Biggie's on it again! :)

I think we all do that from time to time to be honest.

Its hard to stay positive all the time but its important to be kind to yourself and allow yourself the time to change your habits and the weight will come off.
Even if you only lose 1lb its 1lb nearer to your goal weight.

It took time for you to gain this weight and it will take time for you to lose it, unfortunately it might take a long time but you have to keep the focus because giving up is not going to get us there any quicker.

I have always given up and have been trying to get to goal weight for 12 years - yes 12 years! Its totally ridiculous and I have been very unhappy with my size for all of that time but I have still given up - it just makes no sense at all and I cannot explain it but I just know that I am determined this time to get there and I am just imagining how I am going to feel when I finally get to my goal.

We can both do this, only we have the power to change this for ourselves.
Yes, I want to feel good in my body. It doesn't have to be perfect. I just want to look normal and feel normal. I want to shop clothes like a normal size person. Want to go in and look for what I like not for the biggest sizes in the shop, then try to find anything what fits...

I want to go and buy a pair of shoes without worrying if they are going to be wide enough, even if it's my size. Trying them on in the shop is... in a way humiliating because it's hard to bend down standing and if sit down....well, I can't bend to reach my feet anyway because there is a huge flab in front of me.
There is so much more of this 'little' struggles I'm facing with being 20st person.
I want all this things to be gone.

So here I am, doing this diet and fighting for better and happier me!
I'm not giving up! :0icanfly: :whacky068:
We will get there, these are all the things that I am looking forward to aswell.

I have a ton of size 12 clothes that I have accumulated over the years cos I was always going to fit into them!

Will be wearing them before this year is out 100%!!!
Hey Biggie,

Just want to see if you are interested in joining in with the Exante Christmas Cracker challenge for 2020.

I only started it today, hopefully you'll join me.

Having my first shake.... vanilla flavour. It's yuck. Doesn't taste vanilla at all. More like some sort of odd taste hot milk.
Vanilla shakes used to be so yummy... Sadly, this is one I will not order again.

I may go back to work in a few days, not sure yet. This could be a bit more challenging with people around me and all the yummy food there (hospitality sector). We will see, I'm ready to keep going and feel better.

I'm doing this for myself. And on my own terms. I won't listen to odd comments, I will ignore 'looks' and will keep going and staying on this diet as long as I need and want.
I can do this! :0icanfly:
Everyone have amazing Tuesday! :)

PS: I joined the challenge Dolly Rocker!
You can and you will.

I had a friend text me the other day saying you do know that this won't work, its a quick fix and you will just gain back all the weight you lose so its a waste of time. Yeah thanks for the support!

I honestly don't care what anyone says, I've tried everything else and this is going to work for me.

I know I seen that - yay!!!
Wow I’ve missed loads of replies! Sorry!!

I can understand those self sabotaging thoughts. I think dieting is more trying and losing those than it is the weight. I dunno if it might help but I just started reading a book called the big leap (goldfish on cover) about when we start good things or do well, we sabotage them, why, and how to stop!
You’re doing so well :) just keep writing about the struggles, burying them in gives them more power x
Today is my second weight in and I'm very happy with 4.6lbs loss which takes me to 265.4lbs / 18.96st!
Starting from 20st two weeks ago, I now lost 1 st and 6lbs!
I am very happy to get thru the first stone barrier. It feels great and I'm so happy I was strong and managed to stay on track.
My butt is getting smaller yay me! :banana_dancer:

Have amazing Wednesday everyone!
We can do this!!!
Thank you :)
Yes, yes it does. Now I really want to get to the 2nd stone lost haha :D Today is a good day. Every little lbs counts and it all adds up in the end.
I'm hoping for the second stone to the end of this month. So, I'm giving it a month starting from today, not sure if I'm not pushing it, but we will see. It would be super cool.
How are you doing Dolly?
Aw it would be amazing.

I'm just in my next stone bracket so I'm 13st 13lbs. Now I would love to be in the 12's by the end of July but through past experience I know that this is very unlikely to happen.

What I don't want to do is set myself unrealistic goals which I will then be disappointed and disheartened when I don't hit and this might lead me to food because I will feel depressed.

This is just how my mind works so I'm not saying that this will be the best for you, its just trying to find your own way with this and seeing what works best for you.

I would say if I could get down to 13st 4lbs I would be happy, I mean I would be ecstatic if I could get lower than that but my body tends to hang on to weight and I don't lose as quickly as some others.
I know this feeling pretty well. But I'm also sure you can do this. You have 1 month to go, it's 30 days starting from today. 9lbs to lose, it's 2.25lbs for a week. You CAN do this!
Stay on track, stay 100% on the diet and be VERY strict with what you eat. Best would be just stick to exante meals without any other food at all (less temptations)
If you exercise, keep in mind that you are not trying to build up muscles....that's not the goal at the moment. Do not overdo the exercise because: will feel hungry and crave normal food -easy to fall off the track here; will gain in muscles weight, while still losing fat - muscles weigh more than fat because it is a denser product. 0.9g/ml. - great example there:

Once you get to your final goal and start introducing food during the maintaining phase, then it's the great time to step up your exercising routine and push you as much as you can, to build up muscles, to shape up, speed up metabolism and feel even more amazing.
I heard many stories of people who started exercising and put on weight or stopped losing completely. But what they didn't check was the body measurements. You know what I mean, you will look slimmer because the muscles take less space, it's dense. Imagine 1 pound of apples vs 1 pound of feather...

Dolly, to keep it short... you are doing great and no need to stress about it. You will get there. It's not going to be easy but very worth it in the end.
Keep going and stay focused! :asskick:
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Thank you FaeFaeFiFi :D
I'm still going strong, drinking as much as I can. Let's hope for good results on next weight in soon :)
I hope everyone is doing well.
Stay focused everyone! :whacky068: