Sorry for absence - loads and loads to tell... not all good, not all bad... but am still here, still manic, still maintaining... still trying to cram 72 hours of life into every 24 hours available!
Tough week, lots of emotions, some major ups and downs.. am crazy busy this week - lots of clients and work is heavy heavy heavy. Roll on Friday when I get to down tools, switch off mobbies and sod off to see The Lion King in London for my birthday. (My birthday is on Monday but my friend's taking me Friday and then we'll hit The Blues Bar for nosh and dancing 'til the wee hours and an overnighter in a posh hotel and home again Saturday.
I really do have oodles to share just not time to type it at the moment (Sounds bad but it's true...) very very sad memories had a massive impact on me last week and I battled some real nasty emotions... did some lovely things too, dinner with mum and sis, went to see The Committments in MK & lost my voice and almost my jeans!(Was pogo-ing and had to hang on to them to stop them falling down!)... stuff going on with PQM, my cycling chum and a dear friend... lots of financial stuff, work stuff, kid stuff... you know the routine... loving food and maintaining... absolutely adore my clients (12 now)... PCT stuff still in my mind all the time... work is mad... so.. must go and get on, been burning the candle both ends and in the middle.. so , excuse the pun but, everything is getting on my 'wick' at the mo!

not really - just hanging onto things as best I can...
Promise to update at least SOME of my manic moments at some point this weekend.. (think I have 2 hours to myself on Sunday morning....) xxxxx