Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

I did wonder where yo'ud been. NICE to see you back :clap: :D

Am going away with my bike club next week for 5 days to Normandy. I've been aiming to be fit enough to go for months now and had my place promised me, lift sorted , travel insurance paid for, time off work booked, euros stashed in readiness, even the pannier off his bike in my house waiting to be packed..... to be told on Sunday night (11 days prior to going) that the friend who was taking me had decided not to... because he has just met someone and she 'might' want to go and even if she doesn't he's 'not allowed' to have anyone else sitting on the back of his motorbike...(FFS - he's 53 and if he were the last man on the planet I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole... it's only a lift!!! grrrr) Anyway - its a long boring story, but the upshot is, I was gutted and spat me dummy out BIG time, we had a massive falling out, he now won't speak to me despite my extending the olive branch big style and apologising for losing it (But to be honest, someone drops a bombshell on you like that - are you going to be all smiles and nicities?? Me thinks not!).

Does your friend realise what he did? It's bad enough when friends hebave like fools becuase they've got themself another half. Does he know what it means to you to go? It's not a simple case of getting on his bike and going .... you've lost a person in weight and made sure you were fit, paid money for stuff to bring along and paid for insurance. It was a year in the planning! So you getting angry is no surprise. Sometimes friends can really let you down.

I'm still going on the trip - someone else (out of the blue) offered me a lift. There was a major hoo hah about my sleeping arrangements too as I was booked to share with another female but my 'friend' had now promised someone else that too!!!!!

The cheeky swine!!!! Do you still class this person as a 'friend'?

At the end of the day, it has caused loads of problems but I wasn't prepared to lose my one holiday this year and I am now having to share with 2 blokes (but we each have our own bed) so it'll be an interesting trip!!

You go girl!!! Good for you!!!! Yey

Still madly in lurve with PQM and wishing there was a way to surgically remove my feelings for him!!

There is one person like that in nearly everyone's life. Gggrrr....

Nice to see you to see you nice.
oh jenny.. i would have gone absaloutely crazy if someone had done that to me.. when someone promised you a lift on the back of their bike.. thats what they've done.. you know.. he should maybe get a backbone if hes only just met this lass and shes already dictating his life.. lol.. But im glad you're still going.. and you'll have a fab time. :)

Glad to hear your all healing nicely.. and not under house arrest anymore.. i could just imagine you standin there at your windows with big metal bars around them.. lol..
Miss you soooo much.. whats happened with your mobile??

x x
hey babe,
good to see back & posting, we've missed u being around!
i can just imagine how u r feeling, being messed around, not once, but twice, for this trip!
anyway, i know u, u'll go & make the most of it & thoroughly enjoy yourself!
take it easy back at work babe, don't want u burning out again
Just a quick hi from me too as I've also been dashing around like a mad thing (both before and after my holiday).

You take care and I hope you have a fab holiday despite all the difficulties you've had sorting it out.

Lots of love
just dashing in... have to try and pack 3kg of clothes for a 3 night, 4 day motorcycling holiday! Argh! That includes toiletries and footwear! I can do it.. I can do it.. .lol small tops, lots of layers on bike, pants.. bras.. need to google weather forecast..

CC - thanks for all the comments... he has made it very clear that I am no longer a friend and am person non gratis... feel sad but life's way too short to be worrying about him and his ridiculous attitude.. lol

I told PQM today that I have met someone and so he can breath easy... lol.. he reacted exactly as I thought he would ... 'good on ya mate, hope he treats you right, coz if he don't we'll break his legs' ... it's weird actually but feels kinda liberating to have 'let go' in a way. I mean. He (PQM) will always have a massive place in my heart no matter what... but things have changed somewhat over the last few days.

A friend (yes, just a friend) who I'd been chatting to online since January, came up to give me a lift to Donington on his bike. Platonic mates with a shared love of bikes.. that was all. Pure and simple. Well... after a very short time of his arriving we soon realised that there was something very odd going on... we were both very nervous of one another and when he said he owed me a hug for when everything had kicked off about the holiday, we hugged. I thought, it'll be a quick hug and then I'll get back to me cooking... nuh -uh... we kind of stood there for a moment and I know I stopped breathing... not sure if he did or not.. but there was a kind of embarassed foot shuffling and me being very pink faced, let go saying... umm right... I better cook!

We opened a bottle of wine and I baked cakes and biscuits and made dinner and he helped prep the food for Sunday (we were to meet up with 2 of his mates and possibly 2 of mine when we got there, so did loads of food). Well, we hugged again... a couple of times... each time a tad longer than the last.. and in the end (and after a glass and a half of wine) he kissed me. OMG!!! I'm sorry, but all those cheesy 'did the earth move for you' kind of comments... well.. I know what they mean now!!!

Suffice it to say, we talked most of the night.

I remember going to bed and looking at the clock around 4am and then at 5am it was time to get up and get ready and go! We set off at 5.45am (a bit later than planned) and we had the best day out ever. Got to Donington for around 7am, pitched all our gear on the ground and settled down for the day.. it was wonderful. Got some fantastic photos and had a fabulous time. (Moto GP)

Oh, we went up on his motorbike and he is a brill rider - very safe... has done the RoSPA advanced rider course etc... I felt very safe indeed.

Anyway,... I was going to keep this brief!

We got home around 8pm and were shattered so didn't go out.

He left on Monday afternoon as planned (originally it was to be him and a mate coming for the weekend)... and when he left I cried.. pathetic innit!

Since then we have been texting and ringing and emailing constantly. He's coming up again tomorrow so he can see me before I go away.. and the following weekend we're going to go and stay at his parents place!!!

He has the most incredible eyes and eyelashes I've ever seen.. he's a bit younger than me (hee hee hee)... has a comlicated situation which will be resolved withing the next 6 weeks.. (well, partially resolved)... and I miss him like mad!

I know it could just be infatuation and could burn out but you know what.. I don't care... because right now I am on cloud frickin 9 and loving it up here!

Will catch up when I get back from France next week - now I'm off to cram a wardrobe into a top box!!!
Way to go Jen,

ooOOoo how exciting.... like you say it's early days, but enjoy being up there in the clouds... you deserve it!!! :)

Nas x
Sounds v v v v v v v exciting, i remember those days!!! lol. Loving your updates again, please don't make us wait so long ever again xxxx
Bonjour mes amies!

(I know, spelling's pants!)

Well, what an incredible holiday - oooh la la monsieur and all that!

I've put some pics on photobox... if I can figure out the link I'll whack it on here somewhere...

Seeing my man tomorrow - all kinds of thoughts whirling around my head... he came to see me the night before I went away (did I tell you that??) ... oh.. and the guy who was such an ar*e before the hols was as right as rain when we were away. We didn't spend a huge amount in each others company but we're friends still and that was a massive relief to me. I just behaved as I always do.. and he seemed to forget all about the issues... he didn't bring his lady... so.. all that stress for nowt!

Had a fab time, got home in the early hours Weds.. then had to drive to Sheffield for a funeral... stayed overnight and home Thursday... absolutely shattered today. Back in the office with boss all morning and now about to apply for a job with the police.. fingers crossed!

Lots happened whilst away - loads of reflection but absolutely bundles of laughter... too much food and drink... up 3lbs today on this time last week but will shift that by next week no probs (already lost 1 since yesterday) so not too worried. Need to walk more though and get back on track with the calories... slipped into old habits of chocolate bars!!! NOT good!

Photos give a good idea of the trip.

For those who know me really well, I'll pm you a pic of me new man... hee hee hee... we had our photo taken at Donington... it's on my phone too... he's mad keen to see me and texted me every day and rang too... he sent me a lush bouquet of yellow roses yesterday and is coming up tomorrow to spend the weekend with me!

He wanted me to meet his parents this weekend but thankfully I bottled it (am too tired to drive a 6 hr round trip to be honest) and there was much relief all round I think! Way too early to be doing that kinda thing! We are planning to spend Bank Hol weekend at Cadwell Park (bike racing) but will wait and see how I feel after this weekend first.

PQM rang me when I was in France too!! (and texted me to say have a good time... and rang me yesterday an all... odd... ah well. )

Got chatted up on hols which was hilarious, AND on the ferry coming back!!! Unbelievable!!

I swear, this year is a crazy one... right... job applications to fill in and housework to do and maybe a bit of sunbathing (whilst the sun is putting in an appearance it seems rude to ignore it!!).

Hope this link works!

- Shared Private Photo Album - PhotoBox

oops... you need the password! (PM me for it!!)
Great to hear you had a wonderful time and welcome back. Can't get into the link but would lurv to see a piccy. Must get my ar$e back into gear and catch up on all the threads, I have been awol for over 6 weeks now!
glad to hear all is good in Jennie land.
sound like a lovely holiday, but 3lbs, pah, that'll be gone in no time hun.
do need to catch up some time soon
Blimey , almost a month since I posted! Life HAS been mad... back to goal again now - hurrah! Lots going on... riding motorbike again, loads, hee hee... loving it... working too much... playing too much ;) dating too much!!

Life is pretty much the same as usual.. not enough hours in the day.. and those I do have are crammed with 'stuff' to do!

Busy weekend coming up (no change there then...) and the same until Mid October! Eek!

Dating is complicated but enjoyable (most of the time)... friends are fab as ever... girls giving me cause for concern (as usual too!)... family, well, bless him, my stepdad is 90 next month and hasn't got a clue who I am anymore but still told me he loves me... mum had an op last week and is doing great... nana is 95 and as crabbity as ever - gotta love her!

As for me.. well.. I'm doing ok... weight is still maintained... going out for meals etc and keeping things under control with calorie counting. Love my food too much to ever go back on CD again!

It's only been 10 months so far and very difficult not to get complacent so I am still doing my counting every single day! (Flippin walking calorie counter - don't even need to read most wrappers!!! Bit of an anorak really... lol)

Well... best go to bed... more accounts tomorrow and late meeting too... and I want to ride the bike to work so that means getting up just a little bit earlier too - well worth it though.. am LOVING it!!

Test next month! Will keep you posted... gosh I need to catch up on here! xx these are those France piccies again.. password is Honda (oops.. sorry about that Cheryl!) xx
Lovely to hear from you hun and glad you are having a great time. Photos are brill! Things not so good here, probs with DD again but a very long and boring story, so will try to email you instead. Have a great weekend x x x
Hello you :)
Was nice to catch up the other day :DSorry I was so 'out of it''ll be glad to hear the drugs have finally kicked in and I'm pretty much better!!

I forget just how much stuff you fit in to each day.....take care of you and see you sometime!!
yeaahhh jen scanned quickly through the last few pages of your diary
see you are still s buisy as ever do you ever stop women lol
i have been AWOL for ages and there is loads to catch up on in here
you are still looking fabaroooony
kaz xxxx
Youyr France pics look ace.

Lots of love cc xxxxx :D
Still manic in my world... too much to do, not enough hours... bit more complication on the man front - think I'll just join a convent and be done with it. PQM has fallen in love with someone and I'm gutted! Ridiculous as I knew he never wanted me.. but this just slams the door so to speak. Still... his loss (if I keep telling myself that then I may believe it one day eh?)

Financially things are bleak although there is a chink of hope! I called in at a former employers yesterday afternoon and am sending my cv to them as there is a vacancy I could fill! It's a bit of a trek to MK each day but I used to do it and now I don't have to worry about getting home in time to cook dinner etc I reckon it could be the answer to my prayers!

Fuel costs are a bit prohibitive, but when I get my bike license and a bike then that will help enormously!

Bike test is next Friday !!! Am a bundle of nerves about it but will give it my best shot!

This weekend is busy... off to Silverstone to watch some friends race cars, then Sunday bike club event in Warwickshire so am working all day then home and hosting a BBQ for some of the guys who are stopping over after the bike show... then Monday its our club mega charity day in aid of the air ambulance and I'm working there and on top of all that I have to bake 100 fairy cakes! So... got today off work and starting baking - already cleaned bathroom and cloakroom and made up spare room for houseguest... need to pitch tent in garden for the other 2,... have to work out what salad etc to get for Sunday eve (need to get that in tomorrow morning)..and just check I've got enough disposable BBQ's!

Oh.. and also send off Cv to a couple of places and go to the bank, get waxed, do the washing!

Not out tonight but want to go out on bike for a ride so will do that in between everything else too... happy days! :D

Can't believe it's almost a year since I got to goal... :eek:
Hi honey

Wow a year already??? Well done, you should be so proud of yourself.

TT all ok?

Your life sounds manic as usual, although you seem to be enjoying it!

Forget PQM hun, his loss for sure!

lots of luv