Big Boys Need Love Too!

good to know taz :D how are your christmas preperations going?

my only thought at the moment is that i have two weeks left and then JACKET POTATO :D :D

abz xx
Christmas preparations are going great, my tree is so full underneath that there is no room left. All the presents are starting to spill out around the tree!

Yay for the jacket potato!
hey guys! abz the calorie counting was only for one week, as a kickstart. i could never continue it lol. my mum wants me to go to the docs and ask for a general blood test because i'm feelin lethargic, but being the kind of person who avoids doctors as much as possible, i said i'd wait until this totm is well and truly over before going docs.

today is a new day and im feeling better in my attitude towards food today. i'm having an absolutely no chocolates or anything else bad day (except my advent calendar choc. it's around 25 cals so it's not hurting me too much methinks!). I am really going to will myself to succeed today and hopefully i can go from here and wave goodbye to that sodding squatter.

taz i feel so sorry for you, cant believe you have to work those annoying hours! saying that, you've already got a christmas tree with the underneath packed to the brim with presents! Thus i am slightly jealous.

going to buy our tree in a bit, yay! xxx
Yeah it sucks but it's the first new year I've had to work since I can remember so I guess I can't complain too much!

I agree Elle, that you should wait til totm is over before going to docs as it can make you feel rougher sometimes
Hi guys, I'm here :)

I went to the hairdressers this afternoon and got my cut and colour back. While I was there the young beautician did an eyebrow wax and tint. I've never had anything like that done before so it was an experience - much better than plucking :p

Once all the maintenance work was done we went Christmas shopping. There's a big Woolworths not far from the hairdresser so we took a look at the sale. I bought a Little Tykes car with 20% off for my little grandson (so that's one problem over) and a couple of other little things with discounts.

I went to JJB Sports cos I'd seen a Lateral Thigh Trainer (stepping machine) there and found it was reduced, not from £89 to £69 like I thought but it was the last one and they were clearing it for £35, brand new and unopened, so I had to relieve them of it. I reckon it will be good for strengthening my leg muscles. They are considerably weaker since my back injury in 2005 and the left one has a great deal less mobility than it did.

Elle - I understand you not rushing to the docs, I'm a bit like that too but I think your mum is quite right when she says you should get things checked out x :)

Abz - It's really good to have you back with us and as Taz said - Yay for the Jacket Potato x :)

Taz - That New Year rota really does suck - You'll have to have a really special Christmas instead x :)

I'm really tired now so off to bed. Have a good night everyone :nightf:
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

Up early this morning cos I have lots of tidying and cleaning to do - then I might have room for a Christmas tree or two :) It didn't really help that yesterday I returned home with another two big boxes and a bag of "stuff" that has to go somewhere. Everything seems to be bulky this year and the house is quite full already.

Once I have sorted things out I will find a permanent home for my stepper. I have to keep it out or there is no way I will use it and I need to work on my leg muscles and get them strong :) I can do about 2 minutes at present and that is on the fast (low resistance) setting. I think my best bet is to stop a little after my legs start to ache and then go back to it later. My target at the moment is to be able to do a 10 minute session each morning on fast setting :8855:what a sad target.

Well, if I am going to get anything done at all I will have to go and make my porridge and get started. I also have to hit the supermarket at some point today :eek:

:character00238: Have a lovely Sunday everyone :character00238:
Gem! My mum got me a lateral thigh trainer around half way through my third year of uni. We now have two in the house because she got one for herself as well :/ Anyway, when I was on Paul Mckenna I was doing around 30 minutes straight a day but to be honest, I got bored with it. Now they're both sitting in the garage looking all lonely and lost. I'm like that with exercise - anything i don't find fun i give up. Which is quite bad. I wish you more success than me! :)

We went and bought the tree - mum insisted she wanted to get a smaller one than usual because she was considering resting it on a piece of furniture in the living room. I argued that, although our living room isn't huge, it's a decent size, and a small tree would look lost in it. In the end we went for a medium sized one and low and behold, it looks a bit silly! lol, though i'm not one to gloat :p It comes to about the same height as me and it's much thinner than usual. but it's ok, we can help each other stay on the straight and narrow over Christmas :p I feel I should support the trees that have tried to lose weight ready for Christmas:p Heehee!

We went to decorate it after we'd moved around the furniture to find a good spot for it (my mum moved the sofa earlier in the year to where the tree used to go and wouldn't move it back. so instead it was heavy lifting with my bad back lol). Mum went to get the baubbles and decorations - couldn't find them anywhere! we seem to have had a christmas decorations thief visit us! So now we have a bare tree downstairs hahahahaha. ah well.

food wise, yesterday went much better methinks. i'm back on the road people! xxx
hey guys. i'm off cd for the present. i just can't afford it after another financial disaster in the home that is abi's. it never ends. but never mind. we are going food shopping now and will be able to buy a week's shopping for both of us for less than i spend on cd i would imagine. so that's something that will help.

the plan is low calorie, high veg, healthy options. i will probably still have a cambridge thing for brekkie each morning as i've never been good with breakfast.

we have totally forgotten how to eat and cook. we have spent all morning making a shopping list based on what we usually cook only to find that we couldn't remember, ha. so this week we'll be having quorn spag bol, high veg content low cal stir fries, jacket potatoes with things and i'm making my veg soup that i've been desperate for. OH always has sandwiches for lunch and i'm thinking i'll probably have my veg soup or a low cal pasta thing. not the best in variety but we have to start somewhere. i'm sure it will all come back to us, ha.

i love my veg soup though. it's really hard to make a bad one. i just stick all the veg i fancy in a huge pan with a couple of potatoes. boil it and then whizz the whole lot, water and all and then yum. ha. it fills me up a lot and makes me feel all wintery :D

also feeling like i want to be really active for some reason, hee. so might go swimming this week if i can find that bloody swimming costume. am sure the old one will hang off.

my cdc is being really supportive about it which is great. she's going to email me properly later. i'm still able to go and observe her to prepare for my cdc training which is good. the timing of this was not great given i'm about to start the ball rolling on starting my cdc training. grrr.

going food shopping now. it's going to be one hell of a novelty!!

abz xx
Hey all....

Well I am trying not to eat at the momnet, but I am well chuffed I have only put on 2lbs in the last 3 weeks so I am good to go. i had a small bowl of porridge with cinammon this morning, with 2 bananas and a small glass of orange juice...and then later I had 3 satsumas....So I am on 4 fruits so far today. We are having another roast as today is that will be nice I will get more veg later...hurrah. But i am finding I am quite hungry the last few days. even waking up in the middle of the night hungry. *LOL* But I just go back to sleep. i think it is because I am eating dinner and then not eating anything else. The baby si freaking out. *LOL* But i just a few more weeks and we will know if the baby is a he or a she...and I am almost half way there...yipeeeeeee. I am going tomorrow to see the docs about my pelvis and see if I can get some pain killers just to take the edge off the pain. i over did it yesterday cleaning and things and so..I am still today paying the price.

I have put a pic up of our lovely tree and it was nice putting it up. LU loves it...and this is the first real year that he really understands what is going on. And santa is good blackmail material! *LOL*

I have to do my baking this week, which I am hoping will be fun now that we have the new oven. I have gotten LU all his presents and my OH some too. But I said I didn't want anything for christmas as there is nothing I need or want. Anything I get will just be a waste. I have tons of everything. ANd I would rather save the money for buying the baby ha. *LOL*

But my birthday is on boxing day...and all I want is a lay in, and food when I snap my fingers *LOL*

Anyway check out the pic.....

How are you all doing anyway? For some reason I never get the email reminders that someone has posted on this thread for some reason, so I forget sometimes.

Hey Abz, good luck with the food shopping! You will get your jacket potato sooner than you thought then!

Well I made a decision this morning. I was looking at my SW book from last year and saw that I am actually 6lb heavier now than I was this time last year which is really really bad and I desperately need to get this shifting again now. So I have decided to do SlimFast for a month to give me a boost and a change of scenery. I am hoping to lose half a stone on it before switching back to SW. So I went out to get some supplies and am now ready to start counting calories (yawn!).
hey guys, well we went food shopping and spent a fortune it seems but we had to restock EVERYTHING as we had nothing at all in the house and now we should be good for a couple of weeks. we do have rhubarb pie as OH fancied some so i may have a sliver, but it was really weird. we went to the bakery bit and i felt so so so sick. and whenever i thought about eating something calorific i feel ill... so i need to get past that although it may serve a deterrent for binging i think i've set my mindset against eating things so strongly it's going to be a while before having a wee bit doesn't seem like a bad thing. had some carbonara for lunch. nice and calorific of course, but not too bad. have had about 600 calories so far today. our fridge is heaving with veg now and the fruit bowl (or pretty much a satsuma bowl at present) is looking rather healthy too :)

i also bought a couple of low cal nibbles for if i fancy some naughtiness.

and now i need to drink some water because i haven't been.

abz xx
well we now have a friend over to help us eat it :D so the menu for tonight is chicken and much veg stirfry (no oil) with a blue dragon sauce (yummy) and straight to wok noodles. we only have the sauce and noodles for two and it's going to be stretched to three with extra veg and a wee bit of water so even better calorie wise for me :D

i'm on about 700 cals so far today now :)

off to join in the chatter.

abz xx
Haha...I went out shopping too Abz. It was heaving in asda. Luckily for me i ate before I left, so i actually stuck to my list for a change.=-) I only went out to get a few bits and pieces and pick up one of LU's presents at argos. I think I need to stop now he has so many things...and I really want him to enjoy christmas for what is it....a day to get what you want and stuff your face like a pig...and be with family. *LOL* He is getting, A tigger game ( kinda like buckaroo), charlie and lola books, and DVD's, Mario drive on the Wii, Lego Batman on the x-box 360, TAG with 6 books ( it helps to teach children to read- using phonetics) and encourages reading skills, and understanding. A phonetic laptop type thing, a hot wheels three wheel scooter,a scalelctrix set a t-ball set , baseball, bat, glove and ball set, and a ben 10 digital watch - and a normal analogue watch so help him tell time. So I think he is getting enough...*LOL* I may just give him some and save some for his birthday...

Other than that...not much else is happening....Oh yeah....LU decided to pee on his couch in his play room...not tell us and then hide it from us. When I dicovered it I was livid....he has is being punished, so no sweets, treats of any kind, or games even learning games today, and no telly. So, he understands what he did was wrong. And when I tell him, NO you're being punished today, remember? Why are you being punished? HE says " because I pee peed on my couch. And he said "I won't ever do it again, I am very sorry mama! hahaha....he has been really good since I got after him. He helped me in the store shopping, didn't whine once, helpped put the groceries on the belt, did exactly as he was told....I can't fault him....and I keep reminding him of what he did wrong. But tomorrow, no more will be said about it. We have managed to get it clean, but it was a right mess. Thank goodness for softeners.! *LOL*
Taz, good luck on your Slimfast thing...I did that once...lost 15lbs in 2 weeks on that, just drinking 2 a day and having a lowfat sensible meal, like chicken breasts with brocooli and green beans or carrots. And I worked out for 1 hour a day- 6 days a week. It was great.

Abz....never tried rubarb to be honest, but I did hear it is lovely. Take care and have fun eating in moderation....that always works best.
Hi there. It's all change with you guys.

Abz - I'm sensing that you're not that upset about the prospect of eating so enjoy some delicious sensible eating :)

Jenn - The tree is lovely and your little boy is VERY lucky :)

Taz - Hope the slimfast works - make sure you have plenty of good food with it :)

Elle - Any Christmas tree is good and it will look much better when the decoration thief returns the decs :)

I'm still in the middle of tidying up to make room for the tree. I had a visit from my daughter and husband mid-day which was a lovely diversion and then I had to go shopping which brought me to time to cook dinner. That's done now and I'm gonna have another look at the tidying.

Have a good evening everyone x :)
Jenn you sound like you know how to deal with your LU, i'm very impressed. I certainly would not have been dealt with in such a way had I peed on the couch lol.

Abz sounds like you're doing well chick, nice work!

Gem we found the decorations in the end...mum went into the loft and turned the garage upside down, had an asthma attack and a nose bleed... and where were they? About 2 metres away from the tree in a box behind the tv. lol... aww my poor mommyyyy. We got half way into decorating it but a documentary came on on bbc4 about Nana Mouskouri. And being Greek obviously this greatly excited my family so we're all here watching it lol.

Taz good luck hun, we're always here should you need us for support. i hope it goes well for you :) xxxx