Bethiee's Diary

Mine are indoor too, Zelda doesn't like outdoors. So I was free to get a flat without a garden, however I adopted Dex 6 weeks and he would probably like to go outside. Though isn't possible being on the top floor. So bought him all the toys in the world and a 2 cat trees (one small like in the pic) and one about 3x that size.

So we got fleas probably by bringing eggs on our shoes/one hopping in from a neighbor or from our cat sitter.

How does the fasting go? I can't do that one, I know i'd screw it up. Congrats on the will power!

Boyfriend is struggling on his first day but I didn't have carbs past 2 days before this so not feeling the hunger as much as him (who had 2 bowls of cereal and takeaway rice last night)

So first full day over.
3 litres of water down.
One strawberry shake, one hot cross bun bar, spaghetti bol and caramel pudding.

Pudding was the highlight of the day. It's not bad at all.

Did slip one one thing. Had 40 calories worth of chicken so only a tiny bit but really craving tuna/eggs/chicken etc.

So not a bad first day! 840 calories from at least double that daily isn't bad. I'm proud of myself.

Just woke up with the worst dry mouth ever (worse than drinking 2 bottles of wine and sleeping with your mouth open... not like id know or anything...) and feeling really sluggish. I'm usually a straight up and out of bed kind of girl but here I am one hour later...

I usually get 1.5-2L of water a day. I upped it to 3 litres like the recommended and iv never felt so dry. Skin and throat feel like iv had a dehumidifier on!

Boyfriend really struggled yesterday and all I want is some eggs. Boiled eggs with black pepper.

I might have some. I'm unsure. Will see how the day pans out.

We might try making one vanilla shake into 2 lattes with some coffee and having half a bar with each but will see how he feels when he wakes up.
Keep going Bethiee! Get some water in you and you'll feel loads better. A positive mind can make all the difference on these diets. You don't need the eggs, you just want them. Get one of your products down you and hopefully the craving for eggs will seem much smaller.
Keep up the good work! Xx
I just think that I'm realistic and that adding protein that I'm craving isn't the worst idea given my height + bmi. No carbs, citrus or sugar though. As it will stop me entering ketosis.

However I also need to fully understand that if I need a little extra addition of protein to stop me giving up then it's an exception not a rule. That this is just when I need it or until I hit ketosis and I won't be craving so much stuff hopefully. It's not going to be a daily thing. Need to keep reminding myself that haha

Hey maybe I'm just giving myself excuses as I always do but I'm unsure. My usual craving is cheese so... this is abit better maybe.

Let's wake the boyfriend up for breakfast and take the day from there. Maybe him being with me all weekend will be a positive on being strong.
Your cats are gorgeous! Wow. Zelda's eyes are beautiful. :) Thing is with cats if they're used to being indoors, then sometimes it might be best to keep them that way. I've always been absolutely dead scared of letting cats out into the neighbourhood for fear of them getting lost or worse.
Erm, I noticed and have read that, too much water can cause you to feel like you're not getting enough along with having too little. I'd say, judge it on how often you're in the loo. If you're in and out and it seems like it's just going right through, you're probably having too much - which can in turn put strain on your kidneys, so keep an eye on it. :)

As for protein - personally I don't see anything wrong with it, so long as you set a boundary of the portion size. So no more than 100g of chicken breast per day (so that's about 170 calories extra or so) for example when and if you need it. It won't affect ketosis and won't (shouldn't) make a drastic difference to the rate of losses per week. With eggs - the yolks do contain some carbs - enough for it not to be allowed in the first phase of Atkins for example, so if you want, they do have pure egg whites in Tesco in those cartons. An egg white omelette is really nice and very low calorie and no carbs. Maybe that's an option?

You're doing well :) First week is always the biggest brain battle with the if's and trying to find ways around, but if you do stick it out as much as possible, in week two these crazy thoughts will subside. :)
We had 2 eggs as we are doing an entire house clean due to the flea problem so activity levels are up more than a usual day.
Cut them into slices with some black pepper and ate them with a sip of water between each bite. It helped me feel abit more optimistic.

For lunch and breakfast we halfed a bar and a vanilla shake into a coffee with sweetener for each meal, was nice for a weekend idea.

Making a jug of sweetener iced tea up to put over ice later as we love iced tea. I was reading there used to be a peach flavouring for exante for water but was discontinued, shame as that could have been a great idea for the tea.

Dinner is gonna be the pizza, more so just for sheer curiosity although it is the one I was least pleased about trying... oh well!

Hows your weekend going Minerva?
Pizza? Exante have... *should google this* ... I hope it's nice? o_O Man. When I was doing VLCD's there honestly was just shakes and soups and that's about it. Then some sort of ... bolognese mush came along. Slim and Save in 2013 had marginally better options with actual pasta bits in, but Exante seems to have all the best bits. Quite impressive! Might consider it when and if I want to go down the packs route again.

My weekend, well, it's gone a tiny bit wonky, but that's to be expected, it was my 30th birthday yesterday, so went out for a meal - and I had more food than I'm used to and it's spilled over into today. I didn't actually have any alcohol which is surprising for me... but yeah, diet continues tomorrow basically. *rolls eyes* Such is life, hey :p
You asked about the fasting... well I'm doing a 16:8 daily regime (except today ...), so that's fasting for 16-20 hours and have an eating window of 8-4 hours. I calorie count within that and it does work. :) It does take getting used to, but since I got out of the habit of eating breakfast over a number of years and had some periods of non-eating, I find it quite easy and don't run out of energy - so long as I eat in a balanced way in the eating window bit. :)
Day 2 over.
Had 3 meals and chicken+eggs instead of 4 packs (chicken on the "pizza" and eggs as a snack) to a total of around 230 calories.
So made two vanilla lattes and half a bar with each one.
Latte is okay, vanilla a tad overpowering and not as creamy as i would like just acts like a whitener. Still ok.
Had the chocolate crunch bar in the morning. Good texture however a tiny bit powdery after taste.
Toffee nut and raisin was the best one out of the 3 bars iv tried so far. Lovely :)
Pizza is abit of a mess. Dough unusual in texture. Almost gummy? Tomato sauce tastes like how roasted red tomato cous cous smells. Isn't good. Had black pepper, chicken and garlic powder to didn't really.
Drank about 2.5-3L of water.
Had bad tummy all day. Unsure if it's new prescription from the Dr or the diet.

Happy belated Minerva!
Where did you go out for dinner? The main thing I'm gonna miss is going out for dinner.

I don't think fasting would work for me. I'd either be hungry at work, eating too much too late at home. Or eating everything at work and nothing at home maybe?
Your bars sound good! I got reminded of the ones we used to have - they literally tasted like cardboard with wood shavings in, with a tiny hint of peanut. Haha, they were so bad, but I ate them since it was the only solid food I could have and the diet was just a thing I had to power through.
The pizza almost sounds too good to be true kind of thing. I really hope the diet isn't causing an upset stomach, but, sometimes it takes a little bit of time for the gut bacteria to get used to a change of diet. After I had got used to LL, it took me a few weeks to get used to carbs again, so whatever it is, I think it will right itself over time. Give it a couple of weeks, hopefully it'll settle down. It could also be the medication - you said it's an immunosuppressant? What is it for, if you don't mind me asking?

And thank you :) We went out to an italian restaurant, I was craving possibly the worst thing I could have (but also my favourite) - pizza. Unfortunately, I'm not fond of the restaurant and their version of it, but, my friends enjoyed it, I kid you not, one of my friends ate half a metre of pizza all by himself. I know what you mean about going out for meals... When I was 100% on VLCD, and there were functions I couldn't avoid, my partner and I ate our LL bars for dinner, it was hard, but meant we could still go out. When we were doing a more light meal/3 packs diet, if we prepared in advance and looked at the menu, we could order plain protein with dressing/sauce on the side and avoid it, with vegetables / plain salad on the side. There are ways to make it work so that you don't feel like you have to give up social life completely, but, it's not always easy. Still, the way I look at it, is that it's just for a little while and after this phase ends, you're going to be free to go out again. :)

Thing is with a fasting diet - it does sound extreme. It takes a while to get used to... But the hunger does actually go away and the appetite shrinks. My stomach will never shrink from all the binge-eating I put it through, but, with the fasting, I am learning to recognise when I'm actually full better. I never snack or graze - that's something I changed as a long-term after the VLCD, so my hormones for monitoring my satiety levels are working much better.

I found a pic of me from 3 years ago when I last dieted. Back then it was 2 smoothies a day and an evening meal. I was more active as I lived in a forest so to get to even a bus stop it was a 20 minute walk.

This will be my goal to get back to. I was a size 16/18 here and I'm currently a 24 roughly.


Down to my hip issue deteriorating, stressful living conditions, comfort/stress eating, living with 5 guys for 2 years who bought me takeaways all the time/encourage to cook us all bad things, moving in with my partner and bringing this bad habit with me, medication that causes weight gain and exhaustion and hence more stress. I have perthes disease, arthritis and psorasis so I started a scary drug called methotrexate. It's literally a poison targeted on stopping your immune system as it's attacking yourself. Il be fine in time and it might motivate me into working out due to loss of pain and the appetite suppression.

Look though... I had wrists! Haha Still large thighs and broad shoulders but my arms are the shocking part to me as in my head I can't remember having alright arms ever.

I did it once half heartedly. I can do it again now I'm here properly.
*totally jealous of boobs* ._. I've got like... none. -.-

I'm sorry you're having quite a few medical issues, it sounds painful :( I hope some alleviation on your joints with some time will help.

You look beautiful in that picture, you have a really lovely shape. I am also sure you look just as beautiful now. We are always too critical of ourselves when others see something else completely... Still, you can get there again and hopefully feel healthier as well :)
Shame the pizza wasn't amazing Minerva, as it was your birthday! Though I am slightly jealous of the big pizza... though shush stomach shhhhh

Had the banana shake this morning with chilled water + ice, is the best one so far but I love banana milkshakes and don't think I have ever had a bad one.

With great boobs comes great responsibility (nah just great back ache) haha

Gonna start keeping bars in my bag for hospital appointments etc, I'l be fine. I always am. If worst comes to worst i'l have a hip replacement though that is probably a few years away!

Things I am looking forward to seeing:
Slim wrists
Collar bones/collar definition
Slimmer face
Reduced tummy (always been lucky that tummy hangs flat instead of dome-like however it is super wide at present with a more defined roll than i'd like to have!)
Less back fat!

I'l focus on the above. In 5 days I'l measure my waist + my boyfriends and see if I have lost any inches. If not I won't get disheartened as Iv done 7 weeks trialing this first bit of Exante. Like I said if I struggle I'l move onto Cambridge for some support :)

Thanks Curvie, feel free to drop by any time! Are you excited about Exante? Are you doing 3 or 4 packs a day when you do start, how much you got to lose etc?

I'd like to be in the 40's for waist by the time of my holiday in 7 weeks with my friends.
I have done Cambridge and lost 4 stones and Exante loads of times. I'm starting again tomorrow, id like to lose 2 stones really. I will be doing 3 packs a day and on the weekends add a small meal. And no I am not excited at all... I hate missing out on social events lol

when's your first weigh ? x
I'm not weighing myself cos I get obsessed. Then disheartened cos I'm not seeing numbers. So doing it solely by measuring waist loss for the time being.

Once I know Iv shed my bad habits and seen some results then maybe I'l introduce scales haha

What packs did you order? Any you are looking forward to?
Bethiee you look amazing in that pic - such a lovely figure! You will get back there soon and back to being a a lovely saucy minx :)!

It sounds like you are doing well with it - it's a bit of a case of mind over matter too. And there are lovely people om here to help (as you know from my Bbq dilemma! ). I'm saddened the pizza wasn't that great for you - I know what it's like to be let down by something you were looking forward too. CD Key Lime pie was a let down. But actually think about it as a way to train yourself out of using it as a weekly meal option and see it as a treat. Pizza was a huge downfall of mine - can eat it while gaming!

How often are you measuring yourself or planning too? I'm only asking as my CDC is measuring me every 4 weeks as she says doing it too often won't be as inspiring as I won't see the big differences. Perhaps try weighing yourself at boots every other week? Then you can see fat breakdown and stuff as well and see how much healthier you get. It may not work for you with what you said above but I'm mentioning it as id hate for you to not see the inches and get discouraged when in fact you've lost 4lbs in a week.

Hope you have a cracking weekend! X
Congrats on being strong! What items are you enjoying most on CD? Was always the worry for me when I saw the tiny list to order from..

Maybe weekly for the first month. Then every month from there onwards? Depends on if I feel comfortable with buying scales and having them in my house.


Lets say Iv got a strong stomach from filling it with crap all these years so for me to have stomach troubles this severe its definitely... something strange going on.

Will call my GP tomorrow for some advice given its new meds + new diet.

We can do this Nadia! Game face on! :)
Game face! Hoo rah! :cool:

Oh no - bad tummy! Feel free not to answer, but is it constipation? I take the extra fiber as I didn't poop at first! I think it's a common thing and CD have a fibre mix to add to help out. It may be your body freaking out about the minerals and vitamins going in all at once too. If it's used to what mine was, which was carbs, cheese and meat, it may be a bit of a shock! The doc will know more than I.

I will be honest part of the reason I'm looking into Exante packs is a bit more choice but I do really like some of the options. The Chicken tikka rice is the bomb. Also the mint chocolate shake, bannana and butterscotch are pretty Damn good. The tomato and basil soup and leek and potato feel like real soups as well too which is fab. Avoid the porridge and rice pudding like the plague though, pretty yacky .

If you have the rhubarb and custard or cookies and cream exante shakes I'd love a review - they are the ones I'm tempted by!

Nope not constipation over here... literally the opposite. I'd rather be constipated and pop a sennakot haha
I'm not allowed diralyte on these new meds as it might impact my kidneys.
Today's menu is banana shake, peanut bar, carbonara and a chocolate shake.
I don't have either of those as got a mixed box to try the basic flavours before venturing out.
Best shake so far is banana. Worst is strawberry.
Best bar so far toffee nut and raisin. Worst is hot cross bun bar (isn't bad just hard to eat due to texture though that might be good for someone else)
Dinners not had enough of yet to really help out. Pizza is a disappointment and you will only want real pizza more. Spaghetti bol was okay taste wise but slightly gritty in parts still edible.

Shame about CD rice pudding as that was something I was 100% interested in the most.

Gonna lay on the sofa stroking my mostly flea free kitties and hoping my stomach stops today!