Hey all....Thanks Gem, Yeah I had a freak out this morning when I did a WI, it was another 4lbs down...but then I moved the scales to another spot and it went back to normal.*LOL* Well I wish your daughter well. I can't imagine having to go through that. I thought it was bad being left in labour for 3 days but to have contractions for coming and going like that would drive me nuts. And it's not that the things are pain free.
Taz, Yeah the LU loved it he wanted to go again today. hehehe. But I they are off now till after the new year. So thing are going to change again now.I am going to try and get LU into gymnatics too as he loves to jump and bound and roll around a lot. See how he likes that. Plus I may switch his nursery school. Right now he goes tuesday, wednesday and thurday mornings. But I want to get him to go to our local nursery for the primary school he may have to go to, which I can walk to. Seeing as I can't really and shouldn't be driving at the moment. This way I can get some more excerise and if I switch him to afternoons, I can still get a lay in with him, and he gets to play with other kids in the village. So I will see. I think he still has to go to his original one for a while, but as my OH is working a lot he doesn't have the time to keep coming and go with us. so LU misses out a lot. And at least this way he can a nice clean place to play outside. My garden is soooooo muddy with the weather. and He doesn't have any place outside to play. But the karate he thought was great. They did well with him. He learned some punches and blocks and he picked it up quickly. Plus they were running around a lot which he loves to do.
Well...I hope everyone has a great weekend. I thought christmas was on wednesday. *LOL* So my birthday is on friday!! YEAH!!! NOT! I am so old...*LOL* I am going to the farmer's market to pick up a few things tomorrow and then i am perfect.