Lol, well, am still hyped about the skydive but am a bit stressed about other stuff going on so was up all night until 5.30am today and feel rough as a dogs doodahs!
Went to work (not sure how) and did a few things there, then off to get postcards in shop windows, reprint some temp business cards, post more info out to some more enquiries... 3 clients started now and several info packs out there in the mist... lol... placed my order just in time this morning but worried I will miss it tomorrow as Zoe has an interview (hurrah!!!) please let her get this job!! It is in a fab place but difficult to get to.. I know that I will end up being cabby again but its ok... if she's earning then it's ok.
I watched the skydive dvd again today with some friends and I got all choked up... hadn't really realised just how much it meant to me...
The whole day was incredible though... started off with me feeling so hyper I couldn't settle so dashed around the house until time to go.. (had me brekkie first! lol)... not missing out on my shredded wheat y'know! lol As I was driving up to the airfield I got a phone call from a chap I know via t'internet but hadn't met... he asked if I had anyone with me and I told him nope, Zoe had dipped out (way too much celebrating.. lol) and I was on my own.
He said he would meet me there as he's into planes and all that stuff... so that was kind (I thought)... and when I got there I was still mega excited... lol... found the place where you book in and did exactly that... was 3rd person to do so... by this time the fog had started to lift... and the sky was beginning to show signs of better things!! (I stopped on the drive there to take a photo of the sun in the fog!)...
Had a look 'round at some bi-planes and a minor snoop in a hangar too... had a lovely natter with some fellas who were refuelling a Tiger Moth... and discovered there is a place that does wingwalking so might look into that...

Then it was time to just hang around until briefing was to take place... then the chap from t'interweb showed up. Nice guy, very knowledgable about matters avionic... and it was odd but ok. I was then called off to be briefed and, fully resplendent in my stripey hat and gloves etc I listened carefully to Stuart (my jumping partner)... he told us the order we would be going in and then led me off to the hut where the jumpsuits were... I had a rather fetching black and red number... lol Well, I was glad it fitted and that I had on my thermal long johns too as it really was pretty chilly!!...