BinkyBonk needs to lose weight...

So yesterday me and the bf decided to watch 24 and have our domino's together he he, he also showed me a new phone game and i am now addicted to playing it lol =) Today we have been in the garden and after shooing about lots of little (and one biggggg) froggies out of the garden we have managed to strim round two for about three quarters of the garden yey =) The rest of the day consisted of us having a nap and then walking to the shop to get meal deals for dinner.... so no cooking he he and as it was all i ate it wasn't too bad calorie wise x
Aww watching series together and eating dominoes sounds like perfection to me :) xx
Aww watching series together and eating dominoes sounds like perfection to me :) xx

It really was :)

Today we are catching the train to Bristol to go and eat at Grillstock, the bf has been saying how good it is for weeks so we are going so I can see :)

May sit him down in a coffee shop after while I go shopping for a bit too he he :)

What are you and your family up to today x
Glad you are feeling better and getting out and about. Just looked up Grillstock on google - it looks like a Smokehouse restaurant which opened recently near to us - difficult to get a table at week-end.
Enjoy the shopping.:)
It really was :) Today we are catching the train to Bristol to go and eat at Grillstock, the bf has been saying how good it is for weeks so we are going so I can see :) May sit him down in a coffee shop after while I go shopping for a bit too he he :) What are you and your family up to today x
Sounds lovely , you should get yourself a little treat to celebrate your new job! (Jewellery , clothes?) lol
We've got my godson today so a busy house & off to the pub with a few friends tonight for a drink, I'll probably have a full fat coke and diet after (need the energy to keep up with them lol) xx
Glad you are feeling better and getting out and about. Just looked up Grillstock on google - it looks like a Smokehouse restaurant which opened recently near to us - difficult to get a table at week-end.
Enjoy the shopping.:)

It was really tasty and am pleased we got to go as the bf really likes the place =)

Shopping was fun, i am not much of a shopper really but enjoy it now and then when somewhere different =)
Sounds lovely , you should get yourself a little treat to celebrate your new job! (Jewellery , clothes?) lol
We've got my godson today so a busy house & off to the pub with a few friends tonight for a drink, I'll probably have a full fat coke and diet after (need the energy to keep up with them lol) xx

Ha ha know what you mean, i had a coke when i was nannying for twelve hours the other day =)

I got a couple of pairs of jeans as i am struggling to wear mine as they are too big (not complaining though) and i got some underwear from La Senza as they have gone into administration and so all of their stock was on sale =)
Okay so today i walked ten miles and am so pleased to be back to walking again, looking forward to starting my Leslie walks again tomorrow =)

I am really disappointed that i have only lost half a pound this whole month, yes there have been reasons such as getting a job, being unwell, having a week off and having to take anti-biotics but am still disappointed, going out with the bf this week has been lovely but keep looking at myself in the mirror and feeling sad at the state of me =(

So peeps....

I have six weeks until centre parcs with the family, I am going to try at least two Leslie walks a day and to get back on track with my calories and try to stick to three meals a day again, hoping to lose another half a stone as I am losing a pound a week on average, let's do this peeps x x
You can do it binks. Your heart is set on it. I have 3 weeks until my holiday so I can do the first big push with you. Exercise is definitely the key and 10miles is epic.

Half a stone at our weight makes a massive difference xx
You can do it binks. Your heart is set on it. I have 3 weeks until my holiday so I can do the first big push with you. Exercise is definitely the key and 10miles is epic. Half a stone at our weight makes a massive difference xx

Thanks Cat,

We literally walked everywhere today, tired now lol x

If I can do it I think I will feel so much better for it :)
You can do it! I've added exercise into the equation too so really hope it helps more x
Yes you can do it - if you set your mind to it you can maybe go towards 2lbs each week - keep up the walks and sticking to your cal limit. How many are you going to eat each day? Your BMI is looking good - only .2 away. (and stop stressing about it ;) )

Glad you had a nice day out - I can shop for England, one of the reasons I wanted to live in a town, I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't shop every day even if it is only for food.
Just a question - what are those 5 yellow stars for at the end of your diary title? Have tried to find out but no luck.
Yes you can do it - if you set your mind to it you can maybe go towards 2lbs each week - keep up the walks and sticking to your cal limit. How many are you going to eat each day? Your BMI is looking good - only .2 away. (and stop stressing about it ;) ) Glad you had a nice day out - I can shop for England, one of the reasons I wanted to live in a town, I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't shop every day even if it is only for food.

Don't tease me lol, two pounds would be amazing but am happy with one :)

I have 1200 calories a day, hoping to burn about 400 a day and try not to eat them back x

I know 0.2 eeeeeek x
Don't tease me lol, two pounds would be amazing but am happy with one :)

I have 1200 calories a day, hoping to burn about 400 a day and try not to eat them back x

I know 0.2 eeeeeek x

This is what we were giving to read when I went to my first class - just thought you might like to read it..........
Determining a safe minimum amount of daily calories can be difficult however extreme restriction of consumed calories can significantly slow the metabolic rate and hinder your weight-loss goals - you shouldn't send signals to your body to conserve calories by detoxing or fasting. It is recommend that women should eat at least 1200 cals per day.
The reason that the metabolic rate slows with prolonged dieting of less than 1,200 calories per day is a chain reaction of physiologic responses to the stress associated with such a restricted diet. Your body initially adapts to the stress of low caloric intake by engaging the "fight or flight" stress response, which has several negative consequences, despite you seeing lower numbers on the scale. The "fight or flight" response stimulates the breakdown of muscle in order to supply the body with enough fuel (glucose) to maintain the blood sugar levels in the absence of sufficient dietary calories. This "fight or flight" stress response will eventually wear out, thus slowing the metabolic rate to compensate for what the body perceives as starvation.
There are three guidelines to safe and effective weight loss: aerobic physical activity, gradual changes in eating habits to encourage a lifestyle change, and a slow weight loss of one to two pounds per week.
This is what we were giving to read when I went to my first class - just thought you might like to read it.......... Determining a safe minimum amount of daily calories can be difficult however extreme restriction of consumed calories can significantly slow the metabolic rate and hinder your weight-loss goals - you shouldn't send signals to your body to conserve calories by detoxing or fasting. It is recommend that women should eat at least 1200 cals per day. The reason that the metabolic rate slows with prolonged dieting of less than 1,200 calories per day is a chain reaction of physiologic responses to the stress associated with such a restricted diet. Your body initially adapts to the stress of low caloric intake by engaging the "fight or flight" stress response, which has several negative consequences, despite you seeing lower numbers on the scale. The "fight or flight" response stimulates the breakdown of muscle in order to supply the body with enough fuel (glucose) to maintain the blood sugar levels in the absence of sufficient dietary calories. This "fight or flight" stress response will eventually wear out, thus slowing the metabolic rate to compensate for what the body perceives as starvation. There are three guidelines to safe and effective weight loss: aerobic physical activity, gradual changes in eating habits to encourage a lifestyle change, and a slow weight loss of one to two pounds per week.

How many calories do you aim to eat and how many do you aim to burn a day? x
My maintain level is just under 1700 per day due to my age, height, exercise but I keep it a little under that so that I can have a glass of wine when I want one or an M and S cheese scone but not going overboard as I don't want to put any back on again.
I use a site like this one to find out what I need to maintain - Calorie Maintenance Calculator - Daily Calorie Requirements

I don't bother with how many cals I burn doing exercise as I have a goal of 10,000 steps per day and never go under it and depending what kind of exercise I do it can be 275 cals used up by street walking or 600 if I do LS walks or go to Aerobics.

Have had a lazy day today as OH is away at his mothers and it has rained almost all day so will have to do another LS walk before I go to bed :eek: