Well, it's almost 1am Saturday and I just got home having left the house at 6am for the NEC! What a week this has been... dead tired now but have to pack for tomorrow's conference and do in the evening!! Need to do a spot of ironing too! Argh.
Sorry just not had time to update before now but have been manic all week!
I have entered Slimmer Of The Year but know that there are those who are far more deserving so am not expecting anything other than an interesting conference, a lovely time meeting new and existing friends and having a fabulous evening and a lush lie in on Sunday with a leisurely drive home.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Ailsa again - I've really missed our weekly meetings... happy to say that I'm still 10 stone 9 so the borrowed dress still fits ok... must empty camera memory card and put new batteries in as want to take pics of everyone tomorrow.
I know what I have to pack (clothes wise - which is, in itself, pretty miraculous) but not got any of it sorted yet as been flat out with work, and then today the NEC again (which was fabb!!!!)...
after the NEC I sat on the M6 for a while - there was a crash - and arrived in Thrapston to meet Lucy at a wine bar for a gig. It was superb! Jam tribute band... absolutely brilliant.... I was pogo-ing like a good 'un... lol.. loved it!! Finally left there around midnight and headed for the pub as I had promised the landlady I would call in tonight as it was their grand opening having refurbed... so... did that, had 2 pints of diet coke and here I am! Home at last! lol
Not sure where to begin so will plug the iron in for starters and get the suitcase out! lol
Will see some of you tomorrow! (well, today now!!) eek... 5 hours before I have to be up!! Blah!! lol
Mandy - I am so chuffed for you and know you so deserve an award so will be rooting for you BIG time tomorrow!!