Wow!! I don't know where to start you guys have been up to soooooo much since I have been away. :girlpower:
Apologies is I miss any one out but here goes.
Well done to everyone who lost weight, keep the faith to those who STS or gained we 'WILL' all get to our targets but sometimes our body likes to play tricks on us!!
Hello to our newbies, have fun on here this is a great group to join everyone is so supportive and you will never be judged, which is great as you can de-stress and let it all out, which means you can get on with your life and healthy eating in peace knowing you have friend here if you need them.
Nee - We know how hard you are working for college and back you all the way, your show sounds amazing so be proud of your achievements and keep doing what makes you happy. Give your OH some space to think about what is happening, he will see sense eventually (some men take more time to think things through). Money and house issues affect all of us so stop feeling bad about it we all get in a mess sometime in our life (I know I do it too often!!!) that's how we learn to move forward so good luck with the house hunting and vent on here anytime we all need it and are proud that you trust us with your feelings.
Judith - I'm impressed your tat sound beautiful are you going to show us a piccy of it? I hope things with your TT are now going smoothly.
Kellie - With all the exercise you are doing I'm not surprised the scales are having trouble moving, remember that muscle weighs more than fat so try measuring yourself. You will notice a big difference in your body tone due to all the wonderful fat burning you are doing. Have a great time in Norway (I'm jealous)
Karma - You are turning in to a fish, have fun with it, I used to do long distance swimming when I was younger and it's great for toning and fat burning.
Hanz - glad your muscles are back to normal after the football, I love the idea of low cal fairy cakes how do you make them and how many cals do they have?
Sorry if I have missed anyone or any special event but I have just spent the last two hours reading all the post's I missed!!
We had a great time in Granton-on-Spey and have decided that caravanning is for us what a hoot we had even in the rain so are now saving up to get one that does not leak!!
Looks like I have stayed the same weight while on holiday which is amazing I did try to be good but still had a curry and chinese take out but we did do a lot of walking (the dogs had fun :chores016

so I'm back on track and hoping for a good loss this week.
Kellie you mentioned that I was on rather low calories and I agree with you but I need to lose a lot of weight fast I have already lost 2 1/2 stone over the last year but now need to speed things up a I may have to go in for an opp and I can't bear the thought of going under general anaesthetic at this weight so once I get the all clear from my doc I will go back to a normal diet (thanks for caring)
I know it's late but I have to log off so I can catch up on paperwork as I have clients all day tomorrow.
night night :553: