31 minutes before I start! That will be midnight tonight 10th October 2006.
Earlier this evening I drove to the whiles of Northamptons borders and met my Cambridge Diet Counsellor (AKB). What was supposed to be an hours intro etc turned rapidly into almost 3 hours! I know it's because I could talk for Britain, but also because she has been where I'm at, and it was SO good to speak to someone who REALLY understands!
She was lovely, and so clued up on it all, I was very impressed (also incredibly impressed with how tidy her house is!)
Having been diagnosed a few months ago with Obstructuve Sleep Apnea, and being told that the ONLY treatment was a revolting Darth Vadar/Aliens Cpap machine

, I decided it was time to take drastic action! I've thrown so much money at my OSA problem trying out some real dodgy gizmos and gadgets to solve the issues..

but, alas, no good. So, whilst scouring the net I found a site FULL with information and discovered that losing weight is the best way to irradicate the problem!
Now, don't get me wrong, I have ALWAYS known my weight was unhealthy - let's face it, I've had my entire family and the world, his wife, his kids and his divorce lawyers telling me for the last 30 odd years!

If I didn't know now I'd have to be pretty dense (no pun intended!. SO - armed with all the info, and having argued vociferously (good word that! better keep that for another time...) with the ENT registrars secretary at a certain hospital, I decided to show them that they were wrong! I AM NOT PREPARED TO WEAR A MASK IN BED! (well, unless I meet someone who...

well, anyway....) So, being the stubborn bolshy mare my friends know and love, I made the decision to lose weight.
I heard about CD years ago and made a half-hearted attempt last year.. I was doing really well (for 3 weeks) when I met a man who later became a very special person in my life. A
very large man, I soon gave in to his persuasive offers of meals out (yeah, like I took any persuading!!), seaside trips with the obligatory donuts and weekends away - all involving copious amounts of my glorious passion - food!). So, I gave up on the diet and promptly regained it all and then some.

Sadly, 8 months later (and not realising it was apnea) he called it a day saying that he couldn't cope with my snoring..
One day, I'm going to stride up to his front door and pretend to be someone else and see if he realises it's me! In fact, I think I will return the diamond ring he gave me... that will be the clue, and when I do I'm going to flash the biggest smile at him and look him in the eye and say... "look who you could have been with all this time...oh, and by the way, I don't snore now!".. then I'll smile and leave!
It isn't his fault I am fat, just as
it isn't my mums for giving me junk food,
or my mates for bringing bucket loads of chocs to me when I was off my feet for 2 years in my late teens,
nor is it the fault of my ex-husband for leaving me for his trim, petite, attractive floosy... I mean, um... now wife!...
nor is it the fault of my nan for her home baking,
or the chippy for piling extras in for me coz I used to flirt with him (lol)... nope... as I was trying to explain to one of my endless slimming club leaders once... it's not my thyroid, it's not my metabolism, it's not my build, it's not in my genes (hell, I haven't even worn jeans for at least 3 years!)...
it is simply me! I have put every single morsel into this bottomless (well, no, that's not true, it has a very large bottom at the moment!!!

) pit and enjoyed almost all of it!
So now, it's time to change.
I want to be me, the real me, the me who is desperate to make a break, the me who wants to wear jeans again, who wants to go up the stairs without sounding like she's run a marathon. I want to be the me I've never been.. I want to be the me who can actually go and buy clothes that fit from Primark, Matalan (see, I know the designer names... lol)... I want to be the me who can sit in a restaurant and know that people aren't checking every forkful and looking away tut-tutting in that oh-so-pi*sing-me-off

way they do! I want to walk into a school playground and NOT have the children point and tell their mummies I am a fat lady

! I want to be the me I can be but have never been!
Gosh... this isn't how I meant to be in this diary

, but it's clearly how I feel right now.
I also,... I know revenge is a BAD thing.. but anyway...
I also want to send my ex a photo of the new me (when I arrive!) stuck on a postcard from the caribbean - with a note attached saying..."glad you're not here!
I know I sound bitter and twisted, and maybe I am, but you know what... maybe when there is less of me physically there will be more of me emotionally and the bitterness will leave and the need for revenge will fade away into oblivion.. maybe..
Well, off to bed now and so to awake on my first day of my big adventure!