Big Boys Need Love Too!

Morning all, what does everyone have planned for today? I have to go and see someone at work. He co-wrote a book that I got my dad for christmas and he is going to sign it for me! Apart from that I am just here resting as per normal! Mr Taz phoned me just now to say his parents are coming over this evening to bring our presents round. Really not looking forward to that, I hope his dad comes round on his own
Morning Taz, not much planned here love. Bit of a party at lunchtime, and generally after that the managers drift away and then everyone shuts down until the 2nd.
Sounds good to me n all! Well, my nan is going home today! She didn't want to stay so we're figuring things out for her at home. Me and my mum went and did her housework for her and my mum did her ironing so im popping round today to make up her bed for her, if she's able to sleep on it. We've got a handrail put up on the right hand side of the stairs for her and a comode in her room aswell. And hopefully she'll be staying round mine on christmas eve :D I'll have to keep going round to help her when she needs to wash her hair and bath and stuff, cook her food etc... But anyway, i don't mind, as long as she's where she wants to be!

:) xxx
That's great Elle! Just had a bit of a blow up with Mr Taz about the in-laws (see my diary) so not in a brilliant mood right now
Your diary!? I didn't know you had one. Or did I, and I have just forgotten. :S Ok let me see.
Elle, I missed your first post, we must have been posting at the same time. I'm pleased your Nan is going to be home for Christmas. We can't have Jack I'm afraid.
Hi all

Hope everyone is having a great day. I don't think mine will ever end, I'm so busy at work, just grabbing lunch now! :mad:

Jim - hiya, went straight out to work after my post this morning, sorry, wasn't ignoring you really! ;)

Taz - oohh, what's the book about? :confused: hope tonight isn't too bad for you hun. :)

Elle - hiya you, how you feeling? :confused: great news about your Nan. :D
ah that's why you were early, logging on from home is cheating Jools. :) I was at work ;)
Well it only takes me 5mins to get to work so technically I was almost at work!! :p
Do you work from home then Jools, or at least very close to work :) we're starting to shut up shop here, are the jobs are set to run and I'm full to the brim with food. :)
I work really close to home. It would be a 20min walk but I drive as I go to the gym after before going back home.

Lucky you!! :p :p :p :p

I'm working tomorrow too! Maybe the boss will let us go early though. :sigh:
No more work for me until the 2nd Jools. and saying that I'm off, have a good Christmas everyone and a fantastic new year. :)
Have a wonderful Christmas Jim. x :D
Ok, well now I've got that out of my system.....

Morning all, I am at my mothers all day today but I was smart enough to bring my laptop! Although my mother was also smart enough to set up her wireless, link her pc and laptop to it, then forget the password so I can't access her internet unless I use one of her computers! Luckily though, the neighbour hasn't secured her network so I use hers! Ha ha

I am at my parents today as my dads present is being delivered today by special delivery and as they are away and I am off sick I am the only one who can be here to sign for it.

Does anyone know, do special delivery items get brought by the postman with the rest of the post?