Hi everyone!
Another day and another fight with myself.
Yesterday was hard. I wanted carbs so badly.... I wanted bread, freshly baked, slightly warm, amazingly smelling bread... I decided to go to the town and even made a shopping list. Just wanted one day with normal food... so I dressed up and... I got so angry at myself because I knew it wouldn't be anything healthy or lasting one day only....and didn't go. I won this little fight.
Late afternoon came... I wanted to go again... more stupid sabotaging thoughts about having one weekend off and such... so I jumped on the scales. There was no loss since Wednesday. Nothing. Not even a tiny bit.
Almost 3 full days from last WI and nothing. I stopped myself right there.
It is not possible not to lose weight having such a low calories intake. I've been on 3 packs a day only (600ckal) no cheating, no anything extra since the start. I know the weight will go down. There is no way not to. It's just irritating when you sort of 'stop' losing for no reason.
But what this actually did to me was positive.
I realized that if I start 'happy food weekend' then on Wednesday morning I will weight even more. So I stopped right there, took off my shoes, put the bag down and destroyed my shopping list.
There will be no shopping and eating regular food because I can't control myself. This is the truth. I can't. I was planning on unhealthy food and didn't think about good choices even for a split second. This is clearly showing how bad I am with making the right choices at the moment.
So it's a no -no for now.
I will stick to the exante packs and try to push thru this week and hopefully will see some results on the Wednesday morning. I'll be happy even with 1lbs. As long as it is not +1 I'm good.
To everyone who is struggling, feeling down, wanting to stop, wanting to have a little break, wanting to have a tiny treat 'just one', to everyone who is making excuses because this or that... DON'T! STOP RIGHT THERE! THINK!
You are doing this for yourself.
Don't let yourself sabotage this diet. This is your chance, your way, your road to the happy you. No, it is not easy. And it will be even harder. But you CAN control it. You can make it happen. And when you get to your goal it will be amazing.
You will walk down the street without feeling embarrassed of the way you look. You will go to any shop you want and buy nice clothes without even thinking 'do they do my size...' because your size will be in every shop. You will go on holiday and enjoy it fully without hiding under some oversized t-shirt, kimono and such.
And I want to do all the things and be the real me, not the big, clumsy, pink, sweaty face me.
So I'm going to fight for it. And you can fight too.
Let's do this together! Because WE CAN DO THIS!