Morning all....
Well gem you were right... those 2 lbs only stuck around for the day. How freaky!! They are gone I am only a sts this week, but hell I am much happier with that than a wahoooooooo. I just flushed those pounds away (hahahaha). So what is everyone up to this week?
It looks awful today...raining (again) like I should be surprised. As I said we got the cross trainer in the "gym" now, when OH was putting it together a vital piece showed us that there is a problem. And seeing as it took us just short of 2 years after buying it to put it together I am not sure that they will do much. But I shall see.Hopefully, we can get a new part that fits properly and I will be on my way. Then once the tredmill is in....I will be a goer. Cuz i hate to walk in the rain in this country!! Texas it is fine, the weather is hot and muggy and the rain feels lovely on your skin and is cooling. But is like being pelted with ice. I hate it. So I don't even venture out in it unless I have to. YUK!!!
BTW hello there hezz...welcome to the conversation. Never to late to start making friends.
Taz, you start your lates this week don't you? And if it makes you feel better I am not going to cornwall. Never been but would like to some time.
Silence...would you consider french an easy language to learn? I am oh so close on making a full desision on french, i think the whole edith piaf thing just made it more attactive to me. hehehehe.
Sill working with LU on his spanish. He is doing well. He said "Como esta?" to his father this morning out of the blue!! I was so proud of him. He is learning so fast. I think I am going to have to do what my family did and just start speaking spanish and let him pick up the meanings as he goes along....we shall see.