Monday evening and its already black outside - how naff is that!! Sorry not been on for a couple of days... been trying to get so much done here - CDC stuff (still not even looked at the studying bits!) Now have 4 clients, all are lovely...seeing another potential 2 tomorrow and had a few enquiries over the weekend too. Fingers crossed that some of them come to fruition all are really really lovely people.
Glad you liked the skydive piccies

I still grin every time I think of it! lol Debbie - I'm positive you can do it up your way! Sharon (SS) great avatar... lol.. I have a pic like that too now! lol I remember Ailsa and Ann posing like that in Brum at the first ever 'meet' I went to.
Sarah - thanks for the text and your ceaslessly wonderful support sweetheart - hope you're having happy days at the moment. Cheryl... sorry not caught up since that short call. Lots gone on since then - will try and catch up very soon and bring you up to speed!!
Ah, and Shaza... I really hope you are feeling loads better today...haven't had chance yet to read your diary and catch up, but I'll try! As for renaming me - lol - nah... 'tis me name and that's that...

Constant reminder of where I have journeyed from... I keep meaning to read back but don't think that would be a good idea at the moment...
The last few days have, as ever, been a right royal rollercoaster of emotions and I am beginning to wonder if the lack of TOTM is taking it's toll!! One minute happy as a pig in poo, the next way down in the doldrums... doesn't make an ounce of sense!
At the moment, am sort of in the middle on a more even keel, but desperately in need of a good night's sleep! Been having the strangest dreams too! Not food related, well not always... lol
Something kicked off with PQM t'other week and as a result me and someone else had major ructions, which led to an inordinately shocking amount of angst on both parties behalfs... this led to much soul searching and no real conclusions drawn apart from that we both felt appalling and don't fancy feeling that way again in a hurry thank you very much! (this is, as you may imagine, a male friend of mine....)
So... PQM.... well... let's just say that on one of our ambles home from the pub we made contact (not intimately you understand!!!)... and it was very nice BUT... 2 days later and he's stood in my kitchen apologising and saying he can't be what I want or need him to be! FFS!! He doesn't KNOW what I want or need... but still... it's a good thing really coz it made me think very hard about him and about how nice it's been just being mates and that is more important by a LONG stretch!