Right, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited...and I just can't hide it......i'm about to lose control and I think I like it.... (hee hee hee - singing away already this morning!!).... I got Zoe last night and we went to Tesco on the way home and were both in a mad mood and ended up chasing each other around the fruit and veg section having a 'tesco coolbag' fight (similar to pillow but much more fun when ducking behind stacks of spuds and onions!!)
She's as hyped as I am about going to the Rally and when I arrived to fetch her, her boss and I were chatting and she asked where we were going and then exclaimed - "wow, a motorbike rally! you're the coolest mum!" LMAO
Having exhausted ourselves messing around in Tesco (and deciding to splash out in a couple of cds for the long journey ahead today) we set off home... 2 junctions later and Zoe remembered she'd forgotten some fudge she's made especially to give everyone so... despite it already being midnight, we turned around.. lol... got lost... got found... fetched fudge and went home! We put on the cds and danced and sang all the way along the A1, A14 and A45 until at last we were on our drive.
By this time I was shattered and, her 1st load of washing in the machine and I headed for bed. Slept great but woke at 7 and haven't packed yet... want to be on the road by 9ish as it's about 4 hours to Filey from here... and to be honest, I just want to get there, get all unloaded and settled in and CHILL out..
Zoe sent me the loveliest text yesterday morning... it simply read "I am so excited. A whole 4 days chilling out with my mum in a lush caravan. Can't wait. Love you loads xxxxxxx"
We're going to have such a great time, I can tell.
I'm sitting here in my nightshirt wondering what to do first... already got a load of her washing in the tumble drier (no way it'll be dry in time otherwise), washing up is done... and I haven't packed a stitch of clothing yet...so... am doing what I do best (well, perhaps second best :giggle: :giggle:

) and writing a list! lol
Clothes, food, George Foreman Grill, boot full of coke zero and Asda sugar free appleade, CD packs, Husks, Fibre89, ramekins, my mug I have my soup in, kebab skewers, tupperware tubs, foil, cling film, washing up liquid, towels, disposable BBQs.... so the list continues... then of course there are sub-headings...
Ie... Toiletries... Clothes (OMG WHAT AM I GOING TO PACK!!!!!!) it's freaking 4 days, 3 nights, bike rides out (so might get wet and cold so will need extra layers for that - hope mate brings spare thermals for me!!)....BIKE gear... ooooh I get to wear me leather trousers ALL DAY and no one will bat an eye!

:giggle:... shoes!! Boots... trainers... hair stuff... flippin heck... am going to need a trailer!! Well, at least I don't need to worry about 'posh' gear as its a rally - it's lovely and casual ALL the time (including evenings - although I am toying with the idea of wearing that little black bustier thing with my new black jeans on the Saturday night.... will pack it 'just in case'... ) lol
In the car Zoe decided that one of the songs on the new cd is MY song... Diana Ross "I'm coming out"... google the lyrics and you'll see why

and no, I'm NOT gay! lol
We also decided to have OUR Rally song... and that's "I'm every woman" lol
Lord, I LOVE her!!
So... best get on with it or will be late!! Zoe and her fella are asleep - he finished work at 3am.. so the deal is, I wake her half an hour before we leave... She'll just shove all her stuff in a bag and throw it onthe back seat... lol lol
We sat and looked through old photos of previous rallies last night, that album's coming with us... I can't wait to see everyone tonight, I'm a real mixture of excited and nervous all at once... will be glad to get to tomorrow when the way I look will have been accepted as the new 'norm'...

This rally is the first I've been to since my ex left me... so not really talked about that with them all... hopefully won't have to this time.. and that's sort of why I stopped going... because I knew it would be incredibly hard... plus I was a mess (mentally. physically, oh in every way... ) ...have I really changed..? lmao prolly not... lol
Right... here we go, here we go, here we go....