well done binks !! you are firmly closer to the 10s than 12s![]()
I bet it was lovely even though it was embarrassing x They have no idea how I got it, the doctor said I had a slipped disk in my back and sent me home, i was on the sofa for three days and the back doctor came, he told me my organs had shut down and sent me in an ambulance, when I got there they said I had 10% lung capacity left and if I hadn't got there within an hour, I would of passed away. I don't really remember all of it, I just remember that showerI love being clean and tidy, my sister is ten times more so lol x It is harder with a little one, with the twins I used to put them in their bouncers in the kitchen and chat to them or sing while I washed up and put everything in the steriliser, when they were doing tummy time I would tidy and clean the lounge and when they slept I would fold and put away the washing lol x
So I have done day one of the 30DS, it was easier than I thought it would be, but a good work out, am sure I will ache tomorrow :/ Just had my shake and now relaxing before I get ready for work x
Woohoo, well done on the loss! I'll be happy if I manage to get to the 11st mark by Christmas toox
Woah that doesn't sound good at all!!! Thank god they figured it out! You pretty much just described everyday of my life haha!! Well done on getting back on an even keel this month, you are doing so well babe well done xxx
Great loss hun. Well done. Food looks great, I love beans and cheese.
You're doing so well binks xxx
Morning Binksxx
When I first started going to the gym I always used to go with my buddy. It makes it SOOOOOOOOOOO much easier to be motivated and time goes a look quicker. She doesn't work out with me anymore and has put on 2stone, but it was the motivation i needed to get into a routine.
So glad you're in a better place binks xx