Blergh! - FatFairNForty(ish) - my diary

Hiya - is there anyone out there?

Just a quick (2000th) post to say - thinking of you and hoping that the sun starts to shine for you.

There's not much more that needs saying - and where else would I post my 2000th one eh?

xxx (and high hugs)

Been an odd few days really, lots happened, some good, some bad.
Perhaps the sunshine will inspire me.

Zoe crashed her car the other week and I have forked out £500 to get that back on the road and now have to sub her petrol money for the month... Sarah has come home for a few days... I'm exhausted and sore but much improved.

Had a fantastic bank holiday weekend on so many levels and then came down to earth with a crash last night when talking with Sarah.

Life eh... ups, downs, ins, out, any way the wind blows......
but thats your life Jennie, its never any different is it, lets face it though, a flat road, no ups & downs you'd soon get bored wouldn't you ???
enjoy the sun (if you have it)
love ya
Life's still presenting its challenges but things are looking up... the sunshine definitely helped and I now have a burnt nose and a bit of colour on my bones that makes me feel a hell of a lot better.

Belly still sore and swollen but improving daily - it helps that I went to see my GP and told him how I've been feeling lately. It was, as Bob Hoskins used to tell us 'Good to talk'.

I've overdone things somewhat and hurt again, but I am learning, honest... yesterday I took it really easy and today too... and next week I am being whisked off to Snowdonia to my friends hotel for 4 days/3 nights to make sure I do rest. I won't have to lift a finger (which will be a combination of sheer pleasure and unadulterated torture too!!) and to be honest, I am really looking forward to getting out of these 4 walls.

I love my home but it's been almost 6 weeks of incarcaration (sp) and I'm not good at sitting still....

Loads happened on the man front... PQM and I had, well, an 'interesting' conversation where basically I declared undying love to him and he told me that whilst I was everything he wanted in a woman and partner that he didn't love me so to forget about him and give others a chance as he is sure there is at least one admirer I'm unaware of because I can't see beyond him... I hasten to add at this point, that I was inebriated at the time of this horrendously embarassing conversation and also, he told me I'd already said as much months ago when in a similar state!! oops... still... he knows where I'm at with my feelings towards him and I did say that I gave up on him ages ago... and we're off to the BMF rally together tomorrow with his son.
Mates it is then eh!

Other news - Zoe's car is now back on the road, having cost me £500 and a substantial amount of teeth gnashing and tears (mine not hers)... I am hoping and praying that she will be more careful now.

Sarah is job hunting in Nottingham and we are optimistic that she might well have a job offer by the end of this week... that will be a massive relief to me as I worry about her constantly.

My mum is doing ok. She has a dreadfully painful shoulder which may need surgery but she has carers coming in to help with stepdad on a daily basis so things are a little (not a lot) easier for her now.

Sis is working flat out on Luton Carnival - she's incredible you know... such a gifted organiser! Am hoping and praying for good weather for her and the rest of the Carnival crew.

I'm ok. Bit mixed up emotionally. Had a chat with my GP about stuff and we agreed some coping strategies and so I am optimistic about things.

Last night went out with friends (they're getting married soon) for a drink and had a lovely time - bumped into my bike riding instructor (he is lush!!) and he introduced me to some of his friends and they invited me to join their bike club... which I thought was really ace!

My bike club have definitely forgotten I exist... out of sight definitely out of mind... shame really as I loved my Weds nights... when I am able to drive again I will decide whether or not I want to still go there...

WPML man and I are friends but on my terms (he was a complete control freak)... I think too though that I need to realise that I am a nightmare of a girlfriend and impossible to please... lol lol

I'm sort of seeing a chap at the moment - early days and I keep telling him that too... bit worried he has Stalker Steve potential.. but time will tell.

Weight wise I am struggling to get back to pre-op weight because I am not doing much. So, reduced calories and the lbs are slowly coming off and I am back to goal weight. Want to lose another 8lbs to be back at pre-op weight but also know that I have to be careful to allow my body enough stores to recover and mend.

Am not bored as such but have definitely got too much 'fridge-surfing' time on my hands.. so am glad I don't have tempting goodies around.

At the moment I'm having on average 1200-1500 cals a day. I miss having more but know that I don't want to put any on so it's a short term thing before being fully fit and back to burning cals mode and consuming 1900-2000 a day again.

I am having the odd treat though - custard slice last week... jam doughnut this week (didn't like the doughnut that much so won't bother again).

Have been out for some meals and been dead careful - I can totally recommend the Axe & Compass in Ringstead - they do fabulous healthy food and are well up for adapting things to suit. Better yet, on Mondays-Thursday they run a kind of BOGOF offer where you get the cheaper meal for free! Right result!

Am off to inspect the backs of my eyelids again now as I am totally whacked out, despite doing nothing today except see 1 client!!
Poor you!!!

Enjoy your time in Snowdonia - I was there two weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. The change in environment will do you the world of good and hasten your recovery I should think.

I'm so chuffed things are looking bright on the dating front too.

Take Care ..... x
im off to google snowdonia.. hope you have a fab time.. you really deserve it..
It will make a good change for you to get away for a little bit.. have different surroundings.. and just be able to relax a while (jenny.. relax.. are you sure)..
Take it easy doll..

Love ya

x x x
Hello lovely!

Great to hear from you, was getting worried~!!

Glad you're on the mend and are resting up at last, snowdonia sounds great, what a fab friend you have there!

Enjoy and come back and update real soon xxx
Poor you!!!

Enjoy your time in Snowdonia - I was there two weeks ago and I really enjoyed it. The change in environment will do you the world of good and hasten your recovery I should think.

I'm so chuffed things are looking bright on the dating front too.

Take Care ..... x

Everyone is coming to Snowdonia and not popping in to say hello to me!!!

I can see Snowdon from my house - so near yet so far!

Jennie, enjoy your rest and make sure you make the most of being looked after!
Hey Jennie,

Hope ypu've had or are having a fab time.... and enjoying all that relaxing.... lol what i'd give to swop places with ya.... well I wouldn't wanna be recuperating from a op!!!!!

Take Care

Love Nas x
Have a wonderful time in Snowdonia, take care of yourself & enjoy xxx
Hi Jenny

Just popping by to say Hello... hope all is well!!!

I'm here... it's been a very weird time... Snowdonia was lovely. Glorious weather apart from one afternoon and the most breathtaking scenery. Since then things have been hectic and varied to say the least! Recovering well from op still and back behind the steering wheel at long last!

Have lost the weight gained during period of house imprisonment so am glad about that.

Loads of stress with my lovely elder daughter but that all seems to have calmed down now... issues with blokes (as always!!!!!) but am thinking that I am best just dating loads (no - do not read into that any kind of 'sleeping around' as I really do mean, just dating).

Still madly in lurve with PQM and wishing there was a way to surgically remove my feelings for him!!

Am going away with my bike club next week for 5 days to Normandy. I've been aiming to be fit enough to go for months now and had my place promised me, lift sorted , travel insurance paid for, time off work booked, euros stashed in readiness, even the pannier off his bike in my house waiting to be packed..... to be told on Sunday night (11 days prior to going) that the friend who was taking me had decided not to... because he has just met someone and she 'might' want to go and even if she doesn't he's 'not allowed' to have anyone else sitting on the back of his motorbike...(FFS - he's 53 and if he were the last man on the planet I wouldn't touch him with a bargepole... it's only a lift!!! grrrr) Anyway - its a long boring story, but the upshot is, I was gutted and spat me dummy out BIG time, we had a massive falling out, he now won't speak to me despite my extending the olive branch big style and apologising for losing it (But to be honest, someone drops a bombshell on you like that - are you going to be all smiles and nicities?? Me thinks not!).

I'm still going on the trip - someone else (out of the blue) offered me a lift. There was a major hoo hah about my sleeping arrangements too as I was booked to share with another female but my 'friend' had now promised someone else that too!!!!!

At the end of the day, it has caused loads of problems but I wasn't prepared to lose my one holiday this year and I am now having to share with 2 blokes (but we each have our own bed) so it'll be an interesting trip!!

Still a CDC, still being let down by some clients but thankfully not most. I had considered implementing a 'minimum spend' to stop time wasters but I can't bring myself to do it at the moment. They are such lovely people and I know it can be a tough diet so... they come, we talk, they weigh, we talk some more, they leave.. lol

I love 'em all... I have one who is doing so well, they've lost over 5 stone now and the change is dramatic. Am so pleased for them.

Anyway - must dash or will be late for work... went back last week and am finding it tiring but good to be busy in a very positive way again. Even managed to take the dog out for a walk yesterday afternoon without nodding off! lol

Life is getting back to it's normal mad self! Must remember to tell you about BBQ... Rally.... Bike racing... current 'interest' from certain chaps...

Sorry not be on but been in a weird place headwise for a few weeks now... xxxxx