Big Boys Need Love Too!

I thought if you turned up for work and got sent home it would be a paid day Abz?
((((Hugs Abz)))) x
Sounds like you both have bad employers them abz, not good.
This was my garden at around 8 o'clock this morning :)


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it does look pretty gem.

we will get through it. it just sucks. just having a bad day i guess. just wanted to finally live a little. just when we start getting things sorted financially the world seems to decide not to give us a break this time. sick of struggling.

abz xx
I sympathise abz, I really do love.
thanks jim. not much to be done other than getting on with it i suppose. but damn do i want to eat for the country. all this AND a coding day. whoopdidoo... ha :)

bring on the pasta and tomato puree :)

back is really bad today. am trying to avoid my painkillers because i can't think straight on them, but i'm not sure it's a viable option really... will see how we go. am meeting with a friend of mine for lunch, a very cheap lunch i think, ha, and talk about wedding stuff. not sure i've got the heart for it today to be honest but it will be nice to see her.

abz xx
I'm playing with our cognos cubes today, have you used that abz?
I think we were pretty much the same until I got to higher ranks in the Army, but it's since the kids have left home and we are both working that we are really comfortable. Having no mortgage and an Army pension helps as well.
have never heard of cognos cubes jim but they sound slightly dirty. making my code print "F*CK OFF" repeatedly made me feel slightly better, but that piece of code is no longer in case someone came to see how i was doing and saw the obvious answer... it won't work. i hate loops.

abz xx
LOL No, it's all genuine work today abz.
well it still isn't working. at one point i had it saying 'no entries for this day' a couple of hundred times all down the screen. i almost started hysterically laughing at that point... hee.

well i have some parsnip soup and a bread roll for lunch here today. oh. and the tictacs i bought to shove in my gob while coding (programming without munching is an impossibility for me) are all gone... so i'm thinking my options hot chocolate is going to be after the soup, and then i may have to move onto diet coke...

abz xx
Good morning everyone :bundledup:

We still have plenty of snow on the ground here and yesterday both Severn bridges were closed because large lumps of ice were falling from the top onto the road area and could have damaged caused injury so my decision not to go to Wales this weekend was a good one. I'm fed up though that I will not see the little ones :(

There's quite a lot of snow in the part of Wales where my daughter lives too and it's well off the beaten track - also the pipes there are frozen again so the water for the loo has to come from the stream again and our visit would put extra pressure on. Despite all this my daughter was disappointed that we're not going to make it.

That naughty Mr Sun is up there now, threatening to melt our snow and make our white world all slushy :character00238: surely he could wait a while :eek:

There was no update on the artwork yesterday. As my mate texted after she had walked back from my house via the said sculpture "just a sad little specimen of manhood and his Mrs needs a face-lift and a boob job AND his pet (whatever it is) needs some attention from a vet!" :giggle:

I'll leave you with a little quote I heard that stuck in my head - it struck a chord with me:

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. Seneca
Roman dramatist, philosopher, & politician (5 BC - 65 AD)

Dare to have a happy and productive Saturday everyone :)
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It's very quiet on here today! We have been out to pick the car up from the garage after it's MOT and repairs. It was a dodgy drive and I won't be going to the gym today as it is situalted in a complex up a hill and I'm guessing it would be very icy there so I will go tomorrow instead!
Good plan Taz - you don't wanna take risks do you?