Big Boys Need Love Too!

Gosh yes - How did I miss that star - Well done Abz x
Congratumalations on the star Abz! :D

I finally got my TOTM yesterday - the reason behind my appetite for choccies and my swollen look (I felt incredibly fat). Thankfully it seems to have gone down already. I haven't weighed in a couple of days but I didn't manage to stay off the chocs completely, yesterday I had a good few. Oh welllll, what can you do when they're staring you in the face? lol...

Well, i woke up to snow this morning, it was lovely (but a pain in the ass to get to work - especially when my windscreen washer fluid ran out and my windscreen was slowly getting caked with grit. i had to rely on the snow from my roof melting and running onto my windscreen!) I've taken a couple of photos, shall post them on here soon.

Well, back to work eh. Grrrr.

Glad you enjoyed your new years taz and gem. Bet cornwall was ace Gem, although I can't believe how warm it is there compared to elsewhere!!

Abz, what a rubbish time for a boiler to break. Hope it all goes well. And don't worry about the weight gain, it'll come off soon enough! what's sole source?

Jim congrats to you and your daughter, it sounds like a very stress free way to do things!

And Jenn, WOOOOOOOO A BOYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! That's lovely! Looks like you're going for the hatric where kiddies are concerned then! ;)

Something strange going on here, I posted about an hour ago but it's gone missing?

We have snow in Birmingham this morning, and I've lost 2lbs this weekend. (smug look)

Blimey Jim, congratulations! How on Earth did you manage it so soon after the hols?!

Thanks girls, Atkins induction ellie, works for me every time I'm pleased to say. 20 carbs a day from green leaf veggies. Yummy. :)

I've been wondering what this rep power thing is, I think I understand it now, so well done all you "STARS"
Ah...... life in the Cornish sub-tropics is much warmer - usually x

Well done losing the 2lb Jim
Something strange going on here, I posted about an hour ago but it's gone missing?

We have snow in Birmingham this morning, and I've lost 2lbs this weekend. (smug look)


Are you smug about the 2lbs or the snow ? :Dwe have it too but them it seems i'm not far from you
Thanks Gem,

Smug about the 2lbs MommyB, you must have the snow as well?
Wowzers! yep, i remember the days of low carbing - i'll give you this, it sure does do the trick super fast! Im still plodding along probably still 12st 10lbs, but i hope to lose weight soon fingers crossed.

you know what else was fun with the snow this morning, trying to park in a space with no lines to guide you, just a blank white canvas haha. Ive posted my other photos on my diary but i've just taken this one for here..


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hah, I wish I'd taken a photo of our car park ellie, it'd have looked the same.

Yes, LC is the only diet that has ever worked for me. I find that a short while on strict induction always does the trick, and maintaining is so easy when you have been on Atkins.
Morning all from a cold and very frosty Birmingham. I saw 4 crashes on the way to work this morning, why can't people take account of the weather and different road conditions? I'm feeling really good this morning, Atkins induction does that for me, none of those cloggy carbs buggering up my system. :D
good morning chaps. i am happy to report that i only gained 8.5lbs on my cdc's scales. rather bizarre as i gained a stone on mine but then i weigh myself naked first thing on a morning and i weighed myself just before i went to the cdc so that probably goes towards it.

sole source is just the cd packs without any food elle. there are food programmes on cd too.

am off to get weighed next monday and am hoping to shift a lot of those squatters by then!!

abz xx
Morning Abz, I find scales vary a lot, I don't do it now but in the early days when I was a scaleoholic I found my weight could vary as mus as 6 - 7 pounds between different scales.
Good morning everyone

It's a lovely sunny morning but my friend texted that it was -7 on the way to work earlier.

I started yesterday with 9 squatters - I have 7 this morning so I'm happy that the eviction has started. There are now only 7 cardboard boxes lined up on my window sill to put the little blighters out in the cold. I don't feel sorry for them - Let them shivver :winter_brr::winter_brr:

Have a good Tuesday everyone x :)

Morning Gem, that's a good start then, 2lbs down. I didn't weight this morning but my belt feels a little looser. yes it was cold this morning.
Afternoon all, I can't believe it's taken me so long to get here today! I was playing on Facebook with the plan to visit here next then my friend phoned and asked if I wanted 'my usual' from Subway. Durrr Yeah! So I had to entertain my friend for a couple of hours while she moaned about a training course we all have to do at work. But I git my favourite Sub for lunch so it was worth it. She has gone home now so I can get back to business! I seem to have lost a squatter this morning but got proper WI tomorrow, the first one in 4 weeks, so I will update the ticker with the true amount tomorrow
hi guys. i feel totally wretched. i feel a wee bit sick and lethargic and not hungry at all. but yuck. the beginning of sole source is horrid. ah well. it will be worth it. i bought some size 16 troos in tesco yesterday. two pairs. and they don't even come close to fitting and they did before christmas. so i really need to get a move on. especially if i want to be a 16 by the time i go dress shopping. and i really would. but that's just over 3 weeks away so it isn't likely. still. i'm going to give it my best shot :D

abz xx
On SS you can lose a lot is 3 weeks hun. Have faith and just do what you can. I hope you feel better soon