BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

Hope you are feeling better today.

My OH has to have an xray on his arm tendonnitis on Sept 8th, Son off to Uni on 13th September so hopefully soon after especially as it is so cold today, just turned the Central Heating on, it is still August for goodness sake. :eek:

We haven't put ours on yet but am shocked by how cold it has been and we have our duck feather bedding on the bed again =)

Not long to wait until you get to go to Spain then =) hope the scan goes well x
Just catching up with your diary, I've been down in London, we have been helping DD move into her new flat, and she doesn't have internet until tomorrow. Hope you are feeling much better.

That sounds like a busy but lovely few days, i can't imagine not having internet, we all get so reliant upon technology don't we x

Thank you, i am up and showered and am trying to see what me and the bf can do with the rest of the day x
Good luck with weigh in binks and get well soon xx

Thank you my lovely, i am a STS but am glad that i haven't gained over the last few days of being ill, i am keen to start a fresh today but the bf wants dominos and i feel bad as he is on holiday so may wait and see x

How are you getting on? x
Hope you're feeling better binkybonk xx

Hey Pie, sorry i haven't chatted for a few days i just retreated to recover, i am now up and showered and have begun cleaning the flat =)

How was Paignton zoo did your daughter and husband enjoy it too? did you get nice weather for it? x
Thank you my lovely, i am a STS but am glad that i haven't gained over the last few days of being ill, i am keen to start a fresh today but the bf wants dominos and i feel bad as he is on holiday so may wait and see x

How are you getting on? x

not too bad - weekend was a bit of a write off. According to MFP i should lose a pound but I'm being amazingly good today and tomorrow (actually sticking to my 500cal 5:2 days) and I'm going to weigh in a day late on Thursday. Really hope I haven't gained. To be honest I would take a stay the same this week although if I do stick to the 500 cals today and tomorrow and burn off 500 each day in the gym, in theory I should drop a pound just from those two days but the maths doesn't always equal reality. I have 24 days until I arrive in signapore. I really want to feel good in my bikini just for once. I felt awful last time. At least I haven't got a massive mountain to climb in those 24 days - would love to lose another half a stone. I think it's possible......

You know next week you'll be in the healthy BMI range - below 25 :)
Hello peeps,

~ I am back from hiding under the duvet on the sofa, still feeling weak but refuse to miss out on time with the bf while he is off for the week, although saying that he is currently sulking as i have hopped on his computer while he was showering Lol x

Not sure what we will do today but unfortunately a food shop is a must as we currently have milk and cheese in the fridge, he looks after me well, but a shopper he is not x

I want to go and walk around the garden centre for fresh air but the bf is scared by the rain wuss, so not sure what we will do yet , he is set on a dominos for dinner as it is his holiday so may enjoy a GF one and then be good as of tomorrow hmmmm...

Hope you are all well peeps, will be catching up on your diaries today x
actually that's a lie. I want to feel good in my bikini forever!!!
not too bad - weekend was a bit of a write off. According to MFP i should lose a pound but I'm being amazingly good today and tomorrow (actually sticking to my 500cal 5:2 days) and I'm going to weigh in a day late on Thursday. Really hope I haven't gained. To be honest I would take a stay the same this week although if I do stick to the 500 cals today and tomorrow and burn off 500 each day in the gym, in theory I should drop a pound just from those two days but the maths doesn't always equal reality. I have 24 days until I arrive in signapore. I really want to feel good in my bikini just for once. I felt awful last time. At least I haven't got a massive mountain to climb in those 24 days - would love to lose another half a stone. I think it's possible......

You know next week you'll be in the healthy BMI range - below 25 :)

How exciting, how long are you there for? have you decided what you are going to do about the man?? x

I know i can't wait until i am healthy range, so close =)

I am going to centre parks in a few weeks so hoping to get back on it with the salads and soup to lose some more before we go eeek x
just realised as well - you only have 2lbs until your stone !!! I have 1 lb until my minimins stone award! Centre parks sounds fun, you going with friends ?

I am going to get the holiday out of the way (as he is there too and we're flying home together!) - can't really afford for it to be awkward. But as soon as we're back I'm basically going to say either this is something and lets do it properly or it isn't and lets quit whilst we're ahead, put it down to 6 months of really good fun and stay friends. Our families are so close and group of friends so close that we can't really afford for it to end badly! I think we'll end up calling it a day - I really don't think he will want anything else. But I'm fine with that as it's on my terms and then I can move on and be open to the idea of a relationship with someone else. At the moment I can't even look at anyone else. It's only him :eek:
actually that's a lie. I want to feel good in my bikini forever!!!

I would like to feel confident enough to wear one again, i only have costumes at the moment x

I don't mind the scars from my op but would need to lose at least another stone before i even thought about it lol x
just realised as well - you only have 2lbs until your stone !!! I have 1 lb until my minimins stone award! Centre parks sounds fun, you going with friends ?

I am going to get the holiday out of the way (as he is there too and we're flying home together!) - can't really afford for it to be awkward. But as soon as we're back I'm basically going to say either this is something and lets do it properly or it isn't and lets quit whilst we're ahead, put it down to 6 months of really good fun and stay friends. Our families are so close and group of friends so close that we can't really afford for it to end badly! I think we'll end up calling it a day - I really don't think he will want anything else. But I'm fine with that as it's on my terms and then I can move on and be open to the idea of a relationship with someone else. At the moment I can't even look at anyone else. It's only him :eek:

I know i am very close to both goals but this month has been rubbish think it has just been everything going on and being ill has meant that i haven't been exercising very much, back on it as soon as i can breathe properly again =)

I think that is the best way and if he doesn't then at least this relationship has given you the confidence for the next one =)
Make the best of bf hols (well - almost the best :) ) then back on it when he goes back to work. The stone is nearlly here.
Hey Pie, sorry i haven't chatted for a few days i just retreated to recover, i am now up and showered and have begun cleaning the flat =) How was Paignton zoo did your daughter and husband enjoy it too? did you get nice weather for it? x
No need to apologise , you needed to recover :)
We all enjoyed the zoo thanks, it was perfect weather, not too hot but not too cold :) xx
Aw boo, so sorry to hear you are poorly :(. Hope you perk up soon! A STS is always a welcome outcome when we are feeling under the weather so well done! x
No need to apologise , you needed to recover :)
We all enjoyed the zoo thanks, it was perfect weather, not too hot but not too cold :) xx

Thanks Pie, Glad you enjoyed it and the weather was nice, it was boiling hot when we went but we enjoyed it and got a tan he he x
Aw boo, so sorry to hear you are poorly :(. Hope you perk up soon! A STS is always a welcome outcome when we are feeling under the weather so well done! x

Thank you my lovely, I have been up and feel much better for it =) i know i am pleased that i have STS and will just make sure i get back on it next week =)
Thank you my lovely, I have been up and feel much better for it =) i know i am pleased that i have STS and will just make sure i get back on it next week =)

I was STS this week too *rolls eyes*

Wonder how we'll do next week? Fingers crossed x
So yesterday me and the bf decided to watch 24 and have our domino's together he he, he also showed me a new phone game and i am now addicted to playing it lol =)

Today we have been in the garden and after shooing about lots of little (and one biggggg) froggies out of the garden we have managed to strim round two for about three quarters of the garden yey =)

The rest of the day consisted of us having a nap and then walking to the shop to get meal deals for dinner.... so no cooking he he and as it was all i ate it wasn't too bad calorie wise x