Big Boys Need Love Too!

wow. still. if you only buy one a lot of thought must have to go into it rather than, eeeerrrrr, that will do :)

the number i have had to buy has gone down this year as we aren't going to denmark so no danish pressies. i tend to have to buy those too as OH is useless... given that i had to do this even when i hadn't met the people i was buying for, less stress this year :D

abz xx
i tend to have to buy those too as OH is useless...

I pretty much fall into that category, *SHE* has always done all that, thankfully :)
that would be why you've only bought one then... same with my OH. i should have clicked. so you're just LAZY. ha.

abz xx
Morning all, good to see you all back. I was beginning to think I'd be here all on my own til Gem got back! I don't think a christmas baby would be ideal as it's not due til next month and there are other kids who deserve to have a good christmas without it being disturbed by hospital visits!

Well done on finishing the shopping, mine is all done apart from my dad and my gran but my dad's present is due to be delivered any day (I ordered him a book that was co-written by someone at work and the guy at work will sign the book for me!) and my mum is going to get my gran's for me, she is going to get her some nice jumpers etc.

Abz, if you have an Aldi near you try there for your veg. They do really nice maris piper potatoes for 39p per 2.5kg bag! They are great for veg.

My christmas list has got shorter this year too. I only have one grandparent left but she is really difficult to buy for. Although I do have a couple of nephews and the brood seems to be added to each year!

Christmas day is going to be quieter this year (and nicer!). We have had a bit of a falling out with the in-laws, they have slagged me off to Mr Taz which he took exception to and I told him that I wouldn't stop him from seeing them but I didn't want to spend christmas with them. We went to visit them to see if a truce could be called and the only one who made the effort was his dad, his mum and nan made sly comments under their breath. I have told Mr Taz not to say anything as we are going round there boxing day. I would rather see what they are going to come out with next than they be on their 'best behaviour'.

So christmas day will now be spent with my family for the most part of the day then spend the evening with my friend (the one I went to London with) as she has no family here and will be on her own all day
i couldn't be doing with that taz. i would just want to tell them to f*ck off. do they have a history of slating you or is this something new? they obviously haven't taken the time to know you or they wouldn't do it!!

abz xx
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They have never been my number one fans but they just turned really vile. I was really well behaved and I didn't react to their comments but I can't guarantee that I wont in future!

Silly in laws, I personally think you're lovely Taz so screw them! I'm sure christmas will be excellent with your mum and dad :D

Abz heeeey :) Thanks for the text earlier. It's so lovely when you realise you don't have to buy as many presents this year. One positive thing about not being at Uni anymore is the fact that i've saved a lot of money :D However I now feel like i should go crazy and spend lots more on my sisters haha. I'm so messed up, there's actually money in my bank account and all I can think of is how to spend it.

I finished my shopping on saturday. My mum said me and my sister's were stupid going shopping on the saturday before christmas, and we were considering bus-ing it in, but there's free parking at this westfield mall we go to so I took the car, found a space almost immediately! It's the place I go to get my lunch and I swear to god it's busier on a lunchtime than what it was on saturday! credit crunch....

Bought my mum a more expensive gift because it was her 50th birthday in Sept and we still havent bought her a gift heehee. So we spent £110 (well, I did, my sisters are younger and make no money) on this gorgeous, delicate real pearl and white gold bracelet. And we were wondering around at quarter to six without any idea what to get my dad and wanting to get home for Strictly, so we rushed into Argos and bought him an ipod shuffle and mini speaker - he likes listening to his music but he doesn't have much, and he's always having to open his laptop to get to his tunes :) what kind and considerate daughters we are, lol. Even if it was extreeeemely last minute. We DID make it back in time for Strictly, JUST :p

Aaaand lastly, went to visit my nan last night. Her and this fantastic old bird Lily have made friends - they stick together because they complain they can't get any sense out of anyone else, lol. And Lily used to get her fish and chips from my other gran's fish shop when she was younger, which is quite ironic. But still, we're not sure if she'll be allowed out for Christmas, and I don't want her to be there on Christmas day, it's not fair. She should be with her family. :(

I don't want to be at work :(

xxx xxx
Hi Girls,

That's some story with the in law's Taz, stuff 'em I say.

I know what you mean elle, my FIL is in a care home and we'd like him out for Christmas but it isn't looking likely I'm afraid.
hello. i've discovered i am working an 11 hour day today. the cover that was supposed to be arranged apparently wasn't... waaagh. so so so so so so tired right now. 3 hours to go... then weigh in, today's 'don't eat much it's weigh in day' thing has not gone to plan in the slightest... probably because i'm tired...
Don't starve yourself Abz, you have to make peace with the fact that you may have gained a few lb now that you are eating but it will level itself out soon enough. Have you deleted some stuff from your inbox yet? I want to send you a message!
i do indeed. but i usually work 7-5. i only work until 11pm for two nights every three weeks and i don't start until 1 on those days. sometimes overnight work is required but it hasn't been required of me as of yet and is unlikely to do so unless it involves a large project or overnight cover for another department.

the shifts i work are on a three week rotation. after new year i get two out of three weekends off instead of one out of three, woohoo :D we do only work four days a week though.

abz xx
Sounds good abz, I'm just finishing writing the batch files to do all our end of year stuff and backups.
Morning all. :)

Am I first? :p

Have a great day everyone! x :D
Morning Jools,

your up and about early. :)