Sunday - BBQ, tension, tiredness - I'm so stroppy!!!
Sunday August 19th
Well, you might be forgiven for thinking I would lay in awhile and yes, I sort of did…but I woke up fairly early and started sorting out my bedroom!! It’s like a switch has been flicked in my brain that says I need to get rid of all the junk in my life and that means the physical as well as the emotional. The emotional is far more difficult… but it will come eventually I’m sure… so… there I am up and sorting out boxes and piles of stuff on my bureau… another sack full of stuff done and more items in the British Heart Foundation bag that will be collected on Wednesday… well, you know, they
do supply me with wicked clothes so least I can do is give them stuff to sell too!! Also got a leaflet from them about taking away furniture so… will call them next week and offer the double bed and single bed from downstairs as I need to clear those rooms for my business venture!

Showered and dressed and downstairs and dishwasher and washing machine all up and running and floors vac’d (trying to reduce animal fur levels) and my friend still sleeping soundly in the tent in the garden – she slept really well all weekend actually and was lovely and warm too so that was ace!!
Cooked her some mushroom omelettes in the George Foreman… they looked delicious and she assured me they were – so that’s something to remember for maintenance!

We sat and talked more, very aware that she would be leaving in the afternoon and it’s always really hard to part… I love her to bits. Lucy turned up out of the blue… and as she knows my mate too she came in and had a natter for a few minutes… I told her about my concerns about Blueeyes and his enthusiastic zeal!! She suggested that I drive to the BBQ myself and meet him there.. I liked her thinking.. but compromised and called him up to say I would drive to his place and we could go from there to the BBQ.
HE was cool with that – to be fair I think if I’d suggested anything he would have been cool with it… he sounded very worried indeed. I said I’d text him when I was leaving.
My friend and I agreed this was by far the best move as it meant I was in control of being able to come home after the BBQ when I wanted to, especially as I had felt so uncomfortable in his house the last time…
We carried on chatting (me and my lovely friend) and started loading her car up with her stuff… always the worst part of stays… the leaving…
I got ready for the BBQ, denim skirt, pink top and hair clipped up… felt nervous as not sure what I was going to say to Blueeyes.
We (my friend and I ) said our goodbyes and both left the house at the same time.. I hate saying goodbye to her… but at least we shall see each other again in a few weeks at the motorbike rally up in Yorkshire! I’m REALLY looking forward to that!!
Texted Blueeyes to tell him I was on my way… we met, I parked on his driveway and got into his car.. it was very awkward. I felt most odd and couldn’t look at him. On the way there I told him I was nervous about meeting his friends and asked him if he had said anything about my weight loss to them and he said no, he hadn’t. I told him I was glad as I didn’t want that to be the first thing they knew about me and it is only a
part of my life and not the most important either.
We got to the BBQ and went in… it was pouring with rain and immediately I was plonked on a chair and surrounded by screaming kids and a whole host of strangers all of whom knew each other.. he went to get me a drink and was gone ages… then there were the speeches.. I felt privileged to be there and it was all very moving. They were very nice people. After the toasts were done I told him I needed the loo (we had been there quite a while and he had not introduced me to a single soul..) . I escaped to the bathroom and afterwards introduced myself to his friends… well, the way I saw it was that here I was, a total stranger in their home and never been introduced! They were really lovely.
I went into the kitchen to top up my glass and spotted the scrummy looking puds! I commented to a girl about how yummy they looked and she replied ‘ well, you can’t have any can you, you’ve got to be good, ***** said so’!!!! I was appalled!!!! I asked her what he had told them – she said he’d said that I’d lost lots of weight and was still dieting and had to be good!! I was absolutely livid!!! I sought him out and hissed the conversation in his ear – his face dropped… he shot off like a scalded rabbit to check with his friends and came back shame-faced and admitted that he had told them and had forgotten.
Boy was I mad! I told him straight – we need to talk but this is neither the time nor the place…. And I pursed my lips and headed for the food… retorting.. ‘If I want to eat I damn well will!!’ and then went on to cut my nose off to spite my face!! I had a mountain of carrot sticks and low-fat dip, cucumber strips and a couple of bits of breaded chicken and a sausage roll (which wasn’t nice so only had the one) and then went for the puds… well.. a stash of pineapple pieces with chocolate fudge sauce and 2 slices of cheesecake and 2 marshmallow teacakes and a slice of birthday cake later… I was in agony!! My belly was so swollen and I was physically in so much pain!! I was fuming with myself but I just KNOW what I’m like… tell me I can’t and I damn well will – never mind the consequences!! I was just in SUCH a foul mood too!! BAH!!!
He came up to me a couple of times and tried to start ‘the’ discussion and I told him again, not the time and the place,
Having said that… no-one there (except for Blueeyes) knew my mood… lol.. I did the washing up and mingled with people and got chatting to some of the youngsters there (it was an 18th Birthday celebration) and ended up comparing tattoos and talking about music and travel… also had a lovely chat with an Octogenarian who was celebrating her birthday the next day with a trip oop north and with a couple who are planning a cruise across the Atlantic to the states to visit friends…
I was ready to go after about 3 hours and told him so. We said goodbye to his friends and left. On the way to his house I said we had to talk.. he said he knew what I was going to say (which again irritated me!- poor sod can’t win!! Lol) … so I told him he was very clever then as I hadn’t got a clue what I was going to say!! Lol
We got there and sat in his living room and he apologized profusely for his behaviour on Thursday and over the weekend… asked for a second chance… said he was convinced I was going to say I wasn’t going to see him again… I told him that I had said I was going to be at the BBQ and I knew it meant a lot to him so went. I told him that his behaviour had not only freaked me out but seriously p**sed me off too and if he remembered my profile he would have seen my comments about pressure!! (It said I would head for the hills at great speed!!) I again told him I wasn’t looking to live with anyone, nor marry, but to just go out and date and enjoy myself but not be pressured. He kept apologizing and asked if we could put it behind us, I said yes, of course we could and that I wouldn’t mention it again. I then told him I was going home as I was very tired and needed some peace and quiet. He said he wouldn’t contact me when I was busy – so I told him, it’s not a case of ignore or suffocate – it’s about getting a balance... and that was the key.
After our chat he said that as he was already in the doghouse… and then presented me with some more clothes! I had already told him that I appreciated the other items but no more as I like to choose my own clothes and can’t accept so many gifts… I was amazed… having spent the previous hour going over how I had felt pressure, smothered, that he was controlling… (pot kettle black I know!!)… and here he was with clothes.. I told him flat out I didn’t like any of them and to take them back and no more!!!!
He tried to give me money for the ticket for Friday nights gig in Bedford that we were going to and I said no need as I’d arranged to pay on the door... he said he didn’t have to be at work until 10am on the Saturday and I said that was nice but he wasn’t to expect to stay at my place Friday! He said he would come to me straight from work to get ready and I said no, I wanted to get ready in peace and we would meet up and go together. (I didn’t want a repeat of the dog on heat routine!!!) I meant it too. He needs to listen. I
mean what I say!
We were saying goodbye and I said, we’ll talk before Friday and sort out the details to which he replied ‘yeah, but not too much eh?’ and I just sighed inside and out! I didn’t mention it but he was going to… Said I’d tell him how my weigh in went on Monday and goodnight, kissed goodbye and drove off.
We’d previously arranged to meet for a drink on Monday after my weigh in and I told him that I would let him know on the day how I felt as I was very tired and thought I was coming down with something.
I got home and spent some time with Zoë and her fella and they put my push bike together for me.. now all I need is sunshine and a cycle helmet! I got stuck into more sorting and shredding… did go to bed early though (10pm) and Paul sent me to sleep in double quick time