Big Boys Need Love Too!

you're used to it? are you implying i'm a nightmare on a regular basis? :D hee. only kidding. what are you up to today gem??

abz xx
Not a lot Abz - I'm only joking, you know we love your postings x
babblings more like. but then that's what we're here for.

i really enjoyed watching a few more csi episodes last night :) and tonight i'm hoping to do the same. bless him. my OH knows that staying out of my way is the best course of action at the moment after my attempts to fix the boiler again last night and then trying to ring up the people to come and fix it and wanting to eat everything in sight and organising his mates coming over to get his best man's suit fitted... well, let's just say that plonking me in front of csi must have been a relief for him :)

abz xx
He sounds like a saint to me Abz, I'd have been out of there and down the pub ;)
Morning all, just a flying visit as my mum will be here in 15 minutes to take me to WI. I wonder if I can persuade her to take me for breakfast afterwards?! Well done on the loss Jim, good work. Abz, that 9.5 will drop off in no time. I've got a really busy day today so might not get another chance to check in so have a good day everyone x
Morning Taz, hope you wi goes well.

Abz, I'm a morning person, no snooze button for me. *SHE* hates it though. :D
Thanks Jim, it was better than I expected. Mothers car broke down so I had to make alternative arrangements but I got there. I have gained 7lb in the last 4 weeks which under the circumstances I don't think is too bad
Considering it was the "GLUTTONY" season that isn't to bad at all Taz.
Not just the food though, I haven't been able to do any exercisr for 4 weeks either and I usually do 5 hours of martial arts per week!
Taz - Well done for the squatter eviction before weigh in

Jim - Surely you wouldn't leave a damsel in distress

Abz - Hope your day doesn't drag too much and the coffee is working
Jim - Surely you wouldn't leave a damsel in distress

?? I'm sorry love, you've lost me there
Hey, it's snowing again here, and we haven't got rid of the last lot yet.
?? I'm sorry love, you've lost me there

You said Abz's OH was a saint and you would've gone off to the pub, thus leaving a damsel (Abz) in distress in her bath with no-one to bring kettles to keep the water warm :)
ah that, yes well then I'm a pig I suppose :)
ha. he didn't mind the kettles bit. in fact i thought i was rather reserved since he didn't even notice the boiler had come on and i was still there listening to musak and i went to check :) he'll cope :D he put on about the same amount as i did much to my glee. bet his has gone by now. oh no, wait. he's still stuffing as much shortbread into his face as he can manage :D :D evil aren't i? hee.

abz xx
He won't be doing the kettle bit once you've been married 35 years, that's a fact. :D
we had our old one replace a couple of years ago as it was getting old and cranky, *SHE* got fed up with having to go to her mothers for baths and stuff, I was OK, we have a shower and stuff here at work. :D, Talk about unecessary expense. I mean. :)
Oh Jim - wouldn't you do "anything for love". She has to have her pamper time doesn't she x