wants me to eat. Be strong