Good morning!
Slept well (hurrah!) and woke without the alarm just minutes before it was set to go off - a good sign as it shows my body is getting back into a good routine.
Decided to crack on with club shop orders and got those ready whilst drying from shower... also managed to sort out some rubbish in my bedroom so am feeling quite upbeat and breezy (not in the flatulance sense!) right now...
Shrek was already up and ... watching telly... he was almost apoplectic yesterday when it wasn't working... I felt sorry for him in a way, he cuts a pretty pathetic figure at the moment in his dressing gown and slippers... looks all his years and then some... it's not been good for him, living with me, and I know it's taken it's toll... and I feel bad about that. I think he realises that it really is just a matter of somewhere to live now. Then again, I don't know.. he's such a closed book I can never tell and, I've given up trying to.
This morning I'm a tad unfocused at work but once off here (oh how addictive it is!) I shall sit and plan my work and the rest of my day... I know that once I get home, weather permitting, I shall do the garden - something that Shrek has never done, I shall do the nasty job of de-pooing the back lawn (well, it's sort of a lawn) cut the grass, then do the front and trim the hedge and then, energy and weather permitting, I shall also try and sort out the now dead plant that hangs listlessly over the back fence... Hate how it all looks since the neighbours at the back of my house decided to murder it all on their side and didn't consider the impact on my side... already had to take a whole load to the dump. Still, I understand why they did it... it was ruining their garage roof, but, what was once a lovely green view is now a white tarpaulin that looks horrendous! (Will take pics to show you what I mean)... really used to love my back garden but it looks dreadful now. Oh, and the pond pump has packed up too! lol
Fish are still surviving though so am hoping it will be ok..
Argh - the kids have all arrived for the nursery - where I work there is only a partition wall between myself and a hall full of screaming toddlers... it used to be a nice noise... laughing etc but they have a different bunch this term and there are 2 boys who think it wonderful to yell and scream all day and bang on the adjoining wall as much as possible.. lol
I am sure if I wanted to I could make a fuss, but hey, they're little and having fun, but moreover... it's soon going to be half term! lol
Right - must get off now and do some accounts and probably more file sorting...
Hope all have a great day!
Weigh in tomorrow! Can't wait but hope my drinking of coke zero and Dr P zero haven't had a bad impact!
Oh... just thought,... must vacuum and polish this afternoon as the dust is making me chesty (and not in an ooo-er missus way!)
Thanks for letting me offload about Shrek.. will try to limit myself to one gripe a day... LMAO! Later! xxx