Hi everyone been very busy and really sometimes feel i'm

getting addicted to this site

, I hadn't realised I havn't posted for a few days I normally come and read and answer a few posts but just forget to post on my owm little bit... Well eating is something I was not looking forward to

, I read the sheet and re-read the sheet until I know it backwards... And on Tuesday I got weighed and was 8lbs down

thats for 3 weeks but I was pleased. I was officially 10 stone 13lbs but the 10 was just a bonus I wanted to be 11 dead so 1lb has really made me smile... I looked into the gi diet and bought loads of books but its just not for me, so I went to Weightwatchers on Thursday night and signed up... Its really hard for me becasue I work self employed and work has to come first and I don't finish until 7 most times 7.30 at night and there are no classes that start late so this woman took a little coaxing to let me go when I can... I got on her scales with shoes and a cardigan so it was a different weight and I will go for that for my first weigh in but in 3 weeks I will go back to the pharmacist and get weighed real

, I will be happy if I don't put any on but really happy if I loose just a lb.... I got dressed in the dark yesterday morning it was my husbands first day off for ages and I didn't want to wake him, so I just grabbed jeans and a top and went downstairs, and as usual I spent too long in the bath so I was in a rush. I just pulled them on and left, I did think that they were a bit tight on my legs but I just guessed it was me eating again... Well about 5hours later on the loo I noticed what jeans I had on

, I was wearing the jeans I got in a sale size 14 for when I loose weight

, I was so surprised I just sat there

- looking at the label 14,14,14,14. Well when I finally pull myself together

I left that loo with a real bounce in my step

.It nice that people I havn't seen for a while look and look again, I know i'm hung up on my belly and saggy bits but boy is it nice to be dressed.... I was told to get a skirt and boots, me in a skirt and boots

- I smiled at her and said i'll get my daughter to come with me

, I don't know how I look I wish my head would catch up with rest of me... I still see obese Sam when I look in the mirror, maybe it will never change, I just don't know... All I do know is i'm fed up of lettuce.... oh Moaning minnie I am but there are only so many ways to make it,,,Can't wait for Monday i'm then going to start the weightwatchers plan so at least i'll have a bit of variety.... I am suppost to stick to re-reed for 3 weeks but thats only because I pushed as it says on the sheet you might want to if you've lost a lot of weight....But i've changed my mind and will go onto weight watchers from then onwards...
I have a cold its one of those drippy ones -you put your head down and drip drip drip, so to finish this post there is a tissue rammed into my left nostrl

. I didn't get anything when I was on lipotrim but the minute I start eating my body said ok its for you!!!!. I don't feel ill just drip drip... I have a weeks worth of laundry on the line and the last load is spinning now

, that means i'll have to start the ironing soon... oh if onlt I could win the lottery i'd pay someone to do it

..... Time to log of and brave the cold outside, oh I did notice that i'm not as cold as I used to be now- guess body is getting used to food again

. I will be trying to do the wobble thing next week with a friend of mine who thought it was sooo funny that I havn't done the dance thing before.. she is taking me to a "cattle market", her words not mine she says its the best place to make a fool of myself so i'll let you know how it goes