Big Boys Need Love Too!

thanks babes. i finish work in three hours or so so not long to go now. i'd forgotten how often you need to wee when you drink a lot!! ha. i think another coffee will be on the cards shortly though.

abz xx
Hi ellie, Abz I hope you feel better soon, it's only the first week isn't it. I remember my "Atkins Flu", not nice that at all.
Hehe - those squatters won't know what's hit them when we all get going will they - Evictions are us x
Better loose them quick then girls or the home will be full ;)
I've given them cardboard boxes - what more do they want. My shelter is closed to all newcomers and evicting fast - they'll have to find another squat - anyone want some homeless pounds? No? I didn't think so......
cast them out to sea so they can find Squatter Isle. They will be safe and happy there and they can play forever with all the other squatter lbs
Well, i'm packing mine away with a hat and scarf each, i'm clearly not as mean as all yous lot :p

Abz, im sure you can do it if you set your mind on it. And anyhow, you can try any dress on really, they'll just leave it loose at the back and figure it all out at the fittings for you. I have watched many a girl try on a dress at the wedding shows ;) i've been soooo close to trying one on myself but I figure it's a bit sad :S however, me and my lovely work pal Carmel have tried on around 60% of all tiaras in the country:p

Blimey Jim, 4 crashes?! That's crazy... However, the roads round these parts are treacherous. And all my family including myself, live on roads that aren't frequented by cars so there's just flattened, slippy, icy snow on the ground. I had to take my grandad to the docs this morning and I almost lost control going down his road. but thankfully, been as i was going so slow i just let the car come to a stop and tried again.
Hats and scarves? Nah, they'll be applying for asylum and getting big houses and loads of dosh elle.

Yes, I take a back road route to work, but I'll be sticking to the main roads tonight. Most were people sliding across junctions because they were going to fast for the conditions.
Elle and Taz - you are far too nice to your squatters. Yes of course they can have a hat and scarf, even a cardboard box but they aint gonna have no fancy island to live on. Let them take their chances with the elements. x
The way I see it Gem, if they have a nice island to go to then the aint going to want to come back here are they?!
You do have a point there Taz but they're awkward little blighters and have no sense of right and wrong - they just invade and squat x
Good morning everyone

No squatter evictions to report this morning but there's time yet to make a difference this week as weigh in isn't until Friday. I might as well make my donation to shelter box as I've no chance of ditching 7 by Friday!

Have a great day everyone :)

hey guys. well i made it through yesterday although we thought the boiler had totally died last night and i was going to have to take a day off work to fix it. it randomly turned itself on and we've left it on all night on a low setting with the radiators turned off. if it's still on when we get home then we'll just leave it like that. the gas bill will go up a bit but not much. i'd rather not take time off work to fix it. i was on hold to the 'hotline' (more like luke warm) for about 20 minutes when it came on so if it's broken again when we get in i guess it's another evening on hold... but i also felt like crap after my first day of ss so my mood was not light!! managed to have a luke warm bath though with thomas's help on kettle duty :D

think a squatter has shifted since yesterday. i have more sparkling water with me today. about three litres this time. i am really going to have to go back to tesco!! or netto...

abz xx

abz xx
Good morning, don't want to darken anyone's day but I'm back to posted weight this morning, so I'll come of induction. :D Hope your all feeling bright and chipper this morning.

Hi Abz, you beat me by 1 minute. :)
ah, well that minute was the one that counted jim :p

well done on getting back down to your posted weight. i have no idea how much i have to lose to get down to the weight on my ticker. i can't remember when that was!! ha. i'll have to go and check...
ah well, lets hope 2009 is your year then Abz.
9.5lbs although i think i've made headway into that already. onwards and downwards!!

p.s. i'm going to be a nightmare for a couple of days. apologies in advance.

and where the hell is tyn!!

abz xx
Don't worry Abz, we're used to it - that's what friends are for x