Hello jennie,
Life's still changing for you daily isn't it.
Yep it certainly seems to be!
What you didn't say re the embarrassing PCT phone call was their reaction. Did you get any feeling about their attitude towards the funding? Your spliiling the emotional beans with some candid info added should have helped.
I haven't said their reaction as it was a deeply personal conversation and to give their response would be too difficult.. but I don't think my call was necessarily a good thing to be honest.. I will find out next week... they are discussing it tomorrow... I feel a mixture of nausea and anticipation... don't want to get my hopes up...but trying not to be devastated if a negative response forthcoming... hard though..
Glad you've coem out about CDC training.
you'll enjoy it & be SOOOo good at it.
Thanks, I hope so... I will give it my best shot.
wow wow wow
your pics are stunning
jennie you are a star and i think slimmer of the year
well done hun
i could go on and on
kaz xx
Lol Kaz, thank you hon, you are always such a love.

I'm still working on the CDC homework and am beginning to panic as I have to get it in by tomorrow! Eek!
Have to say... one of the questions makes me want to give a very flippant answer... lol... but I shall resist! This is VERY serious stuff!! (But you know me... it's really hard not to say some stuff! lol lol lol)
Will sleep better when it's done and dusted and out of my hands! (Probably tonight - I'm off to hairdressers after work then out with a mate tonight bowling, then will probably drive up to Corby to drop off paperwork or , if STILL not done, will sit up 'til it is and take it straight after work tomorrow lunchtime... but even for me, that is cutting it a bit too fine....
Mum rang last night, she told me my nana really enjoyed my visit but thinks I've lost too much weight...

ahhh God love her! lol lol lol What's that saying.... 'you can never win' ?
Oh.... for all those wonderful ladies who sponsored me at the Brum meet up - please can you send your sponsorship money to me as I have to hand it
all over when I arrive at the airfield on the 20th! (Smacks a bit of – hand it over in case you become strawberry jam!!) lol But if them’s the rules, them’s the rules!! (I was a bit shocked though as in other events you collect it after you can prove you did it! I suppose they have their reasons… and I don’t mind as long as it’s all in… lol )
Can’t believe it’s only 18 days til I leap out of a plane at 10k + feet hopefully strapped to some lush fit bloke - have gravity giving me a blast and get a real birds eye view of things! Wooohooooooo…..
what next….? lol Think I might put ‘white water rafting’ on my birthday prezzie wish list… hee hee hee… (now I can get into a wet suit!) Hmmm… wonder if I can persuade the bike club to do it as a day out…. that way we all get to have some fun together and do something mad!

Sounds like a plan to me!!
oooh, have to say... this 1000cal step is ace! Had 2 shredded wheat with my skimmed milk allowance for breakfast and feel really really good! Enjoyed every flippin morsel... strange how a year of basically no food has completely converted my taste buds into fully appreciating things I would never have considered before... last night was chicken, brocolli, cabbage and cous cous!! 40g of dry couscous doesn't make a huge amount and I had to write calculation on box as it only needs 54ml of water (portion on box for 1 serving is 150g of dry weight with lots of water)... have to say though.. it was a very filling meal and I chose dried apricots as my fruit to follow and they were scrummy yummy too!
I am falling in love all over again with food, but this time it feels different... long may it last... I even tried a raw tomato the other day (have always hated them) but nah, still don't like 'em... lol...
Not feeling in the least bit hungry and its 11.20am (been up since 7am) and drunk lots of me usual... water, sugar free appleade, coke zero... innard are probably a right mess with all the fizz... lol but I don't care! lol Feeling good today - nervous - excited - sick (see above) - but good! Looking forward to bowling with someone who won't lecture me on arm movements and feckin curtseying! lol
Right... MUST shove off... been flat out at work all morning and heaps to do... still got CDC stuff in my head! You know what - makes me respect EVEN MORE - those who are already accredited! Never realised there was so much to it and they all make it look so easy! lol Trust me.. it is and it isn't!
Wonder how my fellow trainees are doing... might waffle about that another time too... perhaps over the next few days I may get chance to almost catch up with all my friends diaries (sorry been a really really inward looking muppet of late, not always a good thing, but sometimes a necessary evil).
Happy days!