What a bloody day, and its only just gone 1! lol. Had class at stupid oclock this morning, and then had to spend a couple of hours in the Lib getting some books for my big essay thats due in, in a couple of weeks, ended up walking home with a huge stack of big unfriendly looking books on deaf education lol. Got totally lost looking for a BSL CD-Rom to practice my signing, so had a mild hissy at that, but when i realised it was 1pm, and i had been going since 7:30 without any food or water, i got stupidly hungry! So i had a pepperarmi or whatever they are called, it was nice, but really harsh watching the girls eat really big and yummy looking paninis and butties! lol.
Think i am gonna try and make a start on this stupid 3000 word essay, get it finished before all my really silly BSL exams start! lol, it gets tedious at the end of term, having to stress about signing and to do essays, its hard to do both at once as your mind has to go in about 5 different directions at once! lol.