
Hello all. I have had a S**T day not siet wise I spent a long time thinking about what has happened at my weigh in and I really feel that she is taking my choice away from me.. The whole idea of this was for me!!! not husband not daughter and so not the general population who all had a flipping comment on my life!!!! I want to be 10 stone, I will be happy being 10 stone 7lbs if I look ok but I will not stop to please a woman who thinks she has the be all and end all power over me..... My husband and daughter both agreed a few weeks in that If I began to look ill they would tell me and I would stop. And I will stop if either of them say Sam time!!! I have always had very thin legs and arms and just because she thinks they are thin I'm sorry maybe I should go in in a swimming costume under my clothes to sho her how much fat is sitting on my trunk.. I will never be a normal shape I understand that but I want to be more comfy in the size 16 jeans i'm in.. I don't want to be slim I just want to be comfy in my skin for once. I will go back to her and tell her I want to be 10 stone and if she refuses to give me anymore then I will loose the weight by another means..That woman nearly sent me to food and I cannot believe I allowed her to be a bully- something I have had to cope with all my life . I will not be bullied anymore!!!!!!!!!!
Hiya Sam,

I can understand how you feel when you want to be 9s 7, but I thought I would explain a little of what I know about SS on a VLCD.

You can no longer Sole source once you have a BMI of 25 or less.

This is because you may go underweight.

Therefore hitting a BMI of 25 means that those who want to lose more need to move up the stages to 800 cals and a refeedimg programme, used carefully that this can incurr a good weight loss too.

I dont do LT, but I am assuming that the rules are very similar for all.

Can you speak to your lady and ask her for the reasons, as mine are just guess work.

Keep us updated x

PS If you type body mass index into a seach engine it will tell you about itx
Hi vicky thank you I sort of had a head in a shed day and I was so fed up I honestly can't remember the last time I had such a strop:) Back on track today and very very hungry- I keep going to the fridge and looking at the cheese and thinking ohhhh just a slice and I know its not just a slice its far more..... I jump from being really down about coming off to be up beart and confident. Now i'm just bl***y starving.... I have five days nexy week in my little box and it helps so much knowing everyone knows now and I have taken sooo much stick from those people but I now just get in before them.. On Saturday I just walked onto set and said over 4 stone gone!!! and left them to talk amongst themselves. The dop diddn't say anything to me for oh all of half an hour:) I havn't worked with him for a few months so he did see a difference- and when he asked how I did it I told him honestly and confidently its for me!!!! I get the odd she'll put it all back on but to be honest no-one knows I sure as hell don't and if I don't then they sure don't!!!!. I don't ever want to get that size again but i'm a realist I didn't notice how huge i'd become in the first place so this is going to be hard not to fall back into the old style of living especially as i'm such a bad cook!!! I honestly don't know one end of a cookbook from a garden rake!!! I am scared of what I will eat I honestly don't know how to eat healthily thats why I got in this state! I have been looking at all the different plans and to be honest i'm scared stiff:eek: . Is there a basic this is heathy for you you must eat each day??? I keep thinking i'll do this i'll do that but until one week Tuesday I have no idea- and i guess i'll have even less idea then... Ok time to stop rambling and time to go read read read how all you guys are doing.
Hiya Sam, There is a great website called weight loss resources, a lot of peaple on here swear by it when they start to maintain, maybe worth a look x
I have tried a few times to post and I ramble and ramble and then I post and then I get told i'm not signed in and I leave in a huff:( .. I have been so tired each day and I make the effort to post to keep me going and then "me" gets in a strop like a little child:D ... Anyway if this one doesn't go well to bed be it:D . I have had a tough few days and I really won't burden the diary with it but needless to say oh i'm looking forward to the end of the week so much... I have been suffering with unusual swelling of my face and I get up in the morning and my lip or cheek are really swolen:( . By the time I finally get an appointment the swelling is going down and i look a fool trying to explain to the gp whats happening to me. Well today I woke up with a huge fat lip and had to go to work.
Posted it quickly to see if it would go:D . Anyway into work I went and I had a massive lip. We have medical advisors in on certain days and I spoke to a lovely nurse who is pretty certain its a problem with my gums and teeth that are causing a problem and the swelling. the only thing is I havn't eaten anything for 4 months and I clean my teeth 2 times a day. I can't believe that it will get better when I start eating and I really can't go on with these swellings so I will have to go to the dentist. I'm scared because I don't go ever!!! I used to go every week but when I grew up and I wasn't made to go I just didn't. I went to an emergency dentist about 3 years ago but to be honest they say my teeth are in good condition its just my gums:( . I am so worried that they will take them wll out I havn't even had my second shake today each time I think about my teeth I totally panic...I have booked a make over for monday at 10am to do my makeup and then I have to go to the dentist:eek: . A made up face will most likely hide the whitness of the face when I see the dentist!!!:eek:.. I have resigned myself to if I have to give up on Tuesday then so be it:) . I have ordered a few gi books and I hope to get into that plan and loose the excess that way.:) . I'm going to wander the site and hope I can find out more about it.
Hope this might help you out!

Hi Sam,

If you do come off the diet next Tuesday you do know you must refeed.

If you don't refeed gradually you will over load your glycogen stores and you will swell up in a couple of days the exact weight you lost the first week.

This is not a fat gain - it is a fluid gain - but is demoralizing. That is why you need to plan to introduce carbohydrate in a controlled way, so that weight regain should not occur.

During your VLCD diet your palate had an enforced rest from fat/salt/sugar entrapment and have undergone a purification.

It is important not to throw this perception away by eating into the same old problem with food again, just because you liked them.

Now is the time to make changes to your previous eating habits and you can take positive action, the power and choice is yours.


If carbohydrate foods are reintroduced gradually and in the right sequence over a period of days, the glycogen will return to a normal and modest level without unnecessary weight gain.

Carbohydrate foods include: vegetables, potato, cereal, breads, pasta/rice and fruits. There are carbohydrate foods containing a lot of simple sugars - such as fruit - and those we term complex', such as most vegetables.

These will form the bulk (60%) of your long term change to healthy eating but need to be controlled during refeeding and afterwards.

Keep these points in mind -

First day after total replacement is high protein - low fat.

Second day is high protein, modest complex carbohydrate - low fat.

Third day is high protein, modest complex carbohydrate with some cereals - low fat.

Fourth day is high protein, high complex carbohydrate, modest cereals, fruit and other simple sugars - low fat.

Remember Fat makes you Fat!

The average person uses up 2000 calories a day and if you have an excess of lets say 500 a day after that, by the end of the week you will have a total excess of 3,500 calories which is equally to 1 pound of fat gone into storage on your body. That is how easy it is to gain a 1 lb. a week.

1 lb. of Fat = 3,500 calories.

Other causes of confusion relate to the differences between saturated and unsaturated fats. There may well be health implications associated with the balance between saturated and unsaturated fats in our food intake. But, the effect on our weight is exactly the same whether we eat animal fat, fish fat, olive fat, vegetable fat or any other fat-saturated, mono-unsaturated or poly unsaturated. Fat makes you fat. All fats we need to eat less of.
The rest of your life is low fat and weight under control.

Something else you might like to know!

Glycogen is made of sugar and is, therefore, a carbohydrate. A pound of glycogen is worth about 1800 calories. 1800 calories deficit in the daily intake can use up a pound of glycogen from storage.

Glycogen is stored with about 4 parts of water for each part of glycogen. This means that a pound of glycogen may hold an additional 4 pounds of water. 1800 calories of calorie deficit in the food eaten can cause a 5 pound weigh loss. Compare that with the real need for fat loss. The same 1800 calories deficit will only use up 1/2 pound of fat.

Glycogen is stored in the liver, muscles and fat cells of the body. The amount we can store can vary depending upon what we eat and how much we use our muscles. Recent research suggests that some people may store as much as a kilogram of glycogen that can be mobilized in the first few days of dieting using VLCD. This could mean that such a person could lose almost a stone in weight during the first few days of dieting and not yet have burned any fat.

Glycogen is used up and replaced as a matter of course all the time. Think of the glycogen stores the way you think of a kitchen jug that contains sugar. When the levels get low it is easy to fill it up. Daily activities of living and sleeping use glycogen up. Eating fills glycogen stores back up, every day.

Plan what you want out of life! Plan what you what to do!

Remember your six p's:

Proper preparation prevents pissy poor performance!

1.) Situation Control: Examine your environment and the conditions which are encouraging you to eat foods that you don't really want or too much of those foods you may want.

Is there loneliness and boredom, anger and frustration, fear?

Do you work around food or have to prepare food for others? Try to identify the aspects of your life that led to misuse of food and slowly see if these can be changed.

2.) Triggers: Each of us have triggers that set off out of control eating. These can be foods that we find hard to resist and when we eat them our food control disappears. At times the triggers are situations. Anger, boredom, holidays, certain people and so on. You must learn to identify your trigger foods and situations. Knowing in advance that you are in danger of confronting one of your triggers can usually allow you to either avoid the situation entirely or at least minimize the damage.

3.) Stress Management: Dealing with stress is essential, but far from easy. If there are really difficult issues in your life it is necessary to discuss these with your doctor. Eating won't eliminate a difficult marriage or an arrogant boss. Binging won't pay the mortgage or inland Revenue. Talk to your doctor and you might have to get special help with the causes of the stress. Getting fat again is not an ideal way to deal with life's stresses.

4.) Increase Activity: A less sedentary lifestyle long term is important. Try not to sit still for long stenches of time. Do exercise that you enjoy, walking, swimming, yoga etc., use your imagination. The more small things you can do that take extra energy during the entire day, the more calories your body will be using.

5.) If you are a bit outside your temperature comfort zone you are more likely to move around more, unconsciously. Your body will adjust to the few degrees lower on the thermostat and you will be using more calories without even noticing it.

6.) Choose your foods according to what you have learned about the energy used by your body when you eat protein and carbohydrate foods instead of fats and oils. The extra calories you will use can be considerable. The extra calories you save will be even greater.

WW is very good on this aspect of diet control
Aw poor you ! :( Things to do with mouths and gums are nasty. Wonder if you have got very low and got some kind of infection ? Worth checking out. Doesn't seem fair when as you say the teeth and gums aren't getting much use.

Good luck with the gi way. Don't know much about it but as I am diabetic I am considering it for maintenance when I reach goal as it keeps the blood sugar steady.

:) Get well soon
I did it again!!! I wrote my post and pulled the internet cable out.... I will try again... I had a wonderful night last night I finished work 2 hours early and hy husband said let go to the carnival!!!. Bridgewater is a good drive away but was it worth it!!! I came home and put a t shirt a jumper a massive cardigan and my coat to keep me warm:).. Anyway we stood behind a family that kept taking their clothes off to wrap around their daughter... I could see that both mum and dad were shivering so I said to my husband that i'd give them my coat. He was thinking the same and we decided they could have mine because I had soooo much on... I told mum that she could wrap the little one in my coat and they got dressed up again:) . Then the shock!! When I took off my coat they both stared and the look on their faces will stay with me for ever:)...Both of them couldn't believe that I was so thin(their words not mine!!!!), I wrapped the little girl up and within 10 mins she was smiling again:).I am a size 16 and they thought I was thin:).. I know my coat was big a size 24 but I thought it didn't look that bad- I guess i was wrong:). Keep going everyone -no matter how tough it gets when someone says something like that to you it makes it all worth it!!!!!
Sunday!! only two more days to d day and i've been worrying all day on and off. I spent a lovely time with my daughter today and she took me to Bath town and we went to a small shop and we tried t shirts on and she bought me 2 !!!! My daughter bought me a t shirt that says "Cleverly disguised as an adult!!!", oh thats so me:).... She has gone to a firework display and i'm dog sitting:), My poor ***** has a tought time and doesn't leave my leg:( , she is a rescue and hasn't been taught not to be afraid and as much as I work with her to get her confidence up she still sticks to me, she has improved so much when we first has her she would cry and run under the stairs and just howl and her poor heart would beat so fast I was so worried she would have a heart attack but 6 years on she will sit quietly next to me but wont move. We did our drive yesterday, me and 2 dogs in a van driving around to get her used to the noises, and tonight we sat by the pond for an hour just watching my other dog wandering around as if nothing happens- we took him to Scotland for the new year when he was a pup and I firmly believe if they experience as much oddities when they're little then nothing fases them.. We take our dog with us to concerts and he just wanders around and there is no fear there at all!!! I wish I could get my little girl to the stage that she would leave my side and not be spooked but I am so proud of how confidence she is compared to how we started:)
Hi !
Sounds like you had a good couple of days. How nice to be seen as thin, makes it all worth while ! Would be really interested to know how the GI research goes. Loved hearing about your dogs. I always have a rescue dog too. Takes lots to get their confidence but SO worth it ! Have a good week. Melissa x
I keep trying to post and it either falls out or I pull it out!! The thingy not my bits:), I can do a little one but when I come to natter it all goes wrong:(.. I have a lap top and I have a broken thingy and two gsd's who love to come and talk to me and pull my thingy out, and to be homest i'm just as much to blaim:).. Ok lets try again. Monday I went to get my face done. It was a make over oh yes it was!!!! I thought she did ok because to be honest I don't do make up at all.... Well I told her I didn't want to be a clown but omg i'm learnig what the shortened versions are wow!!! omg I thought the people were looking at me because wait for it I looked good!!! Yes right what a bl***y fool I was.... I came home and my husband just stood and said " what the hell has happened to you", I honestly thought he was kidding and I just smiled- but he told me to go and wash that crap off!!!!! I refused and said i'd wait until my daughter came in for her opinion..I wish I hadn't!!! Both her and her friend just stared with total shock- she even asked me if i'd been out like that!!! I didn't tell anyone I was having it done I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone:(. Well I did wash it off and they said it looked like the woman was making fun of me:(. my daughtersfriend said that they were terrible ther- if only i'd known... But and this is a big but I spent omg i havn't told anyone but here goes £89, and that was with a discount!!!! I know I will never use any of it because of the reply I got from everyone and I havn't told my husband it went on the card!!!!
I'm back I thought i'd do it in little bits to gurantee I did some without loosing it:). Well I won't go any where near monday again so Tuesday here I went:). Went to hte pharmacist and was resigned to coming off and doing the dreaded eating thing!!! But I just turned into a woman possessed!!! I went in there got weighed lost my 6lbs and then just didn't stop talking!!! I told her she was judging my weight on the bl***y legs of mine!!! Theyare a size 10 and they have been a size 10 even when I was in a size 26 so stop staring at them!!!!!!!! I told her she has only now noticed because there is less fabric to hide how small they are!!! Well after me resorting to showing her my belly:eek: , she agreed that I could do 2 more weeks to get to 11 stone:D , and them me Sam good old won't roch the boat told her I couldn't do two weeks I was working so it would have to be 3;) . How cheeky is that hey:D . It worked and I left 45 mins later with 3 weeks supply and 2 people glaring at me because I held them up.. sorry but this is a change of life for me and its important!!. We agreed that I would go onto re-feed in 3 weeks time and oh boy am I happy!! I know the weight will not make a big change but I feel amazing because I stood up for what I believed and I did it!!! I have began to see a difference in my body at last and I have to be honest I don't like what i'm seeing but I never looked at what it was like berfore really so boy must have it been bad:( .. I will look forward to these weeks and I bought 3 gi diet books but to be honest I don't think I will be able to stick to it. I spend a lot of time on lacation and crew catering is this or this and I cannot see me getting up an hour early to prepare food for me. So if anyone wants 3 rick gallop books just let me know.... I will try weight watchers and go from there.
Flirty thank you, I will look asap, well after i've nattered:), Hope you feel better I know you have had a hard time lately?? .Today has been wonderful, got up late both my hubbie and myself had the day off because we arranged to go out with friends for lunch, to be honest I thought the pharmacist would pull me off on Tuesday so I would have been on re-feed but I didn't want to tell them we couldn't go because we don't get many times to see our friend:(. Anyway we turned up at the pub and they wern't there:confused: ..Well 15 mins later they came in, we were worried because the pub was empty and there wasn't anyone else there -not a good example of good food on the weekend!!! Well they arrived and we had booked into the wrong pub:eek: ... I had rang him the night before and asked he said yes and we thought it was all ok:eek: . Anyway we checked the menue and they all found things they could eat- never go out with a chef and a cook its really hard to please them:D ... I opted for a cesar's salad minus the crutons and dressing- to be honest it consisted of lettuce, chicken and a tomatoe.
I ate it all I expected my belly to tell me it was full but I just ate it all and sat there very content while they all had afters:) . I looked and wanted but didn't eat so that really pleased me:D . The meals were really nice even if we were in the wrong pub!!!!. When we came home we just watched tv and nattered its so nice not to have to rush here and there and the best thing is my daughter has gone to Wales to see my family and we don't have to get up early tomorrow because both of us have the day off!!!!!!:D :D :D . I have taken a shake at 5.30 and i'm going to get my second one soon:). I asked on her if i'd done damage and thankfully not too much???? Will find out in 3 weeks... I expected to get hunger pains and an uncomfy feeling but apart fron lettuce getting caught in my teeth:D I havn't had anything yet:cool: ...I love these little smilies i'm a sad woman:) Night all and tomorrow is going to be great I hope!
Oh today is a monster for me I got up at 5.45 to be out of the house for 6 to go to Manchester to collect kit:(, half way down the road I had to ask my husband to turn aroud and take me home:(. I can only imagine I have a water infection, I am bleeding after I wee not huge amounts but spots of bright red blood, I know that you can get gall stones on this diet but I really don't know what it is. I havn't drunk anything so far I want to wait until he's back from Manchester so that if anything goes wrong he's here:(. I don't feel ill just very uncomfy when I put my knicks and jeans on and to sit in a van for 7 hours I just knew I couldn't do it- let alone drive I ran to the passenger seat this morning:(. I had a bit of spotting yesterday and just thought an infection but today it was fresh. I'm not ill so I will wait and see if it gets worse but I am a little unsure about it. I have heard if its gall stone you are in very bad pain and i'm not so I will just sit on the sofa and wait. I am moanig today and I have just posted on a thread that a lady thinks her boyfriend is cheeting on her- that a major and i'm moaning about my down belows!!! It really brings into prospective how lucky I really am.